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BigV 11-08-2012 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 838059)
You've had enough booze today, Monkey. :eek:

ad hominem attacks are how true conservatives on the radio deflect inconvenient truths.

Lamplighter 11-08-2012 10:28 AM

Rush Limbaugh was his usual self after this election,
but he did raise the question about the future of the Republican Party.

His off-the-wall remark that followed was:
What are we supposed to do about immigration
... repeal all the immigration laws ?

My belief is that if the Republican Party wants to make any inroads into the Hispanic community,
they must abandon their talking points that anything leading to citizenship is "amnesty".

An easy compromise for the Republicans could be to grant full US citizenship
for any person who was brought into the USA by their parent(s) before they were 22 years of age.
...(21 used to be the legal age of majority)

All this (crap) about having to first serve in the military or do public service
is just a artificial road block to those who are now labeled as "illegal aliens"
only because, as minors, they did what their parents required them to do.
You might think Republicans could view that was a good "family value"

If Republicans can't make such a small compromise on immigration,
they will remain what they have been for a long time,
a minority party that has to resort to race-baiting among
the whites of this country.

Happy Monkey 11-08-2012 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 838059)
You've had enough booze today, Monkey. :eek:

You've got nothing, eh?

Cap and trade was invented by a Reagan lawyer, and implemented by GHW Bush.

And much of Obamacare is Romneycare.

tw 11-08-2012 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 837944)
He won't support e-verify laws to reduce the influx of illegal immigrants, or give us decent border protection.

Wacko extremists forget that immigrants are the source of at least 40% of American patents and the resulting jobs 10+ years out. Unfortunately, the rich will do anything to protect their wealth and biases. Including job destruction especially after 2000. Wacko extremists even hate immigrants (ie Islamofacism) - a greatest source of future Americans jobs and economic strength. Even FemoNazis were invented by these extremists.

On spread sheets, immigrants are an expense. In reality, immigrants are some of the best and loyal Americans - loyal as in moderates. Import more immigrants and export more rich wacko extremists (ie Limbaugh). That improves America.

Four years ago, Republicans had meetings to decide their future. They decided to make America fail; to make Obama a one term president. We all witnessed their subversive actitivites in Congress led by extremists such as Majority Whip Eric Cantor. Well, the Republicans are now having that meeting again. Which group will they hate? Since extremists need a bogeyman to justify their existance. Or will Republican cast out the Tea Party and Fox News wackos to become more patriotic - more moderate?

Adak demonstrates how wacko extremists think. And honest Adak would have posted logical (adult) replies. A wacko extremist must post insults. Because he is extremist, then he can only post emotionally. Extremists are the target audience of Limbaugh and Fox News.

An honest Adak would have answered why Romney, who once called himself more liberal than Kennedy, is now a conservative. He cannot. That answer would expose why extremism exists. So he replied with insults. And then refused to answer the question. As an extremist, he insulted Happy Monkey rather than answer honestly - like an adult.

Extremists find supporters among adults who still think like children. Who think emotionally rather than logically.

It goes back to what Republicans must ask themselves in ongoing meetings. Does the party stop crucifying its patriotic moderates (ie Senators Lugar, Snow, Castle) to recruit only wacko extremists? Why did the party (in Delaware) replace Sen Castle with a witch?

For the same reason, Romney, who once said he was more liberal than Kennedy, then *proved* he was an extremist conservative. The party encourages liars. Serious questions should be asked in those meetings.

xoxoxoBruce 11-08-2012 07:18 PM

Immigration is easy, make Puerto Rico a state. Then pretend all Hispanics are Puerto Ricans.

Stormieweather 11-08-2012 09:08 PM

Conservative cognitive dissonance:


“Ohio did go to Obama last night. And he really did win. And he really was born in Hawaii, and he really is legitimately President of the United States, again, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics did not make up a fake unemployment rate last month, and the Congressional Research Service really can find no evidence that cutting taxes on rich people grows the economy, and the polls were not screwed to oversample Democrats, and Nate Silver was not making up fake projections about the election to make conservatives feel bad, Nate Silver was doing math, and climate change is real, and rape really does cause pregnancy sometimes, and evolution is a thing, and Benghazi was an attack on us, it was not a scandal by us, and nobody is taking away anyone’s guns, and taxes have not gone up, and the deficit is dropping, actually, and Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, and the moon landing was real, and FEMA is not building concentration camps, and you UN election observers are not taking over Texas, and moderate reforms of the regulations on the insurance industry and the financial services industry in this country are not the same thing as communism."

Cyber Wolf 11-08-2012 09:46 PM

But what about Bigfoot? Obama has NOT yet addressed the Bigfoot Conspiracy and it's long past time he dropped the cover-up and reveal the secret race of apemen who have been bolstering his poll numbers across America, especially in the northwest wilds. I'll bet they aren't even documented.

tw 11-08-2012 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Cyber Wolf (Post 838226)
But what about Bigfoot?

