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chrisinhouston 07-07-2015 09:21 AM

Man dies after shooting off a fireworks mortar placed on his head :eyebrow:

Drinking a lot of alcohol and lighting fireworks... what could go wrong?

glatt 07-07-2015 09:29 AM

That's a sad story.

Who among us hasn't done stupid shit when drunk? Fortunately for me, when I did stupid drunken stuff, none of it killed me. Probably could have though. Those handful of years around the age of 21 are dangerous.

DanaC 07-07-2015 09:40 AM

Fuck yeah. I look back and just shudder at the risks I took as a youngster.

Poor bugger. What a waste of a life.

xoxoxoBruce 07-07-2015 11:37 AM

I hope he hadn't reproduced. :eyebrow:

glatt 07-07-2015 11:42 AM

Well if he had, that would make him ineligible for the Darwin award.

Gravdigr 07-07-2015 02:48 PM

As kids, we do stuff that, had we known how dangerous it was to do, would have killed us outright.

ETA: I wonder what the actual injury was? Concussion? Those mortars really whump when they go off...Maybe a fractured skull?

Gravdigr 07-11-2015 03:34 PM

Ten cuidado con el toro con cuernos de fuego!

Yay bull!!

xoxoxoBruce 08-09-2015 08:53 PM

Judge Randall Lee Rogers, Smith County Texas
Judge Randall Lee Rogers, Presiding Judge, Smith County Texas, is the Idiot of the year.

A Texas man and his girlfriend say they are being forced down the aisle after a judge ordered them to get married or face jail time.
Last month, a Smith County judge ordered Josten Bundy to marry his 19-year-old girlfriend Elizabeth Jaynes within 30 days as part of a probation agreement, according to KLTV. Bundy had gotten into a physical altercation with Jaynes' ex-boyfriend in February. The ex-boyfriend suffered no medical injuries, but still sued Bundy for assault.

If Bundy declined the judge's proposition, he would face 15 days in jail.
"That would have been fine and I asked if I could call my job [to let them know]," Bundy told KLTV. "The judge told me 'nope, that's not how this works.'"

Bundy was also ordered to write Bible verses and get counseling. Jaynes said she was embarrassed after hearing the judge's proposal.
Unfortunately this is not that uncommon, a judge overstepping jurisprudence. Because they have the power in, and out, of the courtroom. They have the power to jail you indefinitely for contempt of court... INDEFINITLY. Even if you murder someone you get a defined sentence. Unless you have money and/or political suck, you can't fight this kind of bullshit. No local lawyer would help you, as it would be professional suicide. ACLU, maybe. :mad2:


Gravdigr 08-10-2015 02:18 PM

I'll take 15 days in jail over marriage to, literally, any woman I've ever met.

I'd take 115 days in jail over marriage to, literally, any woman I've ever met.

Clodfobble 08-10-2015 02:22 PM

I thought it was a little weird that his only real argument for caving in was, "the judge wouldn't let me call my job to tell them about the 15 days, so I would have been fired if I took it." Your girlfriend (now wife) doesn't know how to use a phone on your behalf?

Gravdigr 08-10-2015 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 935874)
Unfortunately this is not that uncommon, a judge overstepping jurisprudence.

That's when it becomes jurisimprudence?

DanaC 08-10-2015 02:27 PM


Gravdigr 11-11-2015 01:45 PM

Idiots, That's Right, Plural
--Charleston, SC

Our Idiot Of The Day prize is shared today by two (2) idiots who decided it would be a good idea to break into someone's home. Someone's home where there was someone home.

The thirteen (13) year old boy got his mom's handgun and let fly at one of the burglars, who let fly right back with his own gun. Shots were exchanged between the boy and the burglar, who was hit three (3) times, before being helped into a car by his accomplice, and driven to a hospital, where he died. The boy also followed the men into the street and filled the get-away car with bullet holes.

That's right fellas... were undone by a thirteen (13) year old boy.


xoxoxoBruce 11-11-2015 01:55 PM

Quote: were undone by a thirteen (13) year old boy.
And a Colt .45.

Gravdigr 11-11-2015 02:11 PM

Is that what he was drinking?


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