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Clodfobble 11-13-2019 03:01 PM

Ngo is, at minimum, a massive shit-stirrer. He goes to events and tries to get people to hit him in self-defense, then edits out the part where he attacked them first.

Griff 11-13-2019 03:19 PM

Gotcha. I wasn't familiar.

Luce 11-13-2019 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1041291)
I have no idea who Andy Ngo is. I was responding to the Richard Spencer smear.

Ngo is basically Spencer with better manners.

And it's not a smear. Yang found out the proudboys and other Spencer fans were sending him money (the reason they were doing that was pretty funny, "the system is fucked for Upstanding White Folks, so we may as well get our $1000"), and he had absolutely no problem with it.

And once you let the poo get on you, it doesn't come off.

Luce 11-13-2019 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1041293)
So Andy Ngo turns out to be a right-wing Journalist who was beaten by the Antifa. I guess I'm with Yang and Biden on this. I oppose political violence.

I am in favor of political violence when it is appropriate.

But Ngo wasn't a victim. He intentionally orchestrated that event, and then lied about his injuries.

Undertoad 11-13-2019 03:40 PM

I support Andy Ngo.

Flint 11-13-2019 04:29 PM

There are very bad people in the US who plan intentional acts of political violence. They identify their victims and share their information online. They plan and carry out acts of violence to intimidate those with different political beliefs.

Andy Ngo is one of those people. He is involved with identifying the targets, planning the violence, organizing the attacks, and yes, he is there when it happens. And yes, sometimes he stands too close to the violence which he himself is complicit in organizing.

Andy Ngo deals in half-truths, deceptively edited videos, and irresistibly worldview-confirming narratives. If you have reason to believe his "See! I told you so!" message, it's just so delicious.

Luce 11-13-2019 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 1041305)
There are very bad people in the US who plan intentional acts of political violence. They identify their victims and share their information online. They plan and carry out acts of violence to intimidate those with different political beliefs.

Andy Ngo is one of those people. He is involved with identifying the targets, planning the violence, organizing the attacks, and yes, he is there when it happens. And yes, sometimes he stands too close to the violence which he himself is complicit in organizing.

Andy Ngo deals in half-truths, deceptively edited videos, and irresistibly worldview-confirming narratives. If you have reason to believe his "See! I told you so!" message, it's just so delicious.

This is one of those things where neither side is going to agree with the other. I share your opinion of Ngo, but nothing you or I say will bring Undertoad to our side of the table, nor could he convince me to come to his side of the table.

This is where America is right now. It's the political reality that we exist in, and a political reality is still reality.

Undertoad 11-13-2019 04:43 PM

Yes, it is what it is.

Flint 11-13-2019 04:46 PM

I agree.

There is a subjective area.

I would suggest, though, that when someone (and I'm not saying anyone here) takes a position that requires you to believe, "Snopes is lying!" or "Wikipedia is lying!" it doesn't help us come together on a common set of facts.

Luce 11-13-2019 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 1041309)
I agree.

There is a subjective area.

I would suggest, though, that when someone (and I'm not saying anyone here) takes a position that requires you to believe, "Snopes is lying!" or "Wikipedia is lying!" it doesn't help us come together on a common set of facts.

And THAT is the hilariously unforeseen end result of the information era. We have gone beyond misinformation to some ridiculous meta level of misinformation about misinformation, where nobody can find common ground, because all opposing sources of information have been labeled "garbage" by the people in the opposing tribe.

This isn't the future I was promised. Nobody, not even Philip K Dick, could have foreseen this sideshow.

Undertoad 11-13-2019 04:52 PM

I'm not in any tribe. I don't even vote

Luce 11-13-2019 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1041312)
I'm not in any tribe. I don't even vote

If so, you are the only person I have ever met who isn't, to one degree or another.

sexobon 11-13-2019 05:06 PM

UT isn't in a tribe; because, he IS a tribe … a Tribe of One!

Be all that you can be, UT.

Undertoad 11-13-2019 05:44 PM

I'm currently a 0,-3 on the political compass (0 left-right, -3 authoritarian/libertarian)

My tribe is called heterodoxy

Griff 11-13-2019 06:40 PM

Still a lefty libertarian

Economic Left/Right: -4.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.03

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