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wolf 04-04-2006 12:22 PM

You beat me to it.

Kitsune 04-04-2006 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by rtexanssane
You have all approached this subject in such a way that anyone who agrees with me will not post because they will be viewed as gullible so the lack of support i am getting means nothing as far as i am concerned.

No, the problem is that you're one of the wacky conspiracy theorists out there that think there is a coverup. For anyone not familiar with this, simply Google "b-17 cancer" and you'll find a slew of books about various government and pharm companies purposely covering up the "secret cure".

So, of course, you cannot trust sites like this.


It is believed that the active anticancer ingredient in Laetrile is cyanide. Use of Laetrile can produce side effects of cyanide poisoning—which can produce a range of symptoms, including death.


Laboratory and animal studies have been conducted and have shown little evidence that laetrile is effective against cancer.

Happy Monkey 04-04-2006 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by rtexanssane
There is nothing that is foreign to the biological experience of any living organism that can improve it. To believe so is to believe that man is a better designer than God himself.

Even if we accept this goofy premise, you could apply it to the disease organism. Applying a "foreign experience" to a bacterium can kill it, and cure the disease.

mrnoodle 04-04-2006 01:01 PM

Does anyone know of a website where I could find out more information about this lifesaving treatment that teh pharmaceutical companies don't want me to know about?

rtexanssane 04-04-2006 02:32 PM

Cancer is not a virus and is not going to cured by a vaccine. How many times do i have to tell you that i am talking about Chronic metabolic diseases.
Just because i dont state so at the end of every sentence is no excuse, you just have to look at the context of everything else i said to know what i am referring to.

rtexanssane 04-04-2006 02:41 PM

mrnoodle i know plenty of websites but i dont want to fuel the idea that i might be a salesman so i will just say type any of these words into google.

Apricot Kernals
Laetrile (the correct spelling this time)
Vitamin B17

rtexanssane 04-04-2006 02:50 PM

No, the problem is that you're one of the wacky conspiracy theorists out there that think there is a coverup.

Way to go Kitsune. The sceptics favourite buzz word "conspiracy theory"
Its beatifull isnt it. If you dont like something you just slap this label on it and nobody dares talk about it again. Well i am not one of those weak minded puppets who is scared off by name calling and the very fact that you use such a term proves my point.
The truth IS being witheld and lied about and the only conspiracy theory is that this truth is a conspiracy theory.

Kitsune 04-04-2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by rtexanssane
The sceptics favourite buzz word "conspiracy theory"

Actually, my favorite buzz word as a skeptic is "scientific method" and I'm having a difficult time finding any of it with positive regards to "metabolic therapy". It'd be nice, you know, to see some results that are up for peer review. The National Cancer Institute did some studies and their findings can be found in The Rise and Fall of Laetrile by Benjamin Wilson, M.D.:


Laetrile has had its day in court. The evidence, beyond reasonable doubt, is that it doesn't benefit patients with advanced cancer, and there is no reason to believe that it would be any more effective in the earlier stages of the disease . . . The time has come to close the books.
Try flipping through it. You can even read the case study about how the treatment killed Chad Green. For those that it does not kill and seems to have positive effects on, the results are no better than the placebo effect.

It's all about spam sales, anyway, and I'd think twice before ingesting that apricot seed extract. There is no scientific evidence to support the claims you make.


Originally Posted by rtexanssane
The truth IS being witheld and lied about and the only conspiracy theory is that this truth is a conspiracy theory.

Riiiight. I have some medication suggestions for you and they're not vitamin B supplements nor do they deal with cyanide homeopathy.

Happy Monkey 04-04-2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by rtexanssane
Cancer is not a virus and is not going to cured by a vaccine. How many times do i have to tell you that i am talking about Chronic metabolic diseases.

You can apply it to cancer cells, too.

rtexanssane 04-04-2006 03:29 PM

Kitsune why do you insist on looking at the complex politics of cancer therapy when even those who perform metabolic therapy admit that there is no cure as such for cancer. Only prevention through adequate nutrition.
I am not surprised that those who eat the kernals AND have a course of laetrile show sighns of cyanide poisoning like the article you quote says.
Thats like wearing a nicotine patch and smoking at the same time.
This is the kind of bullshit analysis that you subject yourself to when you read such sites.
If you eat between 5-10 Apricot kernals per day then you wont ever need cancer therapy in the first place. You can also eat millet and linseed meal if you would rather get your B17 from a variety of sources rather than just one.
There is to much floored reasoning in that article for me to list it all and i am not interested in the political jargen of cancer therapy, only in cancer prevention.

Kitsune 04-04-2006 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by rtexanssane
Kitsune why do you insist on looking at the complex politics of cancer therapy when even those who perform metabolic therapy admit that there is no cure as such for cancer. Only prevention through adequate nutrition.


If you eat between 5-10 Apricot kernals per day then you wont ever need cancer therapy in the first place.

