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Griff 01-07-2006 07:43 AM

This is the ride profile of my big goal this summer. Pete and I have proven that you can ride an out of shape century, so this year we're taking it up a notch to enforce fitness. You are looking at 10,000 feet of climbing :thepain3: over a 100 mile course. I'll post links etc... when the 2006 page is up. Live long and prosper.

LabRat 01-08-2006 10:23 AM


My quads just cramped looking at that. That very last climb to CR12 SAG is going to be a bitch. You go, guys! When/where is it?

I got head and tail lights for my mountain bike for Christmas so that I can pull rugrat in her trailer this spring. I really missed being able to do a quick ride when we got home at night this fall. Been using my road bike on it's trainer in the basement once in awhile. Glad I got it.

Griff 01-08-2006 07:55 PM

Thanks! It'll be this fall out in the Western Finger Lakes NYS. It is supposed to be the toughest century in the East. Out West they have some more brutal events. I'll post more when I know more. The bike lights are cool when conditions allow. I xc skied and then hit my trainer for NFL pregame today. It is time to shed some weight. I'd like to be 165lbs or less for cycling this summer so I've got to keep chipping away at my holiday excess. Watching my Dad laid up from his accident is making me realize how much I value easy movement.

Griff 01-14-2006 05:41 PM

I rode mtn bike with burning lungs today... now we're approaching 3" of fresh snow. weird

BigV 01-19-2006 12:34 AM

Another couple of rides this week. Today I did the loop trail at Discovery Park, Seattle's largest and wildest park. I will take the camera next time. Very beautiful (if you like green, lots and lots of green). A long ride for me, about 3.5 hours, including stops at the Locks and at the bike shop (just looking).

I did some window shopping, they tuned my bike for me for height, leg length, etc. I got the lowdown on a new seat, a bell, Ortleib bags, computer, heart rate monitor, front fender, ... maybe I better get a job. ;)

On the loop trail, I defeated one hill--very steep, for me. But on two others, I ran out of traction a little bit before I ran out of power. I actually spun the rear tire for one power stroke, WOOF! and momentum dropped to zero. Time to walk. Oh well. Something to shoot for next time. Attaaaaaack!!

The locks were awesome! Did I mention it's been raining a lot here lately? 27 straight days, 13+ inches, then Sunday, a break, then rain mon, tues, wed... whatever. Well, 4 of 5 spillways were open, from 10 percent to 50 percent and the area downstream of the spillway was boiling! Very very cool. The whole ladder save the highest 4 or 5 steps was entirely underwater. I saw a commorant swimming in the fish ladder about one third the way up and he had plenty of room to paddle higher. Rested through a couple of lock cycles and pedalled home.

I'm learning that I live on a hill relative to my local geography and everything is downhill from home, meaning there's guaranteed to be a punishing finish UPhill.

Hey! I found the online copy of the City of Seattle bike map (warning, 1.5 MB pdf). We live at about D3 and from there you can see the trips I've made to Greenlake (east), to Carkeek (north), To Golden Gardens (west) and to Discovery Park (south). I noticed that all of them are water destinations. I don't know where I'll go next, all the other big/water parks are pretty far away for a morning ride. I'm sure I'll be repeating these four many times. They are some nice rides.

Griff, I thought of you during today's loop trail at Discovery Park. I really will bring the camera next time and take some pics. You'd love the ride.

Griff 01-19-2006 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by BigV
Griff, I thought of you during today's loop trail at Discovery Park. I really will bring the camera next time and take some pics. You'd love the ride.

I must see it man!

Griff 01-21-2006 06:24 AM

new trainer
We were talking trainers here a while back and I think I suggested a mag type since that's what I *had*. Pete and I have been hitting it hard this winter and the bell inside the mag housing warped from the heat. Long story short we just took delivery of a Kurt Kinetic fluid trainer. Yes you can watch Bob Roll ride this trainer in the nude on that site. :eek: We got very good turn around time from 1 up usa and the best price they're allowed to give without voiding the warranty. This was a snap decision so we'll see if we get screwed but the machine itself appears to be very well put together and much quieter than our old one. It is in the high forties here ride now so I'm going to get some actual saddle time this morning.

BigV 01-23-2006 04:58 PM

First the tease
1 Attachment(s)
Pretty, yes?

Griff 01-23-2006 06:23 PM

Yes. How many days of rain in a row is it for you guys now? Very green. I rode saturday and Sunday and had a snow day today. very very odd

Cyclefrance 03-20-2006 05:35 PM

Equinox tomorrow, clocks on next weekend here, and light mornings and evenings on English roads means cycling can start in earnest for 2006. Time also to let the old Raleigh Record Sprint have a well-earned rest, so have bought another bike - a Trek 7.1 FX - initially for training, but might just take it to the Somme. Will take some pics at the weekend and post.

LabRat 03-21-2006 10:56 AM

BigV, that is absolutely awesome!!!! I am totally jealous. The view from my bike is our TV :lol: I doubt I'll ever burn out a trainer, but did get my treadmill replaced (and upgraded) a few weeks ago. I enjoy seeing where you guys spend your outdoor time, when I get to get out, I'll bring the camera and try to get some decent shots. Won't be nearly as cool as the mossy one though...

barefoot serpent 03-21-2006 12:20 PM

I'm thinking about doing Border Raiders Tour -- 8 days from Lawrence, KS up into NE over to IA and then back thru Mizzery. A historic tour of 'Bleeding Kansas' and Underground Railroad sites leading up to the Civil War in the plains. Any other takers?

Griff 03-21-2006 04:23 PM

I'm afraid I'll be taking classes this summer. :( This sounds like one to put on the eventually list though.

Cyclefrance 03-25-2006 03:42 AM

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Here come dee bike! - Broom handle eezi-stand was an optional extra. As soon as I'm back from travels at the end of the week, serious riding of the new beestie begins - need a name though - any suggestions (keep it clean,guys!)

Cyclefrance 03-25-2006 03:44 AM

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Just a couple more - that extra gear clinched the deal!


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