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morethanpretty 05-08-2012 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Jaydaan (Post 810692)

These are my first uploads. I put a few of everyone up there. I will get better shots of Aesa, once she is more comfotable with me moving around. Right now she is worried I may go somewhere without her.

I love boxers. They're very regal. Awesome pic Jaydaan!

DanaC 05-09-2012 03:54 AM

Oh she's a bonny lass!

Ya know, Jay, if you click on an individual photo on your stream, and then click the 'share' button it will display some HTML/BB Code. Copy the whlle thing and paste it straight into the postbox here and it will show the pic.

You don't need to click any image options, just cut and paste straight into the reply box. Worth just deleting the line that gives your email, just so it doesn't show. But post the pic first and you'll be able to see which of the lines were surplus anyway.

BrianR 05-09-2012 10:54 AM

I love boxers too! I sorta rescued one from my neighbor last year during all that extreme (they claim) weather. They are NOT outdoor dogs! I kept him until this spring, when I graciously allowed them to take him back. Mostly because the poop was piling up! Now the fleas are out and he's tied in the yard again. Poor doggy!

I want two more, to keep each other company. And to give them something to chase after. They so love to run! And run! and Run! A laser was a favorite toy! I sent it all over the yard just ahead of the dog ad he chased it until he dropped of exhaustion! I heartily recommend wind sprints as a form of exercise for these energetic dogs.

You will find that they will become your shadow and will not allow you out of their sight. They are loving and affectionate and intelligent, but strong willed. They are also leery of strangers, but not aggressive unless trained that way. They just prefer to stand back for a while and check out strangers from a safe distance.

If you get them as a puppy, you can teach them to be friendly, but they tend to come as a blank slate. Chase stuff, eat stuff and sleep is about all they know.

I love boxers!

They will fill your life with joy, and a little exasperation! The only bad news is, they are prone to cancer. And they snore, if you are a light sleeper. I thought it was cute, but some don't. YMMV.

Enjoy your furkids! They look adorable!

Sundae 05-09-2012 12:46 PM

Dani, are they the same as English Boxers?
Bonny yes, no criticism meant. Just not exactly what I was expecting.

DanaC 05-09-2012 01:18 PM

Oh aye, there's very little difference between UK and US Boxers, certainly not in terms of breed standards and specs.

That brindle colour is quite unusual though. Tend to see the reddish brown ones more often than the brindle, but I think that's across the board. Bit like brown beardies. They're there, but people automatically think of the blue and slate colouring. Likewise people tend to think of the reddish brown colour boxers.

Sundae 05-09-2012 01:31 PM

There you go.
I had a friend with a boxer when I was 8? 9? so my memory is not all that reliable.
Things look different when you're that wee :)

MTP - are you on medication for your acid reflux?
If not, please do so - there is no reason to suffer it. I've had it, it's agony.
First you need to be tested for Helicobacter pylori and if you don't have it you need to be on a proton pump inhibitor. I'm on Lansoprazole and it's improved my life no end.

DanaC 05-09-2012 02:40 PM

Talking of pets....

I just found a little puppy molar on my floor :p

First one.

Jaydaan 05-09-2012 03:09 PM

My husband and I rescued Freya when she was 11 months old. We had her 4 years and 4 days. She passed on due to Boxer Cardiomyopathy, the nastier side of it, at that. Freya was not quite your typical boxer. She was more quiet, skitish and nervous than most dogs. This was because of what ever had happened to her before we got her. She was a scaredy cat right up til the day she passed on. She was also the most loving, gentle girl in the whole world. She would play, but she played much gentler. Her best friend was a small pappion/heeler cross. Freya would lay down, so the little one could play with her.

Loki, we got as a 4 month old puppy, and he has turned out to be such a dork! We love him dearly. He has such a sense of humour, and loves to snuggle. He is big for his breed, so the vet says, and so far no indication of a heart murmmur.

Aesa is a sweetie, she is about 1.5 years old, maybe closer to 2. She is TINY compared to Freya and Loki, and much more assertive with her play style. She sounds like she is about to rip you to pieces, and yet she is just all talk. You call her, or clap your hands, and she stops and looks at you. You remind her of the house rules and chances are, she will sit down and then bark once at you. She is a sassy teenager!

All 3 are/were our shadows, our constant companions and the loves of our lives. Freya and Loki are/were condsidered to be "flashy brindles", Aesa is just brindle. She has a full black mask (except a few white hairs on her nose, that make her look like she has a dirt smudge)

Over half the boxers in our area are brindles, while the fawn (light brown with black faces and white tummies) is still the "mascot" of the breed. More and more people are also raising the white boxers as well. If fact, 2 doors down from me, they have a white female, and a dark black/brown flashy brindle male. I can see them from my dining room window as I type. I can't wait until Aesa is more climatized, and we can have play dates. Just think 4 boxers under 2 running around at the same time!

DanaC 05-09-2012 03:15 PM

There are lots of boxers around where I live. It's one of those areas where you get a lot of bigger, more active breeds. Lots of space to run a boxer.

Couple of them are brindles. But I tend to see the fawns (didn't know they were classed as fawn :)) more often.

I like the fawns, but I've always had a soft spot for brindles. Same with the staffordshire bulls. Really like that full brindle patterning. There's something about the way the muscles move underneath that just looks good.

[eta] saw a documentary about Crufts and showdogs in the Uk recently. Shocking stuff. Breed clubs are only really now taking on board the need for expanding their gene pools. They've essentially bred in a 50-50 chance of Cardiomyopathy or thereabouts.

Worse, in the UK, two or three star studs have so dominated the Boxer breed that it's hit something like 75% chance amongst the showlines. And the one that is most embedded and clearly siring large numbers of pups which go onto develop it, is still being bred from.

Jaydaan 05-09-2012 03:19 PM

Something I just found interesting.. in the UK I noticed that boxers have thier tails. Is it illegal to dock thier tails? Over here, its done at a day old. Tails and Dew claws right away. I only know of one back-yard breeder that did not crop the tails.
Very few people crop the dogs ears over here anymore.... I am thankful for that. That has always been cruel to me.

Sundae 05-09-2012 03:21 PM

Walking to school I see a lot of Border Collies.
Like you say, it's the area and the lifestyle - lots of open land, 4x4s (plastered with mud) and green wellies.

Good for them.

Our dog was a Collie/ Jack Russell (farm dogs)
But she had old restless-child here to walk her until we were both exhausted.
Mum used to moan that I took her on a route-march. I didn't even know what that meant. What I knew was that I was free to walk and dream about the spirits of the trees and flowers responding to my passing. I was 11-13. Too much Anne of Green Gables.

Sundae 05-09-2012 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Jaydaan (Post 810806)
Something I just found interesting.. in the UK I noticed that boxers have thier tails. Is it illegal to dock thier tails? Over here, its done at a day old.

It can't be done for aesthetic reasons, and only working dogs - for health reasons. That's a loophole of course. But fashion seems to have changed because of it.

I believe Australia is the same, with some States banning it outright so not clipping or docking becomes the norm.

DanaC 05-09-2012 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 810807)
What I knew was that I was free to walk and dream about the spirits of the trees and flowers responding to my passing. I was 11-13. Too much Anne of Green Gables.

hahaha. Shit, girl, I wish we'd known each other back then. That so resonates.

DanaC 05-09-2012 03:25 PM

Not sure about AKC, but KC regs for Boxer penalise for stubby tails now I think.

Sundae 05-09-2012 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 810809)
hahaha. Shit, girl, I wish we'd known each other back then. That so resonates.

We'd have corrupted eachother!

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