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Happy Monkey 03-26-2004 10:27 AM


Originally posted by Clodfobble
Damn, that's a massive PC to console ratio, bigger than I was expecting. Is it just because you don't want to pay the extra cost of buying a console when you already have a PC, or that you don't want to take over the TV, or is it just you prefer the type of games you find on the PC versus a console?
All that and I don't like gamepads.

perth 03-26-2004 10:33 AM

I love a good game, and could care less the platform.

Games I'm currently playing (not all at once):

PC: Star Wars Galaxies, Diablo II, Noah's Ark.
Xbox: SSX3, Morrowind
GBA: Metroid Fusion, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Gamecube: Animal Crossing, Legend of Zelda (The original, was on a Nintendo bonus disc)
PS2: Well, nothing really. This has kind of collected dust since I got the Xbox.

The Dreamcast still gets plenty of playtime, and if I ever get around to digging my SNES out of its box, I've had a hankering to re-play Earthbound and Final Fantasy III.

Skunks 03-26-2004 10:50 AM

I MUD way the hell too much (

And I play ZAngband a little, too.

I used to play Counterstrike and so forth, but I don't have a monitor for my windows box. I've been sort of thinking of getting a monitor and looking into the newer games while what I've got is still half decent, but I'm cheap and lazy. And I'd rather buy a TV for the Daily Show, anyway.

blue 03-26-2004 10:58 AM

OK, for you morrowind gurus, here's the deal. I have the game but no have a strategy guide, but not sure about the basics, moves & such.

Such as fighting, I make myself invisible, get right up straight on next to a guy, crosshairs dead center, right trigger....whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, I'll hit him like out of 20 times.....seems like I'm doing something wrong....I normally get my ass kicked.

Also in Seyda Neen, I can't get to the end of Nimawia Grotto...I swim under, think I'm in like the third chamber...I see what looks like a tunnel underwater but halfway in I can hardly see anymore, then of course I drown.

Just getting started, in fact I just started play in Balomor (sp?) today...this game is freaking huge.

Chewbaccus 03-26-2004 11:33 AM

What I'm fooling around with these days:

PC: WarCraft 3, Civ 3 expansion, UT2k4
GameCube: Pitfall, Viewtiful Joe, RE0

I don't have a PS2, nor do I intend to rectify the situation. I'd gladly receive an Xbox as a present or as part of a very cheaply-priced promotion deal. There are precisely five titles I'd purchase for Xbox if I had one - Halo, Halo 2, KOTOR, and the GTA 3/VC bundle - and until that changes significantly, it's not worth buying the system. Any other worthy titles, it's just a pretty safe lock I can pick them up on GameCube instead.

Undertoad 03-26-2004 11:50 AM

Compare UT2003 and 2004 to me please!

I was disappointed with 2003 because it felt too cartoonish. I'm not shooting a weapon, I'm shooting a pretend version of one that could never ever really exist. It also felt too twitchy-oriented and fast-pace oriented.

Happy Monkey 03-26-2004 11:52 AM


Originally posted by blue58
Such as fighting, I make myself invisible, get right up straight on next to a guy, crosshairs dead center, right trigger....whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, I'll hit him like out of 20 times.....seems like I'm doing something wrong....I normally get my ass kicked.
You're doing nothing wrong. As a beginner, you probably won't be able to kill any people. You need to practice with the type of weapon you are using. Go after the rats and worms, and maybe try some training if you can afford it. Also make sure that the weapon you're using is one that you have put some points in during character generation - preferably a major skill.

Also in Seyda Neen, I can't get to the end of Nimawia Grotto...I swim under, think I'm in like the third chamber...I see what looks like a tunnel underwater but halfway in I can hardly see anymore, then of course I drown.
You may not be athletic enough to hold your breath that long. There are charms and spells for "Water Breathing" and "Night Vision" available.

Just getting started, in fact I just started play in Balomor (sp?) today...this game is freaking huge.
(Balmora) Indeed. It's incredible. Just wait til you get to Vivec.

ladysycamore 03-26-2004 11:52 AM


Originally posted by vsp
I have the Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, 400, XEGS and Jaguar, the Mattel Intellivision, Intellivision II and Aquarius, a pile of ColecoVisions, three Vectrexes, an Odyssey^2, a Bally Astrocade, the Sega Master System, Genesis, CDX, Saturn and Dreamcast, the Nintendo NES, SNES, GameCube and (through my wife) Game Boy line, a 3DO, PlayStation 1 and 2, a NEC TurboGrafx, TurboDuo and two TurboExpresses, a handful of NeoGeo Pocket Colors, and a Microvision.
:eek: Holy mackerel!!! I remember getting the 2600 for Christmas eons ago. I was insanely jealous of two of my friends for owning ColecoVision and Intellivision II (and I found myself playing at their house quite often...:D).

I'm an old arcade head from the 80s. The mall arcade was my second home. All the typical games: Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Centipede, Gyrus (my all time fav!!), etc.

