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xoxoxoBruce 02-12-2018 09:40 PM

For the last few months the TV has been flooded with ads for replacement windows, Renewal by Anderson, in particular.
It sounds like a first class operation, it also sounds expensive, but hey you get what you pay for... or less.

Yesterday I got a hand addressed envelope the size and shape of a Valentines Day card. Silly bunny.
Inside was a letter and business card from the General Manager of Renewals by Anderson for the Philadelphia area.
Her name is Kristin Gardner. Imagine that, a woman running that whole operation.

The question that comes to mind, is she serious, or just wants to use me for a sex toy and discard me? :confused:

Kirstin, if you find this in a vanity search, it's a joke. :blush:

sexobon 02-12-2018 10:23 PM

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If she sees this, she may want to remodel the windows to your soul.


Kristin Gardner
Kristin came to RBA in 2009 as the accounting manager after having worked in the new home construction business for 7 years. After graduating from Villanova University with her MBA in 2011, she was promoted to the operations manager handling both the financial aspects of the business in addition to managing the operations. Working with the most dedicated and FUN professionals in the window business makes coming to work every day a real joy. She takes pride in helping to find solutions to any issues that arise and to making sure our customers have the best experience possible when working with RBA. A happy customer is a reminder of the job we strive to do every day and it’s great to know that the hard work and time we put in really get results. It’s the best reward! Kristin enjoys spending time with her RBA family – from family fun days at Dorney Park to company bowling tournaments and BBQs, she loves that the “Philly Family” can always have a good time together! How many people can say they love to come to work to spend the day with friends?
Personally, Kristin grew up in New Jersey and Switzerland. She loves skiing, travelling and is obsessed with Instagram! She now lives in New Jersey with her husband Matt and new baby, Grace and her four-legged child, Morgan, the dog.

xoxoxoBruce 02-16-2018 03:06 PM

A wonderful interview with Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


Well, emotions like anger, remorse, and jealousy are not productive. They will not accomplish anything, so you must keep them under control. In the days when I was a flaming feminist litigator, I never said to judges who asked improper questions, “You sexist pig.”

I’ll tell you one such incident. So I was arguing a case in Trenton, New Jersey, before a three-judge federal district court and one said, “Well, women are doing fine these days, opportunities are equal for them everywhere.” And I said, “Your honor, flight training isn’t available to women.” “Oh,” he said, “even in the military they have equal opportunity,” and I answered him with flight training is not available. His response to me was, “Oh, don’t tell me that, women have been in the air forever, I know from experience with my own wife and daughter.” So what is my comeback? “I’ve met some men who don’t have their feet planted firmly on the ground.” You don’t see that anymore, but in the 70s when judges knew it was improper to make racist jokes, women were still fair game.

DanaC 02-17-2018 10:33 AM

Very interesting.

xoxoxoBruce 02-17-2018 11:22 AM

Excellent, Dana!
We have met the enemy, and they are us.

DanaC 02-17-2018 11:26 AM

It's often the way. I know I found that out when I was a councillor. There's nothing like working with 'the enemy' on a shared goal and responsibility to make you question your certitude.

Local politics (probably national as well come to that) is funny in that way. On the one hand you have the elections and the council meetings that tend to be very party focused, while on the other hand, you find yourself on various committees where the accepted norm is you try to leave the party politics at the door as you walk in - because now it's about the nuts and bolts of providing various services and achieving various small goals - and then meta-narratives aren't really very helpful. At that point, you're really just a group of people grappling with a practical issue.

xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2018 10:32 PM

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The glass ceiling..

glatt 03-13-2018 07:20 AM

According to the first chart, in 2014, 95% of US residents did not agree with the statement that men should have more rights to a job when times are tough. Up from 80% fifteen years earlier. I think that's pretty good.

And things are consistently improving everywhere except India.

