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Sundae 08-14-2015 06:05 AM

What We Do in the Shadows.

I wanted to see it at the cinema, couldn't manage it for one reason or another. Then wanted it on DVD for ages, but had to wait until the price dropped. It wasn't big enough for people to buy it and then discard it at carboot sales, exchange electronic stores or charity shops. Found it with the wrong spelling on eBay (hahaha!) and almost made myself ill waiting to see if I was outbid. Obvs I wasn't... The seller was suitably disorganised though, and it's taken ages to get to me.

But I got it this morning and already gobbled it up.

If you can get it more easily than I can, do do do. It's totally bona.
New Zealand mockumentary about a house-sharing group of vampires. Comedy, but also a little bit of gore, genuine characters you feel for (it's a comedy and I still teared up?!) and one particularly terrifying moment - no more backpacks for me.

Antipodeans always do black comedy well IMO. And this is no exception. It's not as bittersweet as Muriel's Wedding, it's about vain, silly, male vampires. But if you approach it as a pure comedy, then you'll be surprised at the depth of feeling. Oh and when I say comedy, I mean of the Aussie/ Kiwi/ Brit style. No gags. Just reaction and situation. But the basgetti scene (for one) made me laugh out loud.

DanaC 08-14-2015 10:29 AM

It's a kiwi flick? Oh....for some reason i thought it was a euro film - I've avoided it because I am teh lazy with subtitles (Les Revenants being an honoourable exception) and kind of felt a little guilty about it, because the premise sounded great

Sundae 08-14-2015 10:40 AM

See I have to have subtitles because of my hearing, so I've never had an issue with foreign films. I "read" a lot of what I watch when alone.
As in when I'm not asking the other person in the room "Which one is that again?" because two actors have the same style hair...

it 08-26-2015 08:13 AM

Yesterday I watched the fantastic four. I thought it would be giving the franchise the batman begins treatment, it gave it the Ben-10 treatment instead. The whole thing was barely watchable, even the script would probably make for a barely readable read - and you get the sense the actors felt the same while reading. Everything about this was so incredibly flat.

DanaC 08-26-2015 10:32 AM

That's a damn shame.

elSicomoro 08-26-2015 01:23 PM

I went to the library and got the US version of Low Winter Sun...I had started watching it, but then fell behind. Then my DVR bit the dust. It's good, but incredibly dark. I can see why it only lasted the one season.

it 08-26-2015 08:36 PM

Just finished Terminator Genisys. Surprisingly good. Actually... Better then all the other ones. Feels somewhat inspired by The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

Gravdigr 08-27-2015 03:36 PM

A couple nights ago I had the very good fortune to watch "The Dead Lands". This was the best movie I've seen this year. By a sight. Not a word of English. You have to read this movie. I'm going to watch it again with the subtitles off, since I already know the gist of the story. I found the acting to be very good. And the story kept you interested. It's a story of Maori tribal honor, and inter-tribal war.

8¾ out of 10

Very good movie.

BigV 08-28-2015 02:35 PM

Twil and I watched Whiplash last week.


What a tense movie! The menace, the tension from the imminent violence is palpable. I was exhausted after watching it. It was also entertaining in a rare way in that it was not very predictable. I like being surprised. Not startled, like BOO! and the bad guy jumps out of the shadows and chops the blonde's arm off. pfft. Believable suprises, that's movie gold right there. Whiplash has it and I give it my highest recommendation.

BigV 08-28-2015 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 936142)
What We Do in the Shadows.

I wanted to see it at the cinema, couldn't manage it for one reason or another. Then wanted it on DVD for ages, but had to wait until the price dropped. It wasn't big enough for people to buy it and then discard it at carboot sales, exchange electronic stores or charity shops. Found it with the wrong spelling on eBay (hahaha!) and almost made myself ill waiting to see if I was outbid. Obvs I wasn't... The seller was suitably disorganised though, and it's taken ages to get to me.

But I got it this morning and already gobbled it up.

If you can get it more easily than I can, do do do. It's totally bona.
New Zealand mockumentary about a house-sharing group of vampires. Comedy, but also a little bit of gore, genuine characters you feel for (it's a comedy and I still teared up?!) and one particularly terrifying moment - no more backpacks for me.

Antipodeans always do black comedy well IMO. And this is no exception. It's not as bittersweet as Muriel's Wedding, it's about vain, silly, male vampires. But if you approach it as a pure comedy, then you'll be surprised at the depth of feeling. Oh and when I say comedy, I mean of the Aussie/ Kiwi/ Brit style. No gags. Just reaction and situation. But the basgetti scene (for one) made me laugh out loud.

Watched it at the theater with SonofV. Loved it. I second all your motions. Go see it.

Gravdigr 05-18-2016 11:46 AM

I watched "Deadpool" the other night.

DanaC 05-18-2016 11:55 AM

Oh I loved Deadpool!

Gravdigr 05-18-2016 11:58 AM

I wasn't real keen on that one. Maybe I just didn't get it.

fargon 05-28-2016 08:14 AM

Deadpool good.

