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BigV 08-30-2011 11:49 PM

please god not another xbox tantrum...


where's my bourbon?

jimhelm 08-31-2011 12:12 AM

I said Cockforsaken!!!

BigV 08-31-2011 01:03 AM

it's not you.

SonofV has a new, very new game. Deus Ex, humanity somethng something... he's been stuck for a couple hours. Cockforsaken is about right. goooooood grief.

and. the game's so new, there are no walk throughs.. walk intos, suuuure. but he's at the goddamn frontier, how will he get this door open?????? srsly, like a couple hours. no.. a day of work.. and he may need to restart from the git go.

Sundae 08-31-2011 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 753561)
What is it with you and the mail?

I'm an impatient bitch, is what it is.

Mum, Dad and I were all out of the house at the same time today. Probably the first time in a month.
What happened?
They tried to deliver something that didn't fit through the letterbox.
I have to wait until 14.30 to collect it.

So something is waiting for me - exciting.
But I'm STILL waiting - bloody hell!

footfootfoot 08-31-2011 01:16 PM

This is maybe more likely what's frosting me today, I just discovered I am about $200 overdrawn. I made a transfer into mrs foot's account to cover a big check she wrote and forgot (after checking) to leave enough $ to cover my outstanding checks.


Sundae 08-31-2011 01:52 PM

Silly things, silly things.

My sis contacted me today asking if we'd thought about getting a card from Grandad to Mum.
Good for her - we hadn't.
Grandad is not out of the woods yet, still laid low with a chest infection.
So off I skipped on my second trip to town today to get one.

Came home to find a card on the mantlepiece - 4 days early.
Turns out one of the staff at the home had bought one and filled it out - Grandad managed the two kisses at the bottom.
That was lovely, and really kind. But means the really nice £4 card I bought was worthless. Never mind - I owed dad £4 change from £10 he gave me to buy something yesterday, and he's sucked it up.

So why is it in this thread?
Apparently, Mum was whinging to one of the staff yesterday that this year would be the first she hadn't received a card from her father HINT HINT. Oh how sad, a birthday without a Special Daughter card HINT HINT.

Now Dad has bought said cards for 5-6 years. Okay we did need a reminder from Laura, but we were on it. Someone in the family realised and remembered.

Never mind Mum. Your massive hints got you what you wanted - a card chosen by a member of staff and delivered way before your birthday is now your prize possession.

She has also told everyone in the world (what, not you? just wait) about how her surprise birthday evening was screwed up.
A friend invited her for dinner, saying it was nothing special, and she'd just throw whatever she could find into a pie. The date was the night before her birthday.
Then another friend forwarded an email to the whole group, and at the bottom wrote "See you on Sheila's Birthday Night!"

So now she knows, but hasn't admitted she knows.
Except to everyone else in the County, in a really woeful voice, as if by finding out, someone ran over her kitten or something.
The thing is, Mum hates surprises. She's said to us (in this house) that she was relieved to find out - what if she hadn't dressed up, she'd be SO embarrassed.

I won't do anything at all next year.
She'll have the pleasure of complaining all the way through until Christmas.

capnhowdy 09-01-2011 06:29 AM

Damn rabbits and deer in my garden....ok, GAME ON!

BigV 09-01-2011 12:18 PM

I confess it's not pissing me off, just the opposite in fact....

Good to see you around capnhowdy!

Trilby 09-01-2011 12:34 PM

foot - I feel for ya. I was overdrawn yesterday. Thank goddess they only charged me 27.00 for a check they would have covered anyway. :(


I'm peeved at my two sons. Son number one came down to help me paint a bedroom. Thing is, he's so busy socializing that there is no time to paint. Or do anything. Except eat, sleep and shower.

Same goes for son number two who lives here full time now his father has kicked him out of his nest. I feel like an unappreciated slave/maid. I really do. If they would just HELP OUT once in a fooking blue moon....grrrrrrrrr! I canNOT wait until they have their own places (college house doesn't count as a 'place') so then I can go over and throw all their shite about and devour their food, stop up their toilets and fart on their couches.

Then I'll ask for some 'spending money' and peel out of their driveway - hopefully taking out their rosebush on the way.


Pico and ME 09-01-2011 12:47 PM

I'm going through the same thing with my 21 yr stepson. He's not paying rent and he doesn't help out unless asked...and asked..and then cajoled. And then also feels its his right to give lip when he doesn't want to do something. Dad doesn't want to rock the boat so mostly just ignores the situation until I get so fed up I start bitchin, and then maybe the kid perks up. But then the whole cycle just repeats itself all over again after a while.

Griff 09-07-2011 04:09 PM

Roads across our area are being closed by flood waters, not too big a deal right? Just stay home and hole up. My FiL's high maintenance neighbor apparently talked him into driving to the old house he's been fixing up to pick up a shop vac because her basement is wet... Now he is stuck in a house with no food or water. You couldn't friggin wait to vacuum your damn basement? Sending an old man out in a flood, are you kidding me? :mad:

Gravdigr 09-07-2011 04:33 PM

Stoopit animals. Wild and tame alike. Holding their cute little poses, doing awesome things. Right up to the moment I touch my finger to the shutter button on my camera.

This afternoon a crow was trying his damnedest to get into our newspaper, which was in a plastic bag in our driveway. He waited around til I got my camera, then just as I touched the shutter...flappityflappityflappity.

I hope he flies into a plate glass window.

footfootfoot 09-07-2011 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 754874)
Roads across our area are being closed by flood waters, not too big a deal right? Just stay home and hole up. My FiL's high maintenance neighbor apparently talked him into driving to the old house he's been fixing up to pick up a shop vac because her basement is wet... Now he is stuck in a house with no food or water. You couldn't friggin wait to vacuum your damn basement? Sending an old man out in a flood, are you kidding me? :mad:

OMG, the oldest excuse in the book! I'll bet she tries to seduce him, it happens all the time.

Seriously, he needs the No More Mr. Nice Guy book.

ZenGum 09-07-2011 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 754886)
Stoopit animals. Wild and tame alike. Holding their cute little poses, doing awesome things. Right up to the moment I touch my finger to the shutter button on my camera.

That wasn't what I expected. :sniper:

Pico and ME 09-08-2011 12:34 PM

Cell phone bill just went up $50 because of the 18 yr old. He had only unlimited texting on his phone because it doesn't cost us any extra; so no calling except for family members. So last month made a small switch to his phone (allowing contacts for his texting) and unbeknownst to us it meant that he could now call at will - AND HE DIDNT LET US KNOW.

He made nearly 1000 minutes worth of calls. Luckily a lot of his calls were mobile to mobile, nights, and weekend minutes, so they didn't count against us, but 200 of them did. It could have been much worse, so Im thankful for that, but damn. I gave him a scare this morning threatening to turn it all off, but later I decided that all I really need to do is teach him how to use the system...and start monitoring his usage. Like I really need that added to my agenda...Fuck.

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