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fargon 06-05-2018 06:50 AM

I'm afraid you're right.

Griff 06-05-2018 06:52 AM

I think we should all light a candle for Mueller.

tw 06-05-2018 09:44 AM

Philadelphia Eagles (Super Bowl champs) never took a knee during the National Anthem. And did not stay in the locker room. Does not matter. The Don is so full of hate as to disinvite them to the White House. He accuses them of disrespecting the flag and anthem.

We know what the patriots did during Nam. They disrespected the flag - burned it. We all know they were right. The Vietnam war and those promoting it were wrong. Correct were the many who burned the flag. Even the Supreme Court said they could do so.

But The Don is a tyrant. Tyrants cannot accept contrary facts.

How curious that so many close advisors are under invetigation for criminal activity. We must go back to Nixon to see so much corruption.

The Don is saying he can exonerate himself. Ironic. Nobody has accused him of a crime. How Freudian? Apparently he is so guilty as to post a criminal defense - long before accused of any crime.

tw 06-05-2018 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1009660)
We don't have a great history of prosecuting and imprisoning connected people.

Nixon was a crook. But so many refused to acknowledge what was so obvious. It took a Senate Committee - and no television for weeks - all TV stations only played the Watergate Investigation live for weeks. Eventually a majority conceded that Nixon was a crook.

A majority - and still so many refused to admit it. That defines a wacko extremist. One knows from their emotions without first learning facts. Then continue to deny even after facts expose that emotion as erroneous.

Same wackos still defended Nixon even as his adminstration feared he was mentally ill.

Anyone asking about mental fitness of The Don?

xoxoxoBruce 06-05-2018 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1009671)
But The Don is a tyrant. Tyrants cannot accept contrary facts.

Fixed that for ya.

tw 06-05-2018 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1009678)
Fixed that for ya.

I was not going to go that far. Because sometimes both facts can be contradictory. A leader should know how to analyze both facts to find a common ground. Yes, The Don routinely cannot (does not) do that. In part, because every conclusion is always about him - not about facts or in the interest of the nation.

From the Economist of 19 May 2018:

In 2015 Jeb Bush ... warned that Donald Trump would be "a chaos president'. In many respects he has been proven right. President Trump has failed to keep many of the promises he made on the campaign trail. The White House leaks like a colander. The administration has suffered rapid turnover while weathering scandal after scandal. Mr Trump often appears capable of remaining on-message for no more than 280 characters.

But ineptitude and inconsistency are not quite the same as inaction. ...

Mr Trump has consistently approved of harsh punishment [ie torture] and disliked due process. In 1989, after five black and Hispanic teenagers were accused of raping a white woman in Central Park (wrongly it turned out), Mr Trump took out a full-page advertisement in four New York newspapers that screamed, "Muggers and murders should be forced to suffer, and when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes." ... He believes America's method of prosecuting terrorists - gathering evidence and building a provable case - to be "a joke and .. a laughing stock."

He also believes that America is beset by violent crime. ... In February 2017, Mr Trump claimed that America's murder rate "is the highest it's been in 47 years. In fact murder and crime in general are much rare than they were in the 1900s. ... In his home town of New York, crime has fallen for 27 straight years ...
Well there are isolated places where some crimes have significantly increased. That means one must view all facts - not just the propaganda heaped out by Fox News and Morning Joe. Since they forget to mention that crime is down throughout the western world (not just America), then it must not be true? Yes, he cannot learn; intentionally ignores facts so as to always promote The Don.

So why would he lie? Fake news sources tell him only what he wants to hear. And then he will ignore facts that do not promote himself. It is better to bad mouth all previous Presidents. Since that gets wacko extremists to love him. And that (just like Milosevic and Hitler) is how one obtains support and power from the least educated. Preach to the Brown Shirts. Since they will automatically believe what they are first told.

Tyrants cannot accept contrary facts. In The Don's case, sometimes he will not accept any facts - especially when facts do not promote him and disparage someone else.

He says he can pardon himself - when nobody has said anything about prosecuting him. A contrary fact that exposes his Freudian guilt. Nixon was not even this naive, conniving, manipulative, and corrupt. So many supported Nixon even after Nixon was clearly proven to be a crook - and used the same reasoning to justify crimes. Same people also love The Don for similar reasons. Because he lies to only promote himself.

When will he trade in for a new wife? This model has problems; has been in the repair shop too long. Time for a new wife.

Griff 06-05-2018 05:46 PM

Today's Faux narrative involved the Eagles. My Ball and Baby Howie shut it down. If the news makes you mad at your fellow Americans check the facts.

tw 06-12-2018 07:12 PM

He will say anything to make a deal. Since he must be promoted - not us.

He did not even bother to consult the DoD, Japanese, or S Korean when he agreed to suspend necessary military training games. His contempt for military knowledge so miniscule as to say those were unnecessary. His contempt for allies and DoD made obvious by his concession that got nothing in return and only promoted himself (to his supporters who have no idea how much damage he did).

He also agreed to no American nuclear weapon deployments. That means US warships and attack aircraft could deploy to or even visit Korea. Since those can carry nuclear weapons. And we do not say what does for obvious security reasons.

What did he get in return? A promise that N Korea would discuss nuclear disarmament. Not commit - only discuss. Without even any commitment to confirmations.

No problem. He is the deal maker. His concessions will be ignored. His image is intact - to those who only know what they were told to believe.

Apparently Kim actually does have a gameplan. Step one. Get the Americans out of Korea. Then American influence (now diminishing in the South China Sea) will be replaced by China. Trump has made regional American allies to seriously worry. They are second guessing if Trump will sacrifice them as he already has all other America's best allies (ie G6).

Why does Trump have no friends? It should have been obvious when he was insulting every other Republican in debates for the Republican nomination.

Trump's agenda - promote himself first and his family second. This year, Ivanka and Kushner are now reaping massive profit increases - $87 million in this past year.

Some here will have so little grasp as to cheapshot this poster rather than admit these realities. Those are insatiable Trump supporters.

sexobon 06-13-2018 01:11 AM

South Korea has been getting uppity. Time to cut the apron strings. Time for them to take care of themselves.

That Ivanka is still looking good, she deserves a pay raise.

Happy Monkey 06-13-2018 10:24 AM

Trump the deal maker. He managed to get the same vague promises that previous presidents have gotten from Kims, and all he had to do was whatever Kim asked for.

And then he announces Mission Accomplished.

Originally Posted by Trump
“There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea,”

sexobon 06-13-2018 03:59 PM

You haven't figured it out yet?

He's going for a Nobel Peace Prize.

If Obama could get one for doing nothing more than raising hopes, Trump figures he can get one for that too.

Happy Monkey 06-13-2018 04:30 PM

The thing is, Obama raised hopes by "not being Bush". Trump is aiming for "worse than Bush", which might play well for his base, but not for the Nobel committee.

sexobon 06-13-2018 04:37 PM

That's when he sends Ivanka over to sweet talk them.

Happy Monkey 06-13-2018 04:59 PM

Pimping out his daughter aside; they're already in Norway. Nordic beauty is named after them.

sexobon 06-13-2018 05:08 PM

If that doesn't persuade them, there're always trade tariffs (as long as they don't mess with the canned sardines).

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