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thebecoming 06-11-2002 11:51 AM

Hello all.
I too just finished "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman this week.
After reading and enjoying every issue he did of the Vertigo, "Sandman" series he did for DC comics, I agree with jeni on this one. Great Charicters, and a well told tale. So people thats two of us telling you to read it.

Next up I bought all four of Thomas Harris's books off ebay for TWO BUCKS! So Im gonna be busy for a while...

"So Agent Starling, think you can discect me with this blunt little tool?".

juju 06-11-2002 03:07 PM

Perth, that book is actually called, "The Great Hunt".

Anyway, my wife has gotten me into the Harry Potter series. We've downloaded the first three unabridged audiobooks off WinMX, and bought the 4th one on cd. So far i'm nearly done with the third.

juju 06-11-2002 03:09 PM

Incidentally, there is a TON of Wheel of Time stuff on the web. Here's a pretty good index of most of it:

perth 06-11-2002 03:23 PM


Perth, that book is actually called, "The Great Hunt".
duh. im a retard. it was sitting directly in front of me when i mistyped it.

my wife got me into the harry potter series, too. actually, the first 3 books were a novelty for me, but the 4th book really seems to be where the story gets interesting. i find it interesting that the series seems to get 'heavier' with each new book. while book one was mostly silly and whimsical, by book four the story has begun to get darker, foreboding. foreboding is not a word i would have ever expected to apply to the harry potter series, but once youve read it, youll see what i mean.


Griff 06-11-2002 03:31 PM

I'm in the second book of Tolkeins trilogy, good stuff I should have read (actually thought I had) as a kid. Sci-Fi Ken MacLeod and Vernor Vinge are my two favorites.

LordSludge 06-11-2002 03:42 PM

Damn, Jeni makes me feel inadequate. I'm not reading anything at the moment, if you exclude my borderline obsession with Cellar, Fark, Slashdot, geekNews, etc.

Guess the last novel-type books (as opposed to tech books) I read were:
The Mote in God's Eye & sequel - Niven, Pournelle
Starship Troopers - Heinlein
Split Infinity & sequels - Piers Anthony
Xanth "trilogy" - Piers Anthony

Then my memory gets hazy...

perth 06-11-2002 05:11 PM

ive always _intended_ to read watership down. i even have a copy on my bookshelf. for some reason though, i cant even bring myself to crack the book open, let alone start reading. i dunno. talking rabbits. reminds me of that dumbfuck trix bunny. i think ill try to hit it this weekend though. neverwhere sounds interesting, ill try to pick that up this weekend.

and for those with long attention spans: a tale of two cities is an amazing book. its the only book _ive_ read more than once. it has everything. suspense, adventure, romance and more. read it.


thebecoming 06-11-2002 09:33 PM

Since were talkin literature...
How about Aldous Huxleys, "Brave new World"....if you never have, its a definate must read. Huxley was onto something when he wrote it.

And I always suggest Hunter Thompson...espc "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."

I know this is about what we're reading currently...But instead of magazines in the bathroom, I keep novels...not to say that im in there a while, or a lot....But These two have been in there for a year and I love to re- read them constantly.

jeni 06-11-2002 11:25 PM


Damn, Jeni makes me feel inadequate.
:) well, i hadn't read anything in quite some time...i finished neverwhere about 13 months ago, and since then and up until a few months ago i hadn't really read any novels.

tonight paul and i went to border's and i got 2 more books, which i give a week. :) i'm going to end up spending hundreds of dollars on books if jenno doesn't come to my aid like she promised. :p jenno is great people. i trust her with books (among other things).

YES, neverwhere is an excellent book. it was recommended and mailed to me by an old friend, and i'd love to get more of gaiman's books but the only ones i can find are hardback, and well...i don't have that kind of money. :) i guess it's about time to get a library card.

perth 06-11-2002 11:36 PM

am i allowed to go offtopic on my own thread?


i guess it's about time to get a library card.
until about a week ago, i hadnt been to a public library in at least 10 years. i went in to pay my wifes late fee (hi honey!) and noticed that not only do they loan out books, but cds, videos and dvds as well. i never heard of such a thing! im gonna go get a library card tomorrow, because they have a bunch of those national geographic specials (love the egypt ones), and tons of audio books.


spinningfetus 06-12-2002 12:46 AM


Originally posted by thebecoming
Since were talkin literature...
How about Aldous Huxleys, "Brave new World"....if you never have, its a definate must read. Huxley was onto something when he wrote it.

And I always suggest Hunter Thompson...espc "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."

I suggest Island by Huxley and Hell's Angels by Thompson; I think they show those writers at thier best...

spinningfetus 06-12-2002 12:49 AM


Originally posted by jeni

i guess it's about time to get a library card.

You guys are in for a surprise if your library is like mine; they now issue "smart cards" with a chip so that you can use thier computers. I don't know about libraries though, they always want thier books back :(

jeni 06-12-2002 01:14 AM

yeah, but if you're like me, you'll likely never read the book again anyway, so it's not a big deal :)

SteveDallas 06-12-2002 09:41 AM

Hmmm I read a lot of stuff... I have to read.. all the time when I'm not doing something else. Somewhat compulsive, I guess. The problem is, when I'm very tired or wiped out, I just read "brain candy"... something I've already read several times. I sometimes end up with 2 or 3 books going at once, one for when I can concentrate and think, and one for when I can't. So what have I read recently?

In the last year I've become a fan of Lois McMaster Bujold's Miles Vorkosigan series. Her most recent entry, Diplomatic Immunity, I actually purchased as an e-book, a format I'm not really in love with, because the publisher had that out a month before the hard copy!

I also noticed the third book in a series I read the first two of a long time ago, the Camulod Chronicles by Jack Whyte. It's a retelling of the Arthur legends based on the end of Roman presence in Britain. I just finished the third volume, The Eagles' Brood.

Ghost Soldiers tells about a WWII Army Rangers operation to rescue survivors of the Bataan Death March being held by the Japanese in the Phillipines. A gripping tale, told with lots of accounts from the men who were there.

Henry VIII: The King and His Court by Alison Weir is more interesting than it sounds. Having said that, I didn't finish it due to lack of time & mental energy. But it's fascinating to see how everything was managed. (Imagine if, when The Prez went down to his ranch in Texas, the whole government had to go with him! That's sort of what happened when Henry moved around.)

The Simulacra by Philip K. Dick. To early to tell. I've liked most of Dick's stuff. At the very opening of the books, psychoanalysis has been outlawed and analysts practice under pain of arrest. Why? A large pharmaceutical company has drugs that will treat all known mental ailments, and they've lobbied the government to outlaw the "quackery" of analysis to improve their sales.

elSicomoro 06-12-2002 06:51 PM


Originally posted by perth
until about a week ago, i hadnt been to a public library in at least 10 years. i went in to pay my wifes late fee (hi honey!) and noticed that not only do they loan out books, but cds, videos and dvds as well. i never heard of such a thing! im gonna go get a library card tomorrow, because they have a bunch of those national geographic specials (love the egypt ones), and tons of audio books.
Seriously? Not that I'm making fun of you at all, but that is wild.

The libraries in St. Louis have always offered stuff like that. One catch though--if you wanted the good stuff (the hard-to-find books, CDs, etc.), you had to go downtown to the central library. The branch libraries always had shit.

The last time I was in a library here in Philadelphia, I believe they do the same. (I have a library card here...but I've only gone to the library to get tax forms. :) ) The one by my house seems incredibly nice though...I might go up there Saturday.

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