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lumberjim 05-29-2008 10:54 PM

I had one of those days where, literally, I didn't have 5 minutes in a row unmolested in a 13 hour shift. phone rings, salesmen need this or that or both, someone is buying a car, gotta stop and do that (11 times today), call and work on credit for deals that are forthcoming, close out deals (only got 4 done)

Some days, my office is like the neck of a funnel. On the upside, I had a great sangwich for lunch.

elSicomoro 05-30-2008 12:42 AM

I almost got to meet Erykah Badu tonight...the crew at the Fox Theatre (where she and The Roots were performing) ordered food for the after party. If I hadn't had one more delivery after that, I would have tried to get a pic and a autographed pizza box.

Clodfobble 12-13-2016 05:13 PM

It's astounding I'm in such a good mood, given how chaotic things have been.

1.) Minifobette is sick with incredibly gross-ass strep throat. We got her antibiotics--never my favorite, but since she had yet to get any kind of fever, it was clear her immune system had gone on vacation for this one as it sometimes does. She'll probably be out through Thursday, which is the last day of the semester and will put her over the max allowable absences, but they know it's been an abnormal couple of months for us and won't give me shit about it.

2.) Construction guys are fixing our incredibly gross-ass back yard. Yay! But there is a lot of noise as they rip out rusted iron railings and cut boards for the pergola, which makes it hard to be at home. Which I have to be, because #1.

3.) Lost my drivers license at Mr. Clod's not-at-all-gross-ass company Christmas party last Friday. (Truth be told, Mr. Clod lost it, but I know how it happened and it's very nearly happened to me a dozen times so it's understandable.) Spent 4 days trying to reach someone at the venue, before they finally emailed back today and said no one turned it in. Boo.

4.) I missed a doctor's appointment for the first time in my life this morning. 100% spaced on it. It's not a big deal because it's a geneticist I don't even want to bother seeing, but since geneticists are in such high demand, they said the next time they can see me is September of 2017, the fuckers. Whatever, I put it on the calendar.

5.) Instead of remembering my doctor's appointment, I bought a handful of Christmas presents. Wrapped one with Minifobette, then she got tired and the rest will have to wait.

7.) Tonight I have a social obligation to attend a "thank you" party at the school's founder's house for people who volunteer a lot. It's going to be a contest to see who manages to worm free from their thing and get home first--me from my party, or Mr. Clod from the second day of his big work project.

monster 12-13-2016 08:22 PM

Today was fucking shite with meteor showers of flaming poop. The last two weeks or so have been pretty much the same and then suddenly, briefly, the last two days the sun came out and angelic singing was heard I knew another crapfest was right round the corner, and sure enough.....

footfootfoot 12-13-2016 09:05 PM

After biting the underside of my tongue (how that is possible I don't even) so fucking hard I heard it go CRUNCH! and blood fucking gushing for 5 or 10 minutes like I'd lost a molar, I managed to drink some tea despite the pain, figuring the tannins might tan my tongue-hide.

Borrowed a friend's car to drive to my attorney to resolve some paperwork relating to a mortgage modification, simple, good. Having access to a car I managed to go shopping for the first time in about six weeks and refilled most of the pantry.

After several hours I was able to drink soup.

Half inch gash on underside of tongue, almost deep enough to need stitches according to my doc, but I'll wait a few days.

Tongue biting 0/10 would not, but probably will, do again.

Shopping 5/10 Bittersweet, have a lot of great food to eat, but can't.

Clodfobble 12-13-2016 09:12 PM

Dude, tongue stitches are awful with a capital FUL. I hope it heals without them. :(

elSicomoro 12-13-2016 10:24 PM Sent my passport renewal off, went to my favorite donut shop, got some cool travel brochures.

Tomorrow...well, they're going to stick a scope down my throat to make sure my new(er) stomach is okay. At least the drugs will be good.

elSicomoro 12-13-2016 10:26 PM

Did I mention that we bought a new house in a new school district in July? We did that. Did I mention that my son decided to fake a British accent and tell all his new friends and teachers that we adopted him from the UK? He did that...he's STILL doing that.

Though we met his new girlfriend tonight...before she was allowed over, we told him he had to come clean with her. He did, and she was fine with it.

Griff 12-14-2016 06:41 AM

hmm... maybe he needs to work on that accent.

elSicomoro 12-14-2016 07:58 AM

Nothing like a week into classes: "Did you adopt your son from Britain? He said he came over here on a ship when he was adopted..."

glatt 12-14-2016 08:09 AM

That's funny, but I hope it doesn't backfire on him when the truth gets out.

elSicomoro 12-14-2016 08:36 AM

Slowly but surely he is "shedding" it. We've had to push him in some instances. We find it amusing, but we fear he is going to hurt himself in continuing to do it.

Clodfobble 12-14-2016 10:05 AM

At least he's not claiming some secret royal lineage. That would be like "I have a girlfriend in Canada."

Today has gotten off to a solid start. Mr. Clod got back in town and crawled into bed around 1:30 (technically today, so), then I woke up around 4:30 and eventually gave up trying to go back to sleep. Work until the sick one woke up at 6:00, healthy one off to school with Christmas gift cards for all their teachers, then swung by Target and then Michael's for more Christmas shit.

Meanwhile my duck egg lady, who is definitely a pain pill addict, asked me to come get my batch a couple days early because she's out of money until the weekend and could really use the $10 cash I'm going to pay her. How many pills does that buy her these days, I wonder? Came home to receive a delivery of plants for the back yard, about to go 30 minutes out of town to get my duck eggs and pretend sympathy for her "back pain" (she's 26) and confirm that I still really don't have any leftover pain med prescriptions I can give her, not even expired ones.

Then I'll be stockpile-baking with my new influx of eggs, receiving a new couch between 1:00 and 4:00 (stepdaughter took our old one when she moved out, I'll be damned if she's the one who gets a new one instead of us,) finally hanging the Christmas lights outside, taking a shower, picking up the healthy one from school, cooking chicken burgers for dinner, then wrapping presents after both go to bed.

footfootfoot 12-14-2016 10:18 AM

Check out this story on This American Life:

elSicomoro 12-14-2016 11:59 AM

Scope went OK...I have an ulcer, but I'll apparently live. Meanwhile, I feel gooooood.

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