The Cellar

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xoxoxoBruce 09-03-2005 05:50 PM


It creates pictures in my head of sloth fingered, bacon eating, pale, socially regected dwellers that actually inhabit a dark, musty, curiously moist cellar.
Yeah, that's about right. :lol:
Last year I was writing to a kid in Falusia. He was a radio operator with a Marine Medical Unit there. He asked me to write instead of email because the computer location was always under rocket attack. Seems the baddies knew that would be a popular destination to guys off duty without body armor.
Hope your work place isn't that popular with the rocket men.

btw, do you guys read Michael Yon's posts?

Griff 09-03-2005 06:18 PM

Welcome aboard, TalkIsCheap. You're going to see a lot of us bitching about the war here but be assured nobody here, except maybe Radar, has anything but deep respect for you guys in the shit. I was raised by a Marine but never trusted politicians enough to follow his lead. Be safe. g

Griff 09-03-2005 06:45 PM

Oh and I'm also a scaredy cat, so it prolly wouldn't have worked out.

lumberjim 09-03-2005 10:20 PM

A+ entry post. There will be no quiz required of you. Don;t suppose you could track nicotinegun down and sneak some tinfoil into his cereal?

Kagen4o4 09-03-2005 10:51 PM

that was one of the best posts ive read in here. welcome aboard.
makes me glad to be postin' here

wolf 09-04-2005 03:22 PM


It creates pictures in my head of sloth fingered, bacon eating, pale, socially regected dwellers that actually inhabit a dark, musty, curiously moist cellar.
Not all of us eat bacon. RichLevy keeps kosher.

If we were applying ourselves to other pursuits such as fitness and nutrition, we wouldn't be here, and we wouldn't have any energy to be clever. None at all.

We do have some experience, as far as Marines and computers goes ... ZippyT seems to manage okay. For a jarhead.

Trilby 09-04-2005 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by TalkIsCheap
From what I've read I could have typed in whale penis and got the same results. I was instantly hooked,

Y'know, that whale penis thing has really, really paid off.

marichiko 09-04-2005 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by TalkIsCheap
Your posts are intriguing, entertaining, and as I'm discovering, highly addictive. I've never been able to get my required daily intake of narcissism, wit, sarcasm, dry humor, wet humor, bullshit, and brutal honesty in one place before. I'm not going to sit here and lick your assholes all day. If you want praise, call your mother. Or just murder proper grammar in a corn field. That seems to work.

Hey, GI! :love: I adore you! Are you single?

Kagen4o4 09-04-2005 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by wolf

If we were applying ourselves to other pursuits such as fitness and nutrition, we wouldn't be here, and we wouldn't have any energy to be clever. None at all.

hey i go to the gym everyday and still manage to write entertaining, enlightened posts about anything and everything to do with the filth and rancid drool that some people call intelligent thoughts in this nerd magnet, hell-hole you scum call "the cellar".

capnhowdy 09-04-2005 10:28 PM

Yo TalkIs Cheap.........
2nd div.115 th Mike Co. Waving the arm we have left.
Love ya Bro.....
Semper Fi

TalkIsCheap 09-05-2005 01:14 AM

Ok, I'm a little freaked out here. The picture from which this discussion was born, was taken in the town right next to the one I'm from (Canandaigua, NY). I'm not one to acknowledge fate but I'm a big time supporter of coincidence.

To Capnhowdy, I'm currently attached to 2nd Mar Div. I usually reside with IIMEF but since January I've been out in Ar Ramadi with the grunts. It's always motivating to find edumacated jar heads roaming the internet. KILL!!!!

To Marichiko, Yes I'm currently single, but the battle of the sexes has left me more worse for wear than the battle in Iraq. That's pretty sad since I'm only 20. I haven't surrendered to the female regime. My Marine roots prohibit me from doing that. I'm just re-evaluating my battle plan. And trying to acquire some artillery since it seems you have the market cornered.

To Griff, honestly other than actively participating in it, I don't support this war. This is where the life I've lead has brought me so I've haven't got much else to do but live it. And don't sweat being a scaredy cat. When rounds are coming at you, big or small, strong or weak, seasoned or novice, everyone gets scared. I heard a quote once about how courage is the overcoming of fear. So without the initial fear, there could be no courage.

To xoxoxoBruce, I'm heading to Fallujah in a few weeks for my next rotation so I'll be sure to avoid the internet tent there. My job offers me the perk of having an internet connection and a secure building. The gear I'm trained on is worth quite a bit so they make sure to keep it in a hardened facility. All my experience with your "rocket men" has led me to believe one truth. They all have horrible aim. The fact that our multiple guard towers are equipped with fully automatic machine guns and our counter fire is capable of dropping 100 pound arty shells with pinpoint accuracy probably might make their aim a little shaky. I had never read any of Michael Yon's work, but after you wrote that I looked into him and have begun to catch myself up. So far I'm enjoying them.

To the creators and sustainers of the cellar, thank you for your service and thank you for your kind welcome. I only hope that I can contribute to your running success.

Griff 02-15-2007 03:28 PM

Pretty old thread!
I hope talkischeap is doing ok.

Shawnee123 02-15-2007 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 316144)
Pretty old thread!
I hope talkischeap is doing ok.

LOL...didn't notice the dates on the thread. I wondered why talk wasn't in the top part of the new members list. :redface:

Clodfobble 02-15-2007 04:32 PM


I hope talkischeap is doing ok.
Also Tobiasly...

xoxoxoBruce 02-15-2007 04:37 PM

I sent him an email, hopefully he'll respond.:D

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