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xoxoxoBruce 12-09-2008 01:52 AM

70hp per liter on rice? :eek:

Pie 12-09-2008 09:42 AM

Try adding some kimchee. That'll give you some serious hp.

dar512 12-09-2008 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pie (Post 512010)
Try adding some kimchee. That'll give you some serious hp.

kimchee is very hard to find in the RPGs I play.

Treasenuak 12-09-2008 12:19 PM

I think I shall have to mention kimchee to the DM of the rpg we're currently playing. Thanks for the idea!

Pie 12-09-2008 01:11 PM

De nada. :blush:

Griff 12-09-2008 04:23 PM

2fer or 3fer.

Ancient woman doing <5mph weaving back and forth using both lanes on a rotary.

Young Mr. Rice Burner with crappy black civic tried to wedge between two cars which were cheating to the outsides of their respective lanes. Dumbass cell phone woman on the right weaves almost hits him, he locks it up and dodges bullet. He then drops the "hammer" passing ineffective multi-tasker on the right on the exit ramp. I needed two sidewinder missles and had none.

monster 12-09-2008 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by jinx (Post 511863)
I'll call with yuppie cyclists and amish horse and buggies, both found most commonly on winding back roads with no shoulders and a steep drop-off into a body of water on one side.

easy clean-up, then....

Aliantha 12-10-2008 12:15 AM

Sending a bitchy email and getting no reply

glatt 12-11-2008 11:15 AM

Verizon is scorching my groove today. The pig fuckers.

We've had DSL at home, provide by Verizon, but purchased and passed through CTI Networks ( The reason we got it through CTI is that back when we had a Macintosh, CTI was the only company willing to provide DSL for a Mac, and Verizon wouldn't. (It had to do with providing a router instead of a modem, or something like that. I don't remember. It was years ago.) We paid an extra $5 per month pass through charge to have the arrangement, but we were very happy because CTI has fantastic customer service, and since they are so small, we were able to get a really cool e-mail address. Everyone comments on how cool our e-mail address is when we tell it to them. It's a play on our last name We live in va, so it's perfect.

Anyway, on Friday of last week, our DSL went down. We called CTI, and they said it was a problem with Verizon and that Verizon said it wouldn't be up again until Monday. Actually, the DSL signal was still there, but it wasn't connected to the Web or our e-mail. Many calls and very friendly conversations with CTI brings us to today, when we learned that Verizon has decided not to fix the problem and will instead drop all DSL customers through CTI. I can only imagine what this is doing to that company's business.

So now, we can't get DSL passed through CTI anymore. We lose our awesome e-mail address that we have had for years, and we face the prospect of going to the pig fuckers that caused this whole mess to buy DSL directly through them. We would actually be rewarding the jerks that did this to us. Or we can spend a lot more money and buy cable and internet service through the cable company. We don't currently have cable, nor do we want it.

Grr. We'll probably just suck it up and get DSL through evil Verizon. I hate them right now.

Shawnee123 12-11-2008 12:07 PM

Buttfuck the bastards in the mouth!

Cicero 12-11-2008 01:17 PM

I had to use my "outside voice" today. It's a good thing I was outside. ;)

I really can't believe some of the sh** that people think, and when it's people close to you, you go even more batshit crazy.

So I choose not to believe it.

Shawnee123 12-11-2008 03:56 PM

Don't take any crap, Cicero!

LabRat 12-16-2008 01:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Car drama update: Long story short, my car repairs still haven't begun. :cuss: Their insurance company told Red they told the repair shop to go ahead and begin last week. When he called to check to see when our car might be done, they said "Huh? It's still sitting outside, we haven't gotten the go ahead yet".:banghead: Apparently the ins co is mailing me a check for the repairs.

WTF ever dudes, it's your dime wasted because we are just going to be driving the rental car that much longer.

