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tw 08-20-2012 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 825225)
I do know smart people who put their brain through a lot of hoops to match their belief system.

Over 50% of us routinely do that. Ideological concepts are automatically converted into truth. Then seek soundbytes to support those myths. Many European dwellars still have no grasp of how strongly Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, etc do this brainwashing with extreme popularity.

Most ideology comes from "it was the first thing we were told". Most will hear something. And not say, "He provided no facts or number; so he is probably lying." That is always required to perform intelligent thought.

Those ‘always required’ underlying facts are necessary to not be an extremist. To not automatically believe what was told. How many drink Gatorade or Powerade because advertising (and no facts) says so? How many foolishly buy Red Bull at $2.50 a can. How many now buy Danon Yogurt because a miracle ingredient - digitalis rectalitis - creates better digestion. When science says no such proof exists. To know means always demanding the underlying facts and numbers. Most of us never do. Therefore have no idea how easily we are brainwashed.

How can that be? Only others are brainwashed? Therefore brainwashing works so easilyl. Those most manipulated by myths and lies will also deny the resulting brainwashing.

We have a benchmark for identifying those most easily brainwashed. Facts and numbers said no proof exists for Saddam's WMDs. How many were taken in by outright lies when even numbers said otherwise? It demonstrates how many can be easily brainwashed. That (and not some result of torture) is brainwashing.

Why did an overwhelming majority in Delaware vote against the once popular (9 time Congressman and Delaware Governor) Michael Castle to instead nominate the witch Christine O'Donnell? She went on Fox News as a wacko extremist spokesperson for Tea Party philosophies. Then was suddenly popular. She preached an ideology - was not a moderate. She demonstrated no intelligence nor educated grasp of facts. Did not even know major benchmarks in American history. Did not even know many fundamental concepts of the US Constitution.

Her extremist ideology alone was sufficient for so many in Delaware to make a decision. She did not waste time learning facts or history. Her philosophy was sufficient. Many choose her ideology (an emotion) rather than think logically. They entertained their emotions rather than intelligence. Brainwashing is that widespread.

You would think those so many in Delaware learned how easily they were manipulated. Nope. It requires a part of the brain that does not develop in many until after the age of 16. Many still never develop or learn how to use that part. Do not learn from their mistakes. Remain a target of extremist concepts promoted by soundbytes and the resulting brainwashing.

Study 1930 European history to appreciate how routinely and effectively it can be performed. Most people cannot separate their emotions from fact.

Cyber Wolf 08-20-2012 12:27 PM

See, that's exactly what I want to know. What does he call a 'legitimate rape'? Since when did rapes come in degrees of legitimacy? Like.. is it an illegitimate rape if he gets it in but doesn't/can't leave anything behind? Is it only legitimate if the person reports it and not if she (or he for that matter) is too ashamed/traumatized/terrorized to say anything? Is it only legitimate if it's the man raping the woman?

Also, I want him and the doctors he spoke with to cite sources as to this wonderful defense mechanism my body has that only he and those doctors know about that can prevent pregnancy. If we human women can autonomously delay pregnancy like the striped desert mouse, I would love to know more about it. For reasons.

Pico and ME 08-20-2012 12:29 PM

Well Monster, I will go there for you. Religion FOSTERS stupid. And for a very good reason...control. And it works really well.

Thats why I, too, try to stay away from that kind of stupid...its maddening to be around.

Griff 08-20-2012 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cyber Wolf (Post 825292)
See, that's exactly what I want to know. What does he call a 'legitimate rape'? Since when did rapes come in degrees of legitimacy? Like.. is it an illegitimate rape if he gets it in but doesn't/can't leave anything behind? Is it only legitimate if the person reports it and not if she (or he for that matter) is too ashamed/traumatized/terrorized to say anything? Is it only legitimate if it's the man raping the woman?