Gravdigr 02-23-2017 02:42 PM

I watched Hacksaw Ridge at my buddy's house a couple nights ago.

The story of Desmond Doss, a devout 7th Day Adventist, the first conscientious objector to win the Medal Of Honor as a combat medic, the only one in WWII.

This movie went from too-hokey-to-believe to brutal. Quick.

Good flick.

As a bonus, the dude reminds you of one Glatt, a lot (like @ 23 seconds into the trailer).

Desmond Doss was an absolutely Awesome People.

Gravdigr 04-15-2017 12:24 PM


xoxoxoBruce 04-15-2017 01:12 PM

You're not the boss of me! I'll think any goddamn thing I want! But I won't say it, 'cause you might kick my ass. :p:

Happy Monkey 04-15-2017 01:26 PM

Planet Earth 2. Excellent. Wish it was longer.

footfootfoot 04-15-2017 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 904007)
You know that's taken from a TV series (The Thick of It)? And the actor who plays Malcolm Tucker is now the Doctor.

The tv series is a little sharper than the movie - more room to manouevre on a tv series. For the movie there was more of an effort to make it accessible for non-brits - if you want to know how politics actually works in the UK, watch the tv show :P

From the last series and the fall of Tucker as he gives evidence to an inquiry into press leaks - audio only but it's a truly brilliant speech:

Btw the creator of Thick of It (Armando Iannucci) is the creator of Veep.

Holy shit! How did I miss this?

"The builder didn't show up."

Jamie: "What do you expect? They're builders! Have you ever seen a movie with a builder as a super-hero? No, because they never show up in the nick of time."

I'm crying here.

xoxoxoBruce 04-15-2017 07:52 PM

You better quit watching all this crap and get your ass in gear. Spring has sprung and there's groundhogs to shoot, boats to build, and ladies awaiting. :p:

footfootfoot 04-15-2017 08:09 PM

Yes, too true.

Now that I finished up my last nightmare, I am back to working (unpaid) with team whiz kid to finish the biz plan and find investors so we can get paid. I'm selling off all my photo gear on ebay to make my monthly nut. That, in itself is a full time job.

My buddy calls it shifting molecules. Converting molecules of gear into molecules of cash.

I spent an hour reclaiming the yard from 4 years of weeds. Got the hops poles unburied from the weeds and dirt, thank god for pressure treated wood. Cut back the suckers from a tree on the property line that I cut down a couple of years ago, the fucker won't die. Pruned back the grapes and I've been decimating the rugosa rose. I don't love them any more and they are taking over on a zombie rose march.

I could use a beer -- I haven't had a drink in months, I need to start brewing again. I got my stuff ready to go.

So, yeah. I better get off the TV. First, I may walk to the packie and grab a beer.

xoxoxoBruce 04-16-2017 12:06 AM


Unparalleled hardiness: Rugosas will grow in Cleveland, North Dakota as easily as in Cleveland, Texas. ... Rugosas are unfazed by bitter cold: both the Canadian Explorers and Parklands series, hardy to –35 ° F, owe their ruggedness to rugosa.

Disease resistance: Rosa rugosa (species) simply doesn’t get the diseases that so bedevil other roses.

Big bushes, lots of thorns: A few exceptions (check out the Pavement series, and Frau Dagmar Hartopp ), but most rugosas get large enough to reach out and grab passersby by the sweater. And most won’t respond well to heavy cut backs.

Weedy growth habit: A few rugosa bushes are compact, but even those get a rangy, twiggy look as the summer heats up.

Unlike most garden roses, rugosas object to heavy pruning. When you use them in landscaping, anticipate the fully-grown bush size and let them grow.
I find it hard, for that reason, to use them effectively in small suburban yards.
Shit, hey sound as bad as the Multiflora Rose I'm plagued with. :(

footfootfoot 04-16-2017 01:47 PM

They are an unstoppable force. I planted single whips 11 years ago. Since then I've leveled them to the ground twice. They send runners 4-5 feet under the slate sidewalk and pop up on the verge, they have moved a foot into the yard. The original planting line was 24 inches from the sidewalk, it's now 36. It's also spread somewhat by seed and by runners to lengthen as well as widen.

When the article says the object to heavy pruning, that may be true in their first few years, after that they display their objection by coming back like a Hydra. On the plus side, the flowers are nice and last a long time. The Japanese beetles love them. It seems the hips or beach tomatoes suck unless they grow in beachy conditions. The ones that grow in decent soil have thin leathery skins without much flesh or sweetness. I don't plan on importing 15 yards of beach sand.

I'm about to go out and do another hour of yard work.

Gravdigr 06-14-2017 08:17 AM

AC/DC's Family Jewels (the two-dvd set, not the one with three). Music vids from the boys, starting (disc 1) with their first tv appearance, w/Bonn Scott dressed in a dress, blond pigtails, lipstick and rosy cheeks, and concluding (disc 1) w/his last live performance 10 days before his death.

Haven't watched disc 2 yet, I was more interested in the old Bon Scott vids.

Gravdigr 04-14-2019 01:35 PM

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