At least we are getting more snow to replace what melted this past weekend. The rental is RWD. WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! :D

Shawnee123 12-16-2008 03:34 PM

Everyone is stopping by to tell me to be careful and the highway is a sheet of ice and everyone is dying. What the eff can I do about it now? There are no alternate routes. Well there are but it will take me days to get home. Crap.

Watch me take a personal day tomorrow if the school isn't closed.

I knew this was a risk. No biggie, but like I said I have two days I have to use before the end of the year that I had not intended to use just because I'm new...but I will use one tomorrow if it's bad and we're not closed.

Wish me luck guys. A semi tried to run me off the interstate this morning (changed lanes while I was right next to him and pushed me almost into the construction guard wall...I flipped that fucker off all the way up the road.)

Sigh. I'm a poo today. I need a hug. :(

glatt 12-16-2008 03:38 PM


HungLikeJesus 12-16-2008 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 514235)
Wish me luck guys. A semi tried to run me off the interstate this morning (changed lanes while I was right next to him and pushed me almost into the construction guard wall...I flipped that fucker off all the way up the road.)

Sigh. I'm a poo today. I need a hug. :(

That was just BrianR saying hello.

Cicero 12-16-2008 04:54 PM

Oh. :(


Now who was it, so I may find the asshole that almost killed the shaw shaw.

Shawnee123 12-17-2008 08:39 AM

Thanks all!

Took an hour and a half to get home, which wasn't bad considering the conditions.

footfootfoot 12-17-2008 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 514317)

What? You think it's gonna take her THAT long to drive home?

Pie 12-17-2008 10:29 AM

I think I'm gonna need a windshield wiper for my monitor. Srsly.

Shawnee123 12-17-2008 10:37 AM


I'm no rocket scientist...or astronaut.

Shawnee123 12-18-2008 03:11 PM

There went my dream job:

glatt 12-18-2008 04:09 PM

Is that the same thing as "Semester at Sea?"

ZenGum 12-18-2008 06:31 PM

Scholarship - damn, i had my eye on that for the future.

At least the Peace Boat is still sailing.

skysidhe 12-29-2008 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 511706)
Really Old drivers should NOT be allowed in the left lane. In fact there should be a special permit that only allows certain people in the left lane.

If you are in the left lane and people continually are on your butt you shouldn't be in the left lane. I know this from experience. :)


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 511812)
I've got to say that i haven't noticed old people being the only ones that drive slowly in what we call the overtaking lane here. In fact, lately I've been pissed off with provisional drivers (around 19 yrs old usually) who like to just cruise in that lane.

Get the fuck outta the overtaking lane unless you're going past someone arsehole! I don't give a fuck how old you are or what sort of car you're driving. If you aren't overtaking, you shouldn't be in the right hand lane.

Yes, by the same token people shouldn't be comming into my slow lane passing people on the left.

I do however need to drive in the center lane just too keep my kid from sighing too much at my old lady driving which is never below the speed limit. I find myself mentioning to the passerbys that 'I' am following the legal speed limit but as they blur past me they do not seem to notice or take heed.


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 511883)
My inability to communicate without coming off as an asshole - maybe I am an asshole.

Being an asshole in real life is much better than being a lame human in real life but coming off as someone with a larger self esteem on the internet. Believe me. I truley wish I could be a bit beefier. IRL

I am sure if you could swap places with me your situation would not seem so bad.

What's blistering my groove? I have a major headache and eating an apple a day isn't helping with my sluggishness either.

TheMercenary 12-30-2008 07:34 AM

drink more coffee.

monster 01-05-2009 10:15 AM

100 swimmers and an email this morning that says, actually no, you can't use the pool.....

can't say any more right now (too freaking mad), maybe we'l sort it out, time is getting tight, though.......

fucking admin a-holes....mutter....mutter........

monster 01-30-2009 11:21 AM


SteveDallas 01-30-2009 01:06 PM

What's scorching my groove? Well, there's . . ..

Damn near everything.

