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Aliantha 09-16-2011 04:43 PM

Our burgers were good last night. :) In the end I think I put as much effort into making them yummy as I would have done with a roast, but the kids were probably happier with burgers.

Trilby 09-22-2011 01:15 PM

Big-ass pot o' chili and cornbread.


Sundae 09-22-2011 02:03 PM


Need that like I need oral sex.

A mouthful that I'd enjoy but won't help me lose weight and might make me feel bad afterwards.

glatt 09-22-2011 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 757791)
Big-ass pot o' chili and cornbread.


I had that for dinner last night. It was awesome.

grynch 09-23-2011 02:13 AM

last nights diner was steak and potatoes


TheMercenary 09-23-2011 02:30 PM

Burgers, corn on the cob.

bbro 09-24-2011 02:03 PM

I'm making this now so it will be ready for dinner time:

monster 09-24-2011 04:49 PM

Beef casserole. As in crock pot: beef potatoes carrots mushrooms onion seasoning herbs stock

Sundae 09-25-2011 04:23 AM

I'm honestly not sure.
Chicken breasts defrosting in fridge.
Nice things on shopping list (onions, red peppers etc) but no idea what is planned.

Mum cooking tonight (obviously).
Slowly, slowly, trainee monkey, I have won her round to my way of cooking. Well, a bit. It is likely that she will be using some sort of marinade. Or at the very least a shake-bag of spices. I cook from scratch more than her, but she has been won over to sauces and spices.

Aliantha 09-25-2011 04:38 AM

We had roast pork and veges with the best gravy I've ever made. I decided to put in a bit more effort than usual, and took all the juices from the cooking pork plus the pan scrapings. I put them in a pot with a few cloves of garlic and a bit of extra stock (bovril) along with some salt, pepper and just a pinch of sugar. I cooked that down a bit, then added in a cup or so of champagne. After that I moved to the fry pan. I made a roux and then poured my sauce in along with some cream. After that, a good run through a sieve to get out the bits of garlic and stuff and we ended up with an extremely rich and tasty gravy. MmmmmMmmmm!

Sundae 09-25-2011 05:09 AM

You have champagne and cream just hanging around?

Yeah - you know when I said you were welcome at mine any time?
Give me at least 48 hours notice, mmm-kay.

Sounds bloody good by the way.

Aliantha 09-25-2011 09:19 PM

Well I always have cream in the fridge, so it's a yes to that. I do often have champagne or sparkling wine around too, but we usually have a fair few different types of wine in the wine rack, for drinking or cooking.

We also have a fairly wide range of herbs and spices in the cupboard dried or fresh in the fridge. We also keep bones and stuff for making stock in the freezer.

It's part of our efforts to have a whole food diet as much as possible without going to extremes. Once you get your pantry sorted it's easy to replenish as you go, but it's taken us quite a while to get the kitchen to the stage where we feel quite confident that we can cook just about anything from scratch.

We're not the type of family that shops each day or every other day to cook specific meals, so that's part of it too. We buy in bulk to save money and freeze what we're not eating in the next couple of days.

The gravy was very yummy. I caught Aden drinking it out of the jug when he was cleaning up the kitchen. lol

chrisinhouston 09-26-2011 11:20 AM

I made a "rancher's pie" which is a shepherd's pie that uses left over steak instead of lamb and everyone knows that shepherds don't heard cows but rancher's do so that's the name I gave it.

Great comfort food and pretty easy to make which is good after a long week and weekend!

Sundae 09-26-2011 11:45 AM

Whew. I have lost of herbs & spices and cupboard staples of pulses and dried stock and tinned veggies etc.
But you can bring the champers ;)

Chris, that sounds great to me right now.
I am about to have beans on toast!

I went out blackberrying about half an hour ago.
As I was walking back, carrying my healthy and free food, a man walked past from his car into his house carrying a KFC bag. I wanted to mug him. But that's illegal.

Stormieweather 09-26-2011 03:29 PM

* Boneless, skinless chicken breast dredged in seasoned wheat germ and browned
* A 4-5 oz portabella mushroom sliced long ways and sauteed in garlic butter
* A fresh tomato sliced, with feta crumbled on top and a quick splash of a local greek salad dressing
* Vegetable-yet-to-be-named (could be roasted brussel sprouts, steamed broccoli or summer squash or carrots...or even something from a can :eek:). I'll see how I feel when I get to that point.

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