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DanaC 04-26-2020 04:46 AM

Good Omens

I watched the first episode a while ago but didnt go back to it straight away. It is very good.

Griff 04-26-2020 06:35 AM

That was great.

DanaC 04-26-2020 06:40 AM

I was surprised at just how well the adaptation worked. Helped by pitch perfect casting. I just cannot imagine anyone else as Crowley and Aziraphael and Jon Hamm was an inspired choice as the face of heaven's management.

Despite some changes (Hamm's character has a much bigger role in the show for instance) It feels so true to the source material in terms of atmosphere and quirkiness - I am delighted.

The book has a very special place in my heart so I was a little worried when I first heard there was to be an adaptation

Griff 04-26-2020 07:25 AM

Yeah, I was amazed that they were able to bring it to the screen in a way that matched the vision in my head. It was brilliant.

BigV 04-27-2020 12:11 PM

Well said, I feel exactly the same way. I loved the book and the screen adaptation.

glatt 04-27-2020 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 1051479)
I just cancelled my DisneyPlus subscription.

I don't know how much ads go for on Facebook and Instagram, and I don't know how my accounts there got associated with my DisneyPlus account, but somehow it happened.

I am getting ads for DisneyPlus every time I log into either Facebook or Instagram. They want me back and are spending money to try to get me back.

monster 04-27-2020 01:22 PM

Well i get ads for manscaping devices -not just one but two different brands. I'd love to know what I googled to make that happen. Can't have been the whale penis, surely?

glatt 04-27-2020 01:33 PM

Did you click sexobon's link to clippers he recommended?

monster 04-27-2020 01:43 PM

lol no. Was that what it was?

Griff 04-27-2020 03:52 PM

I was getting adds on youtube for a fake right wing newspaper, that was nutzzzzzzz

Griff 05-03-2020 05:20 PM

Last night, Nova season 44 episode 13. Making plate armor from scratch.

Gromitspapa 05-19-2020 11:39 PM

Carnivale was one of my favorite shows of all time. Traveling carnival in the dust bowl during the depression, ensemble cast, mostly shot during the golden hour. Cost too much to make, didn't take off in the US (it did in Europe), had to wrap up in two seasons instead of more (five I think was the original arc).

Blade Runner 2049 is a brilliant sequel to the original 1982 movie. A masterpiece, I think (like the original). Watch it more than once. Seeing the original again helps.

"Jack Ryan" was mentioned earlier. Outstanding!

"Deadwood" was mentioned. A lot more than Timothy Olyphant in there. Even a movie sequel was made, finally.

"Firefly" was mentioned. Great series. Outstanding movie version was Serenity.

Happy Monkey 05-20-2020 11:26 AM

Haven't seen Jack Ryan, but enthusiastic thumbs up on the rest of them.

BigV 05-20-2020 11:45 AM

Recently finished "Devs" -- recommended, it was excellent.

And we recently finished "After Life". Listen. This is the best thing I've seen on television I can remember. I used to regard Ricky Gervais as Don Rickles' Mini Me. Crude and mean with occasional interruptions of laughter. No more. I take it all back. "After Life" was written and directed by Gervais and he appears in almost every frame. His range is complete, I cried. There were tears of sadness and breathtaking gales of laughter, including tears. Twil had to stop the program on multiple occasions and wait for me to compose myself, rewinding to the point where I'd lost it so I could hear the next bit....

Bring tissues. Drink carefully, it might get spat out or choked on. Most of all, enjoy.

Gromitspapa 05-21-2020 10:02 PM

I'll have to get back to "After Life." I watched an episode or two, and it seemed okay. I actually like his deadpan asshole type of humor. I thought he was great in the British "Office," but didn't see a whole lot of it.

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