Too bad the data ends in 2014. In the US, things were improving dramatically, but with the election of Trump, I bet they have slipped and gotten worse again.

xoxoxoBruce 04-01-2018 12:44 PM

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The Cosmo Girl in 1967...

sexobon 04-28-2018 11:15 PM

"The Gender Equality Checkpoint"

Hmmm, what would the phonetic equivalent to Checkpoint Charlie be for this thread ... Checkpoint G-String?

xoxoxoBruce 04-30-2018 03:08 PM

Mary Bara, General Motors CEO and Chair(wo)man of the board, took a pay cut in 2017 with a total compensation of only $21.96 million. She got $22.58 million the year before. Gotta keep them bitches in line you know. ;)


sexobon 06-21-2018 08:43 PM

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Congratulations women, you've finally made it!


After 80 Years, The Barbershop Harmony Society Will Allow Women To Join
If you're at all familiar with the modern perception of barbershop singing, you might have guessed that one of its leading organizations, the Barbershop Harmony Society, was an all-male — and all-white — organization at the time of its founding in 1938. The organization opened to people of color in 1963, as the country was living within the crucible of the civil rights movement. For 80 years, though, it remained closed to women. Until yesterday. ...

xoxoxoBruce 07-17-2018 07:05 PM

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They were helping the war effort but also angling for the vote... it worked. :thumb2:

BigV 07-17-2018 08:07 PM

Look at that hoe!

xoxoxoBruce 08-11-2018 06:05 PM

An interesting read, the year of the woman.


According to our data, women have won 65 percent (90 of 138) of decided open Democratic primary races featuring at least one man and one woman. About 46 percent of all women who ran for office won the nomination — a stat we’ll call “win rate.” Men’s win rate has been just 23 percent (although part of their lower win rate is simply that more male candidates are competing against each other and, obviously, only one person can win each race). Women make up 48 percent (114 out of 2384) of the Democratic nominees in primaries that have been decided so far even though only 32 percent (263 of 811) of the candidates we analyzed were women. So, women are clearly having greater success than men.

In fact, all else being equal, being a woman has been worth an additional 10 percentage points over being a man in the open Democratic primaries we looked at.5 That’s one of the two biggest effects we found among all the variables we looked at. (The other variable with a similarly sized effect was having previously held elected office — more on this in a moment.)

sexobon 08-26-2018 11:00 AM

Well, the POTUS has followed in the footsteps of his predecessors and issued the annual proclamation:


… NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim August 26, 2018, as Women’s Equality Day. I call upon the people of the United States to celebrate the achievements of women and observe this day with appropriate programs and activities. …
Congratulations American women, the double-edged sword awaits you for another year.

tw 08-26-2018 12:42 PM

The Don lied again. It is habitual.

sexobon 08-26-2018 02:25 PM

Takes one to know one.

BigV 08-26-2018 03:09 PM

How do you know?

sexobon 08-26-2018 03:17 PM

The same way I know you are but what am I.

tw 08-26-2018 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1014037)
Takes one to know one.

When you talk to the mirror, does it also talk back?

sexobon 08-26-2018 09:25 PM

The mirrors talk only to you. What appears to be reflections are redundancies in your posts.

xoxoxoBruce 09-10-2018 08:11 AM

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You've come a long way baby... er Ms. ;)

sexobon 01-05-2019 10:06 AM

It's about time that the experts in gossip were suitably employed for information gathering in the interest of national security. Probably not so good for the Bond types though.


Sisterhood of spies: Women now hold the top positions at the CIA

CIA Director Gina Haspel has appointed another woman to the top level of the agency, naming Cynthia "Didi" Rapp as deputy director for analysis, essentially the top analyst in the CIA. The appointment means that the top three directorates of the agency, for operations, analysis and science and technology are now all headed by women. ...
Now there's probably an assassin waiting for me if I go outside the country. I can only hope that she does me before doing me in.

xoxoxoBruce 01-05-2019 11:24 AM

That makes sense, they were always better at gathering gossip. :bolt:

However despite progress in management, since Roe vs Wade individual states have prosecuted women for...


so you've got a long way to go, baby. :(

xoxoxoBruce 11-20-2019 12:55 AM

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This lovely lady was ahead of her time.
Her husband bought her a car and she put 6,000 miles on it the first year.
That was a lot of work in 1907/8 when the roads in NJ and vicinity were crude at best.
That was not the car she drove cross country.

xoxoxoBruce 11-21-2019 12:05 AM

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Not just another pretty face...

xoxoxoBruce 12-03-2019 12:13 AM

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The Marines need a few good women...
Part of the training, you have to carry a fellow Marine sometimes.