The only console game that I own (on PS2) is Marvel vs. Capcom. The arcade version is better (tag team option is not available for the console version). I don't play games on the PC.

vsp 03-26-2004 12:20 PM


Originally posted by blue58
Such as fighting, I make myself invisible, get right up straight on next to a guy, crosshairs dead center, right trigger....whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, I'll hit him like out of 20 times.....seems like I'm doing something wrong....I normally get my ass kicked.
Point one: The moment you perform any action, you're no longer invisible. I'm sure that the enemy whacking you around has convinced you of THAT. (Invisibility does have its uses in combat, though -- against many foes, you can turn it on for a breather, so that you can drink a healing potion, regain your fatigue, etc. and then return to the fray.)

Point two: The bottom bar is your fatigue. As you run around, swing weapons and otherwise exert yourself, it drops relatively quickly. Your hit rate drops DRAMATICALLY when you're tired.

Point three: New characters tend to have fairly low skill ratings across the board in weapon types. Pick the weapon type you're highest-rated in, wield a corresponding weapon, and go beat on Kwama Foragers and Rats and such for a while in the wilderness before you go after bigger targets. Once you're reasonably proficient with one weapon, you can slowly build up another.

Figure on specializing in one or two weapon types and ignoring the others. I usually go with Blunt Weapon and/or Long Blade, with a soft spot for Marksman once I can cast Bound Longbow semi-reliably.

For fun, try Hand-to-Hand. It's been neutered in later patches, but you can beat on a Kwama Forager for ages and build Speed up fairly quickly.


Also in Seyda Neen, I can't get to the end of Nimawia Grotto...I swim under, think I'm in like the third chamber...I see what looks like a tunnel underwater but halfway in I can hardly see anymore, then of course I drown.
So wait until you've got a Water Breathing spell, or (better yet) a spell AND an item. Once you get your hands on a filled soul gem, it shouldn't cost much at all to have an Enchanter make you an item with (let's say) Water Breathing, 60 Seconds, Cast When Used...

Troubleshooter 03-26-2004 12:23 PM


Originally posted by blue58
OK, for you morrowind gurus, here's the deal. I have the game but no have a strategy guide, but not sure about the basics, moves & such.

Such as fighting, I make myself invisible, get right up straight on next to a guy, crosshairs dead center, right trigger....whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh,whoosh, I'll hit him like out of 20 times.....seems like I'm doing something wrong....I normally get my ass kicked.

Also in Seyda Neen, I can't get to the end of Nimawia Grotto...I swim under, think I'm in like the third chamber...I see what looks like a tunnel underwater but halfway in I can hardly see anymore, then of course I drown.

Just getting started, in fact I just started play in Balomor (sp?) today...this game is freaking huge.

Crabs, rats, kwama, hellhounds, and those birds I can't remember the name of. They put those all over so you can get a little practice.

blue 03-26-2004 02:27 PM

Go after the rats and worms
Even they kick my sorry ass!

But I finally whacked Forin Gilnyth, had to go buy a bunch of light armor and a big ass axe.

Thanks for the advice, the last 3 posts actually helped a lot. I'm a Blade now, and didn't know about the water magic & athletics...will try that later.

I need to find some back water town so I can take out my frustration on the guards, getting real tired of hearing "Move Along".

jaguar 03-26-2004 03:05 PM


System Shock 2 is a kickass game.
One of the best games of all time. Late at night, lights off, wandering around the level, suddenly your hear the scream of one of those 'mother' thing, you around, shit yourself as it runs toward you and fire off a burst from the assault rifle in reflex... Most atmospheric game of all time.

Razorfish 03-26-2004 06:10 PM

Morrowind=greatest RPG
I love pretty much everything about this game. Granted, the game is not newbie friendly at all and it should never be the first RPG you play but it has great appeal once you understand it.

Morrowind is designed as an open ended games. Just like in a real-life adventure you don't neccessarily have all the clues and talking to people is your only chance.

The game also has a great deal of uncertainty. The huge world is filled with everything from easy enemies in caves when your far along in the game, to near immpossible enemies close to the begginning. A lot of people are annoyed by such unpredictability but I look at at like a true adventure. Add completely customizable character creation and you've got the great game that is Morrowind.

But a game doesn't have to be as advanced as Morrowind to be fun. I used to play a game on the Sega Genesis called Streets of Rage that is a good example of this. You went from one level to the next beating up everyone you saw. Made for great mindless entertainment.

Torrere 03-26-2004 07:49 PM


I play about two games a year, with some starcraft stuffed in occasionally.

Most recently, Thief I and Thief II; Alice; Tribes I and II two years ago.

Happy Monkey 03-26-2004 10:40 PM

I need to play Alice again. Last time I played it, my system was barely sufficient. I should be able to pump up the power now.

The Thief games are awesome. There's a new one coming out, but it's not by the same team, so it'll be a crapshoot.

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