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Griff 08-19-2012 06:00 AM

That was interesting. We all draw our own lines. I'm growing a new Kombucha mother on the counter right now...

Trilby 08-25-2012 07:04 AM

I fukced up again. I binged. Only three days this time and quit on wednes. but brain/typing co ordination is off off off to the point of annoying to type.

yeah. I fucked up. isn't that grand? maybe If I was all big Bookie I would be fucking cured.

limey 08-25-2012 07:27 AM

Oh hugs Bri! Big hugs. You quit on Wednesday, that's the most important thing.

Griff 08-25-2012 07:39 AM

Sorry Bri. Hang in there.

glatt 08-25-2012 07:59 AM

So what made you stop the binge? I don't have any personal experience there, so I'm wondering how that works. Do you just feel so crappy you stop? Seems like it would be so easy to keep going for a while.

I'm glad you found a way to stop. We still love you here.

monster 08-25-2012 09:20 AM

Glad you're back :)

Trilby 08-25-2012 11:01 AM

thanks, all.

Glatt - I stopped b/c I ran out of money AND I felt like shite and I knew it would only get worse and worse and I am sick of going to the very compassionate doc that I have (and he really is a good one) and letting him down AGAIN. So, lots of things there. BIggest reason, though, to be honest? no money. I"d probably still be drinking. My sister said the binges are getting shorter. I have changed some stuff about my drinking = and I still go to meetings and die for a cup of hope. thanks for caring you all. It helps to know I can come here and admit my faults and move on. and you don't hate me or shun me for it. thank you.

Clodfobble 08-25-2012 11:13 AM

Do you think the extended family time played a role in triggering it? I'm glad you pulled yourself out again, nevermind whether it was for lack of money or bootstraps or whatever the reason. We do love you and will be here.

Trilby 08-25-2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 826407)
Do you think the extended family time played a role in triggering it? I'm glad you pulled yourself out again, nevermind whether it was for lack of money or bootstraps or whatever the reason. We do love you and will be here.

thank you. Now I'm tearing up!

I think being in constant contact with my mom and dad for the past month or so has def. played it's part but ultimately I am the one who is responsible. I did it. I drank it. No one held a gun to my head (except myself maybe). My mom must call me 20-40 times a day and my dad hates me so much he's betting he outlives me. Not a great atmosphere. I"ve asked the sisters to help - one of them is now among the unemployed so she's available, but they just won't help out for whatever reason.

I hate feeling this way.

You guys make it better. After the meeting I hope I'll feel more like "me" than I do now.

limey 08-25-2012 12:22 PM

Oh, now, don't cry! But Clod's suggestion can perhaps be helpful if it makes you more aware that that is a risk factor ... Hoping you feel better soon x

DanaC 08-25-2012 01:11 PM


Stormieweather 08-25-2012 04:26 PM


The important thing is, you stopped. Hang in there!

Pico and ME 08-25-2012 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 826407)
Do you think the extended family time played a role in triggering it? I'm glad you pulled yourself out again, nevermind whether it was for lack of money or bootstraps or whatever the reason. We do love you and will be here.

That would do it for me!
Why is family such a horrendously hurtful force for some of us? Im glad it was a shorter episode for you Bri. You prolly went thru a mega amount of emotional stress.

classicman 08-26-2012 01:36 AM


I"ve asked the sisters to help - one of them is now among the unemployed so she's available, but they just won't help out for whatever reason.
When my ex quit she didn't see/talk/communicate with her parents for almost a year.
No B-days, holidays ... ZERO.
She credits that with her continued sobriety. Her parents were fucked up too. Manipulative beyond belief.
Maybe your sisters have issues with them as well and thats why they don't help you. They are too busy helping themselves stay out of the trap you are in. Hang in there.
(talking out my ass here)

Trilby 08-26-2012 05:18 AM

No - not talking out your ass. It's really closer to the truth. THEY have escaped the vortex that is J&J (my 'rents). One is their "good girl" favorite who always, always did everything right (and I love her very much; she's my huge support person and i love her) and the other smokes so much weed she qualifies for Jamaican citizenship and just doesn't give a care.**

**'splain "so much weed" - when I was with her up in Maine she lit up about every twenty minutes. That's a lot of weed smokin' right there.

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