Pie 01-30-2009 01:26 PM

Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration.
If you read their site literally, there's no way for a foreign-born U.S. citizen to obtain a MD driver's license.
  • If you are a citizen, you must present your birth certificate from one of the 50 states, or failing that, a letter from the office of vital statistics in your state of birth that certifies that no record of you birth exists. Birth certificates from outside the US are not accepted.
  • If you are not a citizen, you can supply your passport.
I guess I'm SOL, then. :haha: Fuckers.

SteveDallas 01-30-2009 02:12 PM

It doesn't say US passport!

classicman 01-30-2009 02:18 PM

Poorly written is all - My BIL was born outside the US and had one in MD.

Pie 01-30-2009 03:59 PM

I know. I called them and they were willing to take my U.S. Passport. Their site is stupid and wrong.

morethanpretty 02-02-2009 10:31 AM

I'm in a bad mood. Doesn't matter why, I am.
I was in a better mood, and then a friend had to be a smartass and bring it up. Then they were all "You must be PMSing." No thats not it. "You need to take your happy pills."
Fuck you, I don't need any happy pills. They do shit. I'm in a bad mood for a viable reason, happy pills aren't goin to make the situation better. Its rude to tell someone that they need pills when they're having a real crisis. So don't do it. My hurt feelings cannot be soothed by fucking pills.

monster 02-02-2009 10:35 AM

that sucks, moar.

here, you need this.... ;)

footfootfoot 02-02-2009 11:57 AM

"Does anyone ever say 'Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays' where you work?"
"No, I reckon they'd get the shit kicked out of them if they did."

lumberjim 02-02-2009 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 529636)
My hurt feelings cannot be soothed by fucking pills.

they may be soothed by fucking Bills or Jills?

Cicero 02-02-2009 03:04 PM

Yah I agree More. Some people think that pills are going to cure circumstances, or beat the heck out of the asshole that was hurtful. They are not.........

Feelings occur for a damned good reason. You aren't crazy for having them. Though sometimes, some people act like it.

footfootfoot 02-03-2009 08:30 AM

God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I had to choke the living shit out of who pissed me off.

Sundae 02-03-2009 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 529636)
Then they were all "You must be PMSing." No thats not it. "You need to take your happy pills."

Yup, scorches my groove too.
When men in the pub commented on my menstrual cycle in reference to a perceived bad mood (which I never had in the pub anyway) I'd talk them through in detail why I don't currently have periods.

Most of them took it quite well (in a couple of cases actually interested) and some looked shamefaced. Same with happy pill digs, in which case I explained about depression and the effects of an SSRI like paroxetine, and why I wasn't on fluoxetine - the generic form of Prozac.

If people are going to make personal comments about my bodily function or medication they're going to get more than they bargained for.

In the name of education of course.

Pie 02-03-2009 11:53 AM

Most men refrain from commenting on my moods. Mostly because they know I will rip off their testicles and ram them down their throats if they do...

classicman 02-03-2009 01:41 PM

Ohhhh - Scorched Pie! Not good :headshake

Pie 02-03-2009 01:57 PM

And I haven't had a period in two years, so I'm stuck in permanent PMS. :3eye:

footfootfoot 02-03-2009 03:03 PM

Is that like the bum who walks up to a Jewish mother on the street and says "Lady, I haven't eaten in three days." And she says to him "Force yourself."

Or is it different?

Shawnee123 02-07-2009 09:31 AM

You know how you meet up with a friend, for a couple drinks? Then you meet up with friend's boyfriend and all go out to a new place? Then you end up staying out way later than you ever thought you still could? Then you fall asleep on the couch nowhere near your alarm clock? Then you miss your Saturday morning hair appointment?

Yeah, that's what's scorching my groove today. Me! :o

Sundae 02-07-2009 11:53 AM

Bin there. Done that.
Crummy, but just thank FSM you still have a social life - enjoy it :)

monster 02-08-2009 10:29 PM

people are scorching my groove today. just fuck you all, you don't deserve me anyway. And no, i'm not drinking, but maybe i damn well should be.

