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wolf 03-07-2004 12:30 AM

Awesome, awesome review, clodfobble.

I think you really touched at the existenial heart of one Happy Monkey, there.

Book club is an extraordinarily cool idea, slarti. It is clear that lumberjim is despondent over not having come up with the idea himself.

lumberjim 03-07-2004 01:32 AM

hey, my back hurts as it is from carrying you people.

actually, i get my inspiration from others, usually. as im sure most of us do. your keychain thread, wolf. the cd thing came from :censored:f, the art gallery from ....damn, i cant remember, but i credited in the 1st post.....the whole dave thing was onyxcougar's idea .....;).....somtimes ideas kind of backfire......., and sometimes they're great. I also steal ideas from jinx, cuz she's too shy to post her own threads. ( she makes me do it)

you get the drift.

i'll post a new thread at the drop of a hat, that's all. I'm out of control.

Torrere 03-07-2004 01:45 AM


Well, the books on my stack are:

The Exile, by Albert Camus
The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
A Distant Mirror: The Calamitous 14th Century, by Barbara S. Tuchman (if I can find it).

I still haven't read Stranger in a Strange Land.

Others on the stack which probably are not valid entries:
Assassin's Apprentince, by Robin Hobb
Saturn's Quest, by Larry Niven

Have most of the people on the Cellar already read Guns, Germs and Steel?

Slartibartfast 03-07-2004 09:26 AM

Methods for choosing the book

1) Each month a new person chooses the book. We can pull names from a hat to determine order. This gives a lot of power to the chooser, but if everyone complains about the chosen book, it can be vetoed and the chooser has to pick an alternate book.


2) The chosen person picks three books, then everyone votes on which of the three will be the book of the month.


3) Everyone nominates a book, and then a vote is made (1st choice 3 points, 2nd choice 2 points, 3rd choice one point). The book with the most points becomes the book of the month.

Personally, I like method 1 or 2 the most, but I'll go with what people agree.

Slartibartfast 03-07-2004 09:45 AM


Originally posted by wolf

Book club is an extraordinarily cool idea, slarti. It is clear that lumberjim is despondent over not having come up with the idea himself.

Thanks Wolf! Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. (must be that cat I swollowed)

LJ don't worry, you can still come up with Fish of the Month or Ideology of the Month, there is still a lot of ideas to choose from..

Torrere 03-07-2004 10:13 AM

The second method sounds good.

Everyone reciting a list of books a la me will probably result in a quickly overwhelmed and fading thread.

*Torrere ponders deleting the post

Slartibartfast 03-07-2004 10:35 AM

Two votes for Option 2 (torrere and I)

Anyone else?

wolf 03-07-2004 10:36 AM

I like option 2 as well ... makes the whole experience more participatory ...

Slartibartfast 03-07-2004 10:40 AM

And we should set April to be the first month. We will need to know which book it is by march 24.

That would give everyone a week to pick up the book, is that enough time?

wolf 03-07-2004 10:49 AM

allows sufficient time for amazon shipping and handling, I'd say ... even if people start late, having a month to read the book is more than sufficient, unless it's a really, really long book, which we said we weren't going to do.

Shattered Soul 03-07-2004 12:43 PM

Sounds good to me. Reading is my life.

*stands up, takes a deep breath, and says"

Hello, my name is Shattered Soul, and I'm a bibliophile...

Lady Sidhe 03-07-2004 12:46 PM

I'm right there with shattered. I'm usually reading a couple of books at a time, but I can always add one more.


SteveDallas 03-07-2004 01:59 PM

Yep, let's do it. I like option #2 for selecting the books.

Slartibartfast 03-07-2004 02:22 PM

Okay, it seems like we are going with choice 2. That means we need a list of interested parties.
So far, we've got

List updated

Lady Sidhe
Shattered Soul
Hot Pastrami ??

We also need someone to pull names from a hat. This can be done two ways.

1) If we pull all the names out of the hat now, we know the lineup to begin with, and new entrants get tacked onto the end of the list.

2) Or, we only pull only one name out of the hat, new entrants get tossed in as they join. Every month a new name is pulled.

The second one gives the excitement of wondering every month if you are next, but the first seems a little more fair to the folks that were in from the beginning, as they are guaranteed to get to go before latecomers.

I like choice two, I could go for a little bit of the unexpected.

OnyxCougar 03-07-2004 02:29 PM

Uh....when did I sign up?

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