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Xugumad 10-04-2002 07:40 PM

Ann Coulter is a thinly-disguised crypto-fascist, popular with the US far-right.

Here is a brief <a href="">article</a> on her, replete with choice quotations. The <a href="">link</a> I posted above outlines how her bestselling book is a collection of lies and willful misinterpretations.

Ann Coulter:

To a disabled Vietnam vet: "People like you caused us to lose that war."---MSNBC

"I think [women] should be armed but should not [be allowed to] vote."---Politically Incorrect, 2/26/01

"The presumption of innocence only means you don't go right to jail."---Hannity & Colmes 8/24/01

"I think [Whitewater]'s going to prevent the First Lady from running for Senate."---Rivera Live 3/12/99

"My track record is pretty good on predictions."---Rivera Live 12/8/98

"My libertarian friends are probably getting a little upset now but I think that's because they never appreciate the benefits of local fascism."---MSNBC 2/8/97

Obviously, a lot of it is meant to incite strong reactions, yet it appears that she is taken seriously as a political commentator. CNN let her host Crossfire, and she is a regular on Fox News shows.


Undertoad 10-04-2002 07:49 PM

But many people seem to be unaware of her idiocy because to many people she's pretty. Part of my rant is to say that many pretty people start to look uglier and uglier once you get to know them. Christie Brinkley, it'd take 9 years. But Ann Coulter wears her hate on the outside; it would happen in the space of half a night.

elSicomoro 10-04-2002 10:00 PM

Back in my summer days of being an MSNBC addict, her and Donahue scrapped one night...a few nights later, IIRC, she was on Hardball. Later that week, she was on Nachman. And it was the same shit over and over: Liberals are bad...liberals are liars.

Apparently, she was pretty pissed over her battle with Donahue. From what I remember of that show, he kept calling her on what she was saying, and then she'd whine about how he wasn't giving her a fair opportunity to speak.

Nic Name 10-04-2002 10:07 PM

I'd like to see her on Dr. Phil.

hermit22 10-07-2002 03:12 AM

I saw the Donahue one. It was actually really, really funny. Too bad it was only a segment and not the whole show.

(btw, here's a link to the transcript.)

vsp 10-07-2002 08:46 AM

The thing with Coulter is that she knows _exactly_ what she's doing -- being a Morton Downey Jr. with hooters for the new generation. A trained vaudeville artist, if you will. She knows her audience perfectly (closed-minded Christian conservatives), and feeds them exactly what they want to hear (liberals are evil cartoon characters responsible for everything that's wrong in the world, and fine upstanding Christian folk like us need to squash them like cockroaches). Bipartisanism and give-and-take and compromise may work for some politicians, but if you're trying to make a fast buck selling books and selling your image on TV, best to go the deliberately-outrageous route and pander -- she makes Limbaugh and Liddy seem subtle.

How much of her offerings she truly believes and how much is knowingly exaggerated to make a buck is open to debate. Like a poorly-motivated student writing an 11th-hour research paper, she throws in lots of footnotes to "prove" that her arguments are factual, forgetting (or ignoring) that footnoting only works when the QUOTED SOURCES are accurate and/or relevant to the text in which they're included. She preens on television and in interviews at every opportunity, knowing that it doesn't matter if what she says is ridiculous or easily refuted -- the fact that she said it in the first place will make her flock take it as gospel. What startles me is that many who should know better give her the slightest bit of credibility.

She's also a creature of a most peculiar species -- prominent, successful, enterprising women who go out and preach that a woman's place is exclusively in the home (supporting her Christian husband), and that any legislation protecting or reinforcing women's rights in any way should be overthrown. (See also: Phyllis Schlafly, Beverly LaHaye.) It's an entertaining contradiction. If the basic premise was accurate (that women are inherently inferior, and should just shut up and marry Christian men who'll do all the breadwinning, governing, policy-setting and fighting)... then why should anyone give a rat's ass what the "inferior" Coulter has to say? Why do Schlafly and LaHaye head multi-million-dollar organizations whose purpose is to convince America that women shouldn't aspire to be the heads of multi-million-dollar organizations? Shouldn't they be writing and ranting their way out of a job, so to speak?

Nah. They're trained monkeys for the Christian Right, paid well to stand there and convince the rest of their gender to Shut Up and Pray, Shut Up and Shop, Shut Up and Breed, Shut Up and Vote Republican, and not think too hard about the consequences of those actions. And whenever someone calls them on being fifth-columnists to their gender, so to speak, they perk up like the peasant from Holy Grail - "See? That's what I'm ON about!" (Then again, maybe not. The peasant from Holy Grail wanted to CHANGE and IMPROVE things.)

juju 10-07-2002 11:15 AM


Originally posted by Xugumad
regarding where I'm posting from: if you check your logs, you should be able to see that my location changed (continentally) sometime during the summer. I am considering adapting the spelling of certain descriptive terms to fit my surroundings, thus 'asshole' instead of 'arsehole'.
What's the big secret?

jaguar 10-07-2002 04:56 PM

Al Queda ;)

socrates 10-09-2002 02:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ann Coulter? Forgive my ignorance. Here in Ireland it seems we have not had the priveledge of this political pidgeon.

Having read the bulk of this thread though, I suspect she holds a minority view?

Caution my friends. As the Proclaimers beautifuly sang....

..What do you do when the rest cant see it's true...


socrates 10-09-2002 02:44 PM

I'd fuck the shit out of her. No kidding. I'd assert my manliness, and she'd love it. I'd nail her from behind and on top, and when I was about to finish, I'd pull out, hop up on her chest, pin her arms down with my knees and spooge all over her face. Then I'd pull on my clothes, toss a $20 down on the bed and find my way out.

Steady on. There's children interested in politics to you know.

dave 10-09-2002 02:54 PM

Re: Ann Coulter rant

Originally posted by Undertoad
If you don't care for pornographic screeds, please don't read on.
As well as people who don't read, it seems. :)

perth 10-09-2002 03:02 PM

all personal/political statements aside, dave, im shocked that you would pay even 20 bucks for that. :)


vsp 10-09-2002 03:26 PM


Originally posted by socrates
[b]Ann Coulter? Forgive my ignorance. Here in Ireland it seems we have not had the priveledge of this political pidgeon.

Having read the bulk of this thread though, I suspect she holds a minority view?
A minority, but an extremely loud, aggressive and self-righteous minority, and one with disproportionate representation in the Republican Party.

I hope the rest of the world is keeping in mind that a LOT of what's coming from our current leadership is a minority view, as well...

Undertoad 10-09-2002 04:23 PM

Any children reading this thread are going to get an incredible education out of it, far worth the discovery of pornographic sexual practices... even if shocking to some.

socrates 10-10-2002 04:53 AM

If you don't care for pornographic screeds, please don't read on. As well as people who don't read, it seems.

Point taken. I just thought it was a bit too graphic that's all:o)

It may have something to do with being European. We are alot more sensitive you know:eek:

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