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Urbane Guerrilla 09-25-2007 01:22 AM


freshnesschronic 09-25-2007 01:23 AM

Nothing to see here. The "bigger" man has walked away.

freshnesschronic 09-25-2007 01:24 AM

Nothing to see here. The "bigger" man has walked away.

DucksNuts 09-25-2007 05:04 AM

Fucking hell Fresh.

I cant believe you went from *the bigger man has walked away*, to that.

Yes, I see its a joke...but you have to learn *timing* totally fucked yourself there buddy.

Flint 09-25-2007 09:34 AM

oh! ha ha ha ha I've never seen that before! I'm new on the internets!

bluecuracao 09-25-2007 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by freshnesschronic (Post 388631)
Yeah just conducted two interviews, one with the Biz Head of the UC and the other with the Operations Head.

They went pretty well. Learned a lotta stuff. Really intimidated me, told me to get more involved with bizniz. But I have no interest in bizniz. ::tears::
We'll see what happens, I guess. Give it 10 years or so. :P

When I was in school, I interviewed one of the partners of a huge NY architectural firm for a project--very very intimidating. You're lucky yours went well; the guy I had to talk to was a pompous jerk. I was so nervous, that I pushed the wrong button on my tape recorder, and ended up with nothing. I had to transcribe the whole thing by memory after I realized what I did.

Aliantha 09-25-2007 06:06 PM

I always liked the retarded line for arguing on the internet. It's pretty funny.

I think Ducks is right though, you should have left out the pic. Someone posted it somewhere else just a couple of weeks ago.

lumberjim 09-25-2007 06:41 PM

give you 3 guesses who that was, and who it was directed at. ok, ill just tell you. it was freshnesscocklick to me. surprised?

Aliantha 09-25-2007 06:51 PM

It's cause you're retarded Jimbo. :)

Oh yeah, that was a joke btw...just in case you didn't realize I'm taking the piss out of you. Of course, you'd be fine with that right?

lumberjim 09-25-2007 06:53 PM

i AM in the piss gang. actually, i might be the captain this week.

Aliantha 09-25-2007 07:00 PM

I can imagine you would be.

freshnesschronic 09-25-2007 09:38 PM

Anywho, I think I'm going to go down the hard path to minor in business. From my interviews, both execs emphasized the importance of communication, flexiblity and business. Ugh. Personally I have no interest in business, but those dudes made it near to the top of a sports administration branch.

There's no guarantee I will even make it into the minor, U of I is like the #5 biz school in the US (I believe)! But since I'm concurrently writing my interview assignment I feel enlightened and mostly decided to understand business and enroll in the related classes.

steambender 09-25-2007 10:28 PM

Biz, the necessary evil
I am, and always will be a engineer (geek) of the inventive type. I got culled from the herd early in my career and sent to MBA boot camp as a future technical manager and business leader. It was a very exclusive opportunity and turning it down would have been career I went.

And came back, and said thanks for the fascinating insight into the (corporate) ruling class, I want to stay a geek, and I'm too good at it for you to turn me down. And they turned me into a (geek) leader anyway. bastards.

Fresh, biz makes the world go round. you can ignore it, and limit your potential, or you can surf it and get some, most or maybe all that you want. There are many days (just read the old farts postings) when you wish you were doing anything else. price you pay.

The most valuable biz school courses for me:

Organizational behavior. People are a pain in the ass, and a joy, and much harder to manage and work with than inanimate objects. Most of what they do and how they behave in groups is not new, and coping mechanisms are available.

Economics. The understanding of investment and return, and markets. How to figure cost, value, payoff, and other criteria for making decisions that involve tradeoffs on managing and investing resources (time, money, people, what's left of your stash, things like that)

Finance. How to figure the value of money, rate of return, time value, etc. How money moves around organizations and banks. This is very important, cause just about anything you want to accomplish working for a bizness requires either temporary or long term use of their money, and they'll want to know how much more they get back before they let you use it. It's good to know how they keep track of it, and how much it costs them to borrow it, or "loan" it you as opposed to renovating the CEO's private bathroom, stuff like that.

A'll start at or near the bottom in the organization, in other words, smack dab in the middle of whatever it is they do to make money, you won't get to the level where it's abstract for a while. Be knowledgeable, or better, a bit experienced, at what is important to them. the biz courses will help you make sense of the strange terrain faster, and help you anticipate what they might be interested in you doing.

this is a long winded way of saying, you might not be interested in it, but you can exploit it to help you get what you want, and most of the knowledge you gain is very useful in your personal life, unless you can avoid the economy entirely, like with a life prison sentence.

how'd I get up on this soapbox?

freshnesschronic 09-25-2007 11:44 PM

Dude steambender you're awesome. Thanks man. This is why I post here man, for people like you.

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