Trilby 02-09-2009 09:18 AM

monster, don't let the few get you down like this--- it's not worth it. Loads of us appreciate you!! me, for one.

Trilby 02-09-2009 09:19 AM

PS and change your user title, ya!

monster 02-09-2009 08:05 PM

bah. thanks, though. it wasn't just you lot, the whole damn world was out to get me yesterday. s'ok, though, I got 'em back :p

it was stupid, though, I just didn't expect all that backlash because I never realized and the picture has been up for 6 weeks and no-one said anything.....

Aliantha 02-09-2009 11:28 PM

People being rude for no apparent reason. In particular, being rude to people who don't deserve it.

That's what's scorching my groove today.

Shawnee123 03-07-2009 11:22 AM

March Madness. Yawn.

lumberjim 03-07-2009 04:38 PM

I noticed a new door ding on jinx's XK today. my groove is scorched.

TheMercenary 03-08-2009 08:21 PM

Being blamed for other peoples stupidity scorches my ass. You fucked up, don't blame me dumb ass.

Your mental illness is not my problem.

LabRat 04-02-2009 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 542561)
I noticed a new door ding on jinx's XK today. my groove is scorched.

Just a couple days ago I noticed two white dings in Max that even if I can buff them off, will leave good sized dents. People are so fucking rude.

What's really scorching my (workout) groove is a bum left shoulder. I f00k3d it up swimming Monday, and skipped my swim yesterday to give it a chance to heal. So far today is the worst. :mad: I could barely pull on my socks/pants this morning. I did manage to get them both on though eventually.

The worst part is I think I know how I did it. Our normal pool is down for repairs, so our swim group is using a collegiate pool, that has a bulkhead moved about 1/3 of the way down it's length such that the 'shallow' end is 5' deep. I am 5'2''. S, inbetween sets, I have to hang on the wall or the rope to keep from drowning. I'm pretty sure this is when I ganked my shoulder out of whack.

Unfortunately this is the only pool that we are going to be able to use for at least 2 more weeks minimum (Murphy's law will apply I am sure).


dar512 04-02-2009 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by LabRat (Post 552223)
Just a couple days ago I noticed two white dings in Max that even if I can buff them off, will leave good sized dents. People are so fucking rude.

What's really scorching my (workout) groove is a bum left shoulder. I f00k3d it up swimming Monday, and skipped my swim yesterday to give it a chance to heal. So far today is the worst. :mad: I could barely pull on my socks/pants this morning. I did manage to get them both on though eventually.

The worst part is I think I know how I did it. Our normal pool is down for repairs, so our swim group is using a collegiate pool, that has a bulkhead moved about 1/3 of the way down it's length such that the 'shallow' end is 5' deep. I am 5'2''. S, inbetween sets, I have to hang on the wall or the rope to keep from drowning. I'm pretty sure this is when I ganked my shoulder out of whack.

Unfortunately this is the only pool that we are going to be able to use for at least 2 more weeks minimum (Murphy's law will apply I am sure).


I'm sure you know this already, but liberal use of icing it and taking ibuprofen will shorten the recovery time.

SteveDallas 04-02-2009 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 552225)
I'm sure you know this already, but liberal use of icing it . . . .will shorten the recovery time.

Oh yeah.. I've found icing does wonders for my sports injuries. Especially chocolate... makes the pain just recede into the background.

dar512 04-02-2009 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 552236)
Especially chocolate... makes the pain just recede into the background.

It's probably the caffeine, but I don't think that works when applied externally. :D

Shawnee123 04-02-2009 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 552225)
I'm sure you know this already, but liberal use of icing it and taking ibuprofen will shorten the recovery time.

I thought you were talking about the dings in her car (well I'm hoping Max is her car,) at first.

I've become confused and disoriented. :nuts:

dar512 04-02-2009 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 552281)
I've become confused and disoriented. :nuts:

It's that folksinger drink you had. :D

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