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dave 07-01-2003 06:32 PM

Bruce is a dirty, dirty old man.

richlevy 07-01-2003 07:21 PM


Originally posted by Elspode
While my own son is nowhere near as incapacitated as the child you describe, he is also far from a normal young man. He will never drive, he will always have a seizure disorder, and his comprehensional and learning abilities are virtually fixed somewhere at a fourth grade level. He is 22 years old, but still relies on me and his stepmother for pretty much all of his transportation needs to work, the bank, the store, etc.
I have almost the exact same situation with my 18-year-old son. Here in Pennsylvania, there is a training course available in public transportation for disabled youths and adults.

Elspode 07-01-2003 08:33 PM

Our biggest problem is that there is no public transportation here in Grandview. There is one bus stop, it runs mostly expresses downtown, and it is about five miles from his apartment. Even if he could be trained to ride the bus around town, there are so many places they don't go in the KC Metro area. Our public transportation system is probably among the worst in the world.

Elspode 07-01-2003 08:45 PM


Originally posted by OnyxCougar

Didn't mean to hijack the thread, Elspode.

Good grief, please, think nothing of the sort. This is precisely the type of thing (not your specific case, of course, but the conept of discussing how and when our outlooks on life changed and why) when I started this thread. It certainly wasn't just to air my own miseries.

It does sound like you've come to grips with your experience, and that is the sign of a healthy individual, I think.

Elspode 07-01-2003 08:52 PM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
I liked your picture.:blush:
Picture? What picture? I miss everything, damn it.

xoxoxoBruce 07-01-2003 11:47 PM

here :D

OnyxCougar 07-01-2003 11:55 PM


Prolly should've posted something more...PG, huh?

dave 07-02-2003 05:39 AM

No, we're (mostly) adults here. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Little kids should be out playing hide and go fuck themselves.

xoxoxoBruce 07-02-2003 11:33 PM


Prolly should've posted something more...PG, huh?

xoxoxoBruce 07-02-2003 11:34 PM


Bruce is a dirty, dirty old man.
And your point is?;)

dave 07-03-2003 05:31 AM

I can't say it better than I did the first time. :)

xoxoxoBruce 07-03-2003 09:52 AM

But you make it sound like a bad thing.;)

OnyxCougar 07-18-2003 12:44 PM

I'm shaking as I write this.

I'm putting this here because it's directly related to my previous posts.

Bored at work, as usual, I was surfing around and found this.

I'm not sure why I'm so upset. I think it's mostly because it doesn't sound to me like he's miserable in prison. It sounds to me like he's having a good old time getting boinked by bubba, piercing all his body parts and cybering with the internet ho's. He admitting to murdering a person, he shows no remorse, is in prison with no possibility of parole. Doesn't sound like much of a punishment if the website is any indication.

I'm angry. Angry that he killed Steven and now is internet capable, can contact people, and I'm frightened that he could concievably find me. He threatened me when I saw him in jail, (had to get the divorce decree amended to get Justin back, so he had to sign the new decree and he would only sign it after he spoke with me) he found out I was married to David (who is black) and said if I didn't take care of Justin he would sic the KKK after us. Now, I'm no longer married to David, but the fact is, this ia a person who tortured, murdered and dismembered a man (which I still feel partially responsible for), and I DON'T want him knowing where I am, or where any of my children are.

The Oregon prison system has let this monster be internet capable. What kind of punishment is this?

Tobiasly 07-18-2003 01:59 PM

That is pretty fucked up. I would get on the horn with your lawyer ASAP and find out exactly what you can do about this. I can't believe there isn't some sort of internet equivalent of a restraining order. Maybe they only allow him access to a very restricted list of sites? I would think you should be able to sue the state of Oregon for endangering you and your family like this, if you want to take it that far.

If nothing else, I'm sure there is enough talent around here to fuck up that website of his. Maybe Undertoad also would be willing to block whatever IP range the prison is using, to prevent him from reaching the Cellar, although that isn't a foolproof method.

juju 07-18-2003 02:07 PM

It says on the site that all e-mail responses will be slow, as e-mails must be be physically printed out and mailed to him. So, it sounds to me like someone made the website for him, and he just sent them a letter saying what to say. Charles Manson had a website up at one time, too, via the same methods (outside help).

Unless you prevent him from sending letters or having visitors, I don't see how you can stop this.

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