Because even that suggestion is holds no weight what-so-ever. There is no evidence to these "benefits" at all:


One hundred seventy-eight patients with cancer were treated with amygdalin (Laetrile) plus a "metabolic therapy" program consisting of diet, enzymes, and vitamins. The great majority of these patients were in good general condition before treatment. None was totally disabled or in preterminal condition.


No substantive benefit was observed in terms of cure, improvement or stabilization of cancer, improvement of symptoms related to cancer, or extension of life span. The hazards of amygdalin therapy were evidenced in several patients by symptoms of cyanide toxicity or by blood cyanide levels approaching the lethal range.
Again, you show me some clinical trials, peer reviewed publications, or any decent scientific evidence and I'll consider it. Otherwise, the 1974 label of "quackery" holds tight and I stand by my words that you're subscribing to some Grade A Bullshit.

MaryMary 04-04-2006 04:37 PM

Why must she cram it down our throats? If we wanted info on it we would ask, or better yet, look it up ourselves.....!

Trilby 04-04-2006 05:10 PM

[quote=MaryMary]Why must she cram it down our throats? /QUOTE]

Coz she's a crank.

rtexanssane 04-04-2006 06:19 PM

Kitsune the only evidence that you need is from the cultures around the world who are cancer free because of the B17 in their diets.
Dont rely on the reports of those who stand to lose their multi-billion dollar industry if this becomes common knowledge.
Ok thats my last post here because you are all just getting irritated now, and so am i so nobody benefits from any further discussion.

marichiko 04-04-2006 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by rtexanssane
Kitsune why do you insist on looking at the complex politics of cancer therapy when even those who perform metabolic therapy admit that there is no cure as such for cancer. Only prevention through adequate nutrition.

No cure for cancer? Some cancers are indeed difficult to treat and some are incurable - for example, lung cancer is a nasty one, so is pancreatic cancer. I have a friend who HAD (note past tense) breast cancer and got chemo as well as a lumpectomy to have the tumor removed. She has been cancer free for 10 years now. Skin cancers can be cured early on, simply by cutting out the malignancy. This happened to my Dad who had a small mole on his face turn cancerous. The doctors cut it out and he lived for another 20 years to die of something NON-cancer related at age 80.

Cancer which has metastasized is generally a death sentence. But catch the cancer early enough, and there are now very good survival rates with appropriate medical treatment.

You have made the premise that cancer is caused by lack of the "nutrient" B17. You give the cancer free lives of earlier peoples as proof of your statement, and offer the hypothesis that they got more B17 from their diets than modern man currently does.

Dear Virginia,

There is NO Santa Claus! Life is not fair, and we can't make the false true by shouting, "We believe" at Tinker Belle when we go see the play, "Peter Pan" at age 40.

There is no such thing as "vitamin" B17.

Laetrile is the trademark of a compound of two parts glucose and one part cyanide. There is no vitamin B17, "B17" is a trade name created for laetrile by a laetrile proponent. It is naturally present in the kernels of apricot pits and a number of other stone fruits and nuts. There is no RDA but doses vary from 0.25 g to 1.0 g a day.

It is believed to have cancer controlling and preventative properties. Apparently normal cells can tolerate small quantities of cyanide but cancer cells succumb to it.

Cyanide has no value in sustaining human life. In small amounts it injures, in larger amounts it kills. No law prevents promoters from trade-naming nutritionally worthless or poisonous substances.

Cyanide is rapidly absorbed from the intestine and diffuses throughout the body, knocking out respiration in cells. Eating about 25 apricot kernels can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, a sharp fall in blood pressure, breathing difficulties, coma and death.

There have been documented cases of people dying after taking as few as five laetrile tablets. Not more than 1.0 gram should be taken at any one time.
-[Herbert, J., (Chief Hematology & Nutr. Lab. Bronx VA Medical Center) : Nutrition Cultism - Facts & Fictions. 1981]


There is to much floored reasoning in that article for me to list it all and i am not interested in the political jargen of cancer therapy, only in cancer prevention.
I feel a bit floored, myself. You call the scientific method "political jargen"? You are not interested in anything which might disprove you your favorite pet superstition. If you, personally, wish to ignore the findings of modern science and medicine, that is YOUR problem. However, when you post this superstitious propaganda on the Internet for who knows what gullible and desperate person to read, then you may be contributing to their unnecessary or early death. From what University did you get your degree in science from? What was your field of study?

Please, please, please - to anyone who might chance across this thread now or in the future; if you have been diagnosed with cancer, seek treatment from a licensed MD. Do NOT throw your life away over some quack theory.

If you are concerned about cancer prevention, do some of the things I outlined above: Eat organic foods, check your home for asbestos, quit smoking, avoid contact with strong chemicals of any sort, try to live in the least polluted environment possible, and have a yearly check up from your licensed MD. Woman over 40 should get mammograms, and woman of any age need yearly pap smears, men should get checked for prostrate cancer. If you have a mole which changes shape or color, call your doctor. Eat a variety of nutritious foods with an emphasis on whole grains. Please.

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