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richlevy 06-08-2007 06:24 PM

Paris back in jail
Well, she's back. They hauled her before the same sentencing judge and he's ordered her back to jail. By most accounts she did not take it well.

You know, maybe they should make her the 4th Girl Next Door and let Hef straighten her out. I mean, they're annoying, but you don't see them doing anything stupid in public. Hef protects the brand.

nappyboy2003 06-10-2007 12:00 AM

The paris hilton situation just shows how fucked up America is and how unjust our society is and how far we still have to go. There is nothing wrong with her bitch ass except she is scarred and she should be. i think they should treat her like any other offenders they pick up from the streets and throw in jail. You cant feel sorry for her at all and it was funny cuz on MSNBC or somtin they said that she was going to throw a party the same day she got sent back to jail. Theres just a lot wrong with the whole situation and i hope people care more about shit now.

AgentApathy 06-10-2007 02:30 AM

You know, I have to wonder if the "unspecified medical condition" isn't addiction of some kind. Detox can certainly make you pretty sick. It would also explain her exaggerated response to being sent back (but then again, being a spoiled rotten brat also explains that, so take your pick...).

Thesilkmeister 06-11-2007 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by AgentApathy (Post 353063)
You know, I have to wonder if the "unspecified medical condition" isn't addiction of some kind. Detox can certainly make you pretty sick. It would also explain her exaggerated response to being sent back (but then again, being a spoiled rotten brat also explains that, so take your pick...).

Yeah, i wondered if it was some cold turkey type thing......but perhaps it's just more of an 'i want my mummy' thing.

I read in the paper on sunday morning that she did not eat or drink for the whole three days as she was scared that one of the guards was going to take a picture of her on the can.........that would suck.

richlevy 06-11-2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Thesilkmeister (Post 353672)
she did not eat or drink for the whole three days as she was scared that one of the guards was going to take a picture of her on the can.........that would suck.

Well, considering some tabloid would probably pay more than any of the guards could make in two years for a picture like that, she might be right.

rkzenrage 06-12-2007 12:50 AM

Envy, it is about envy.
That people care enough about this to watch traffic court in L.A. about some chick they don't know shows you... envy.
It is not about justice or people would be up in arms about their local politics and there would be threads and news coverage about all the white collar crime in the world... no... it is about being envious about Paris, nothing more.

Clodfobble 06-12-2007 09:56 AM

Do you think all schadenfreude is envy, rkz?

On a separate note, just imagine for one moment the entirely different shitstorm we would be seeing if Paris were black.

Cloud 06-12-2007 10:20 AM

it's not justenvy that makes us avidly follow the lives of celebrities. There are lighter emotions there, including hope and the mere desire to be entertained, to think about some one else's life, the good and the bad.

smurfalicious 06-13-2007 08:40 AM

from here


The judge in Paris Hilton's case, Michael Sauer, has declared class warfare. If our courts start treating rich and poor equally, what will be left to strive for? People will start believing that justice should just be given away for free. It will become yet another entitlement. When the haves become indistinguishable from the have-nots, we are all have-nots. On a level playing field no one can rise to the top because there is no top to rise to, just one long valley.

piercehawkeye45 06-13-2007 04:58 PM


Sundae 06-13-2007 05:02 PM

Meh. The same opinion has been stated about taxes on here - if you tax the rich it means they won't strive to create wealth (which they apparently spread around), jobs or charitable foundations.

Coming from a socialist fascist state I can't say I agree.

Happy Monkey 06-13-2007 09:25 PM

It's a parody. Hard to tell these days, I know.

Cloud 06-13-2007 09:59 PM


. . .

sorry, for shouting, but I've been wanting to say that since the thread opened and just had to get it off my chest. :)

Thesilkmeister 06-13-2007 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 354814)

. . .

sorry, for shouting, but I've been wanting to say that since the thread opened and just had to get it off my chest. :)

well thank fuck for that!

*gives cloud a high five and buys her a beer*

Cloud 06-13-2007 11:01 PM

Thanks. I feel so much better now!

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