Gravdigr 12-03-2019 04:56 PM

Now do it with a 75-100+ lb ruck sack on ya back...Not this country boy.

tw 12-03-2019 08:21 PM

She does it with every hair still in place.

xoxoxoBruce 12-03-2019 10:33 PM

That's a pretty steep ramp too.

xoxoxoBruce 12-13-2019 12:09 AM

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In Finland they taken over...

henry quirk 12-13-2019 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1042981)
In Finland they taken over...

4 commies & a vegetarian

xoxoxoBruce 12-27-2019 11:26 PM

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Ferrari is courting favor of the ladies.
I guess they are asking their sugar daddies for BMWs and Mercs instead of Ferraris.

xoxoxoBruce 01-26-2020 05:31 PM

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One of 4 or 5 ladies...

tw 01-29-2020 06:40 PM

Was she the first pilot to successfully ever land a Warthog without any hydraulics?

xoxoxoBruce 01-30-2020 12:57 AM

No, that was Colonel Kim Nichole Reed-Campbell.

xoxoxoBruce 02-07-2020 11:50 PM

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Up your bottom

line guys

xoxoxoBruce 02-27-2020 01:09 AM

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1940, the world was headed straight to hell and educators, as a reflection of society, didn't want girls wearing pants.
But that was 80 years ago. So what?
Only 80 years ago, and until they were needed in the war production wearing pants was frowned upon.

xoxoxoBruce 03-06-2020 12:25 AM

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Didja huh Didja?

xoxoxoBruce 03-06-2020 12:30 AM

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However during The War To End All Wars, WW I, it was brutal...

alexmortone 03-10-2020 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 929601)

Sexism - however it manifests - like racism needs to be discussed and understood.

The world is changing. And our concepts of gender are changing.


Luce 03-11-2020 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1045524)
One of 4 or 5 ladies...

I had always wondered why this wasn't permitted until fairly recently. The USSR had female pilots in WWII that scared the crap out of the Germans.

monster 03-11-2020 09:14 PM

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Attachment 70006

xoxoxoBruce 03-11-2020 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by Luce (Post 1048269)
I had always wondered why this wasn't permitted until fairly recently. The USSR had female pilots in WWII that scared the crap out of the Germans.

The night flyers, they were fearless, developed their own method, they stuck to the plan, and every sortie was as good as it could be after things out of their control was factored in.

Russia had some hot women fighter pilots too. To become an ace in the shit they flew took skill.

xoxoxoBruce 04-13-2020 05:51 PM

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No offence...

xoxoxoBruce 04-20-2020 12:18 AM

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These stories are so common, not just ambitions and dreams squashed but reward withheld from those who fought repression and exceeded in making the world a better place.

xoxoxoBruce 07-07-2020 01:38 AM

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The Dakota, Lakota, and Yankton tribes of the Sioux Nation living on the great plains of the western US
felt killing women was very dangerous therefore a brave deed.

xoxoxoBruce 07-18-2020 04:21 PM

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The only female lighthouse keeper in the USA.
Likely the last as the switch to automation.

xoxoxoBruce 07-21-2020 12:17 AM

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I'd see this picture before but it was quite awhile ago and don't remember if it got posted here.

xoxoxoBruce 08-19-2020 12:19 AM

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Stirring up shit in 1915...

xoxoxoBruce 09-19-2020 02:41 AM

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My my, they've been getting uppity for a long time.

Attachment 71552

I look at this picture and think hey great, good for them.
But when I think about it I think, WTF, why not from the very beginning?

xoxoxoBruce 09-27-2020 12:02 AM

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Hard working ladies keep the war hot for the boys...

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