Also, I want him and the doctors he spoke with to cite sources as to this wonderful defense mechanism my body has that only he and those doctors know about that can prevent pregnancy. If we human women can autonomously delay pregnancy like the striped desert mouse, I would love to know more about it. For reasons.

Answer from not necessarily a news source.

monster 08-20-2012 12:37 PM

Legitimate means as defined by law. So he doesn't need to define it, the law does. He may wish to change the law..... but seeing as he wishes to outlaw abortion, that's moot too.

Almost citing sources for this scientific phenomenon was probably the stupidest thing he did. Should have said it was in the bible.

shut up, monster, shut up..............

infinite monkey 08-20-2012 12:42 PM

So, if you are raped and do get pregnant, you must have actually wanted it so therefore it wasn't really rape, because REAL rapes never result in pregnancy? That's what Akin thinks?

This guy gets to stay in office? Jebus fricking Crepes.

Why are women letting these assholes take us back in time? Every right we had to fight for, all the crap we still have to fight for, and someone can just say this nasty crap and we all nod and go about our business?

For the sakes of your mothers, your daughters, your aunts, your sisters, can't some of you get together and beat the snot out of the pasty little fuck face? And fuck him in the ass while you're at it. It will be a legitimate rape because he won't get pregnant.

infinite monkey 08-20-2012 12:43 PM


The idea that rape victims cannot get pregnant has long roots. The legal position that pregnancy disproved a claim of rape appears to have been instituted in the UK sometime in the 13th century. One of the earliest British legal texts, Fleta, has a clause in the first book of the second volume stating that:

"If, however, the woman should have conceived at the time alleged in the appeal, it abates, for without a woman's consent she could not conceive."

monster 08-20-2012 12:48 PM

But is Akin legitimately stupid or just plain evil? Now, the women who voted for him, we can probably take a reasonable stab that they are just plain stupid......

infinite monkey 08-20-2012 12:49 PM

I don't really care if he's stupid OR evil...though I think both which is really scary. He needs to step down.

monster 08-20-2012 12:55 PM

He needs voting out. If he steps down, he'll find a way to save face, maintain support and public exposure, and make way for one who is worse. He needs to be digraced and booted or voted out.

But now everybody knows his name and those to stupid to research before they vote will see a familiar moniker on the ballot paper and give it a big ole check.....

DanaC 08-20-2012 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 825298)
Answer from not necessarily a news source.

Worth reading.

monster 08-20-2012 01:10 PM


Todd Akin apparently believes the body can suppress conception or cause miscarriage after rape.
Isn't this similar to the "morning-after" pill? Perhaps Akin is going down the wrong path? Perhaps he should give some consideration to prosecuting women who are raped and do not get pregnant for "spontaneous self-abortion"?

BigV 08-20-2012 01:56 PM

The Family Research Council has offered strong support for Akin, saying this is a case of "gotcha politics" and that people including Republicans calling for Akin to withdraw from the race "lack backbone". omg. The FRC is saying that the people of Missouri know Akin, that he's been elected five times, he's a defender of life, yadda yadda yadda. What a dilemma for the Republicans.

infinite monkey 08-20-2012 02:00 PM


“We feel this is a case of gotcha politics,” she said. “He has been elected five times. That community in Missouri, they know who Todd Akin is. We know who Todd Akin is because we’ve worked with him up on the Hill. He’s a defender of life. He’s a defender of families. This is just a controversy built up, it looks as though, to support his opposition. Claire McCaskill on the other hand has supported Planned Parenthood all these years…Todd Akin is getting a very bad break here. We support him fully and completely.”

Mackey added that she’s not agreeing or disagreeing with his statement.

I know nothing about the science or the legal implications of his statement,” she said. “I do know politics, and I know gotcha politics when I see it.”
Um, so maybe you shouldn't call yourselves the Family Research Council.


Cyber Wolf 08-20-2012 03:24 PM

Buddy boy Akin needs to take a high school biology class, just sayin'.

Wait... this is Missouri. That's 'intelligent design in schools' territory. Never mind.

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