Bigfoot is not a white, English speaking, Christian male. Therefore he is not a Republican and cannot be a true American. We should deport him back to where he came from.

xoxoxoBruce 11-08-2012 10:25 PM

They have to stop their war on women.


Women sent an unequivocal message to politicians on Tuesday. The gender gap was a whopping 18 percent; significantly higher than 2008’s twelve-point gap. Women made up a majority of the electorate, and unmarried women were 23 percent of voters.

There’s no doubt that an upswing in feminist activism had a demonstrable impact on the election. From the Komen/Planned Parenthood controversy to transvaginal ultrasounds to “binders of women”—the vociferous energy surrounding women’s issues is indisputable. But there’s an argument to be made that women’s silence also contributed to Democrats’ resounding wins on Tuesday.

Despite the media and feminist focus on “war on women” this election season, women remain largely mum around their personal experiences with abortion and sexual violence. Feminists have long fought to end the stigmas surrounding rape and abortion—urging women to tell their stories. After all, more than one-third of American women will have an abortion in her lifetime. More than 600,000 adult women were raped in the United States in 2010. Still, most American women don’t talk about ending their pregnancies or being assaulted. Though this silence is not necessarily the best tactic for feminism or for women themselves, it may have been the final nail in the GOP’s coffin.

Trilby 11-09-2012 07:16 AM

maybe...just maybe...we're going back to a matriarchy!!!!!

this distresses my older son very, very much (he's a white Christian male in business school and he fully expects to become one of the 1% and I hope to Christ he DOES become one of them as I'm going to need that money in the future to buy tchochkes and hats and such) we had lunch yesterday (as a typical Republican, he made me pick up the tab ;) and he was telling me that the US was a male-centric country, with masculine virtues rating high on the list of desirable attributes. He then insulted Norway and Finland by calling them, in essence, "girly nations" who cared about compassion over defense.

then he ate another muffin.

Then I told him America isn't all THAT macho - look at any country in South America or the Middle East for REAL value of masculinity. Then I told him Germany was run by a woman. He didn't believe me and said he was going to ask his German prof. Shit, I didn't even KNOW he was taking German!

It was an okay lunch, food-wise. The cinnamon roll could've had more frosting but then I say that about almost all cinnamon rolls.

DanaC 11-09-2012 07:24 AM


Funny, these things come around. It is a common theme in the formation and maintenance of national identity, to paint the home nation 'male' in contrast to a feminized other.

Trilby 11-09-2012 07:27 AM

My son...he's so patriotic he bleeds red, white and blue.

My other, younger son is Norway.

it's really weird having these two - like the sun and the moon.

My older boy also believes that if you say something, or truly, truly believe it, it is true. Kinda like The Secret or magic or something.

Clodfobble 11-09-2012 12:51 PM

My dad called to tell me happy birthday yesterday, which meant I had to listen to him be all depressed about the election, which I knew would happen. I have a hands-free headset for the house phone that I use only for calls with him. I let him talk ignorant politics at me while I cook or fold my laundry, because he is old and lonely and no one else will listen to him, and I love him regardless.

BUT. One of his new talking points struck me as so funny that I just couldn't keep from giggling at him yesterday.

Did you know... that the numerical margin between Obama's votes and Romney's votes was exactly the same as the number of new people enrolled in the food stamp program since he took office? The Democrats bought the election with tasty, tasty free food! I swear to God. And he's not the type to make up his own talking points, so someone--Glenn Beck, or Rush, or maybe even someone on Fox News--actually said this.

richlevy 11-11-2012 09:18 AM

If you saw the Karl Rove meltdown video, and I know you did, here's the reason why.


Many of the lightning bolts were aimed at none other than Karl Rove, the former Bush administration political genius who oversaw the deployment of nearly $400 million in campaign spending through outside groups American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS toward the presidential race and toward numerous Senate and House races.
"The billionaire donors I hear are livid," one Republican operative told The Huffington Post. "There is some holy hell to pay. Karl Rove has a lot of explaining to do … I don't know how you tell your donors that we spent $390 million and got nothing."
So the Citizens United Supreme Court decision turned into a 400 million dollar money hole (and that's just Karl Rove's part, the complete total is closer to 700 million) that big Republican donors filled, with the end result that Obama is still president and the Democrats actually picked up Senate seats.

I weep for them, really I do.:lol::jig::lol2:

Trilby 11-11-2012 09:43 AM

gee, richlevy, you sound kind of...well, to be blunt, insincere; but, you know, it DID pump a lot of money into the's that.

Now allow me to brush a single tear from my eye for them.

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