The Cellar

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jimhelm 04-27-2012 05:09 PM

I really can't decide if he is just hopelessly inept, or a rather clever and patient troll.

My gut says he's just all fucked up. but my suspicious mind sees the effect he has, and wants to find that cause.... one who gets people arguing over random topics is, by definition a troll. Now.. is it just happenstance, or is it done by design?


DanaC 04-27-2012 05:11 PM

That's pretty much what's been going through my mind this thread.

classicman 04-27-2012 05:28 PM

If I was to go postal, I'd call him a f*cking niger.

Does that make my statement OK? Fuck that. What kind of bullshit excuse is that?
The guy needs to go.

And the attempts to turn this onto flint or jim just distracts from the real issue.
The guy needs to go. Insane or not, doesn't matter.
The door is over there - don't let it hit you in the ass.

BigV 04-27-2012 05:32 PM

I think he's standing on the platform looking helplessly at fistfuls of tickets for clue-trains that have long since left the station. These posts are frustrated pleas to us gate agents, some of whom patiently try to tell him that ticket's invalid, some of whom turn off the microphone and turn their backs. He's trying to get somewhere, anywhere, but he's stuck here. Fortunately, there's always another train arriving, maybe he'll stumble on one and make a connection.

jimhelm 04-27-2012 05:45 PM

So crazy IS contagious!

JBKlyde 04-27-2012 06:22 PM


Strike three! This is just as offensive as the last thing you said. You just can't win, can you?
Not as offensive as being casted off into exile for seeking justice... it's not wether you win or loose it's how you play the game.. and all I see you doing is getting all stired up over nothing..

JBKlyde 04-27-2012 06:24 PM


I think he's standing on the platform looking helplessly at fistfuls of tickets for clue-trains that have long since left the station. These posts are frustrated pleas to us gate agents, some of whom patiently try to tell him that ticket's invalid, some of whom turn off the microphone and turn their backs. He's trying to get somewhere, anywhere, but he's stuck here. Fortunately, there's always another train arriving, maybe he'll stumble on one and make a connection.
Yea that's exactly what's going on I even said it "the spirit is willing but the robot is stuck.. so watch me blaze my own trail...

classicman 04-27-2012 09:00 PM

Try a trail somewhere else. Like way over there >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Flint 04-28-2012 11:48 AM

Being kind doesn't always mean being permissive. At some point you have to wonder whether it is logically possible to send a message about tolerable behavior by tolerating intolerable behavior. Really doesn't make sense when you think of it that way. So the question is: how do you deal with a broken person who says they want help? I believe that step number one--and this is a deal breaker--is being able to believe that they are receptive to real help. That means a number of things: hard work, honesty, and dropping one's conceits. This work must be done by the recipient, and there is not one single thing a "helper" can do with someone who isn't willing to put themselves in this position. You can't help someone who already believes that they have all the answers (meaning--all the answers are kept in one magic book that is never wrong).

JBKlyde 04-29-2012 12:51 PM


(meaning--all the answers are kept in one magic book that is never wrong).
Your referring to the bible I assume. It's not magic and it has many answers. The underlying truth is that it is open to interpretation. Maybe one person interprets one way and another person a different way but the truth is "the bible is the absolute truth" and the truth never lies. If you can't apply a biblical concept to fix what's going wrong with your life maybe you need to search a little harder.

classicman 04-29-2012 01:09 PM

"the bible is the absolute truth" Bullshit.
"you need to search a little harder. " yes you do and not there.

JBKlyde 04-29-2012 01:27 PM

I think you "classicman" need to improve your vocabulary it seems that the word bull sh*t is all you know. Maybe because your just so filled with it that that's all that comes out when you open your mouth. "It's not what goes into a man's body that makes you unclean/evil it's whats comes out."

classicman 04-29-2012 01:35 PM

Hahahaaaaa - yeh right.
You're just a frikkin religious troll spouting your stories because you
were told that the only way to your fairyland was if you do so.
Thats no different than the "72 virgins in paradise" argument.

JBKlyde 04-29-2012 01:55 PM

honestly I just have nothing better to do...

classicman 04-29-2012 03:14 PM

I knew that early on.
Good riddance - IWNFTT.

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