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wolf 03-07-2004 09:20 PM

I've done a few needlepoints, but much prefer cross stitch.

There are a lot of kits and patterns available on the US market that aren't "little old lady". Lots of nature stuff, dragons, wizards, and fairies. Some of it is really striking.

Come to think of it, I'll have to start taking some pictures of my finished (mostly unframed) cross stitch stuff and post it).

Sun_Sparkz 03-07-2004 09:54 PM

Yeah you must id love to see them. do you have any links on where to get some non- granny style canvases?

my pop is great with wood and he binds and frames all my finished pieces. he frames then with hand turned ceder or tasmanian oak wood and the look amazing. sometimes takes away from the art!! ill have to take some pics and show you as well.

xoxoxoBruce 03-07-2004 10:37 PM

A whole weekend of major PC problems with a quick trip to Lancaster (150 miles) squeezed in today. I'd love to be bored for a day or two.:)

Torrere 03-07-2004 11:16 PM

It used to be my Sunday evenings that were dull.

And I filled at least a few of them with jwz's gruntles.

Elspode 03-07-2004 11:17 PM


Originally posted by Torrere
And I filled at least a few of them with jwz's gruntles.
Are these the noises you make when you click on a link and find out there's nothing there?

staceyv 03-08-2004 06:36 AM


Originally posted by Undertoad
For me it's Friday nights, if I'm alone, and have no date, and no prospect for one.
i just don't understand. you're one of the nicest, thoughtful and intelligent people i've encountered on the WORLDWIDE web. that's silly!

blue 03-08-2004 06:49 AM


I was going to provide the obvious answer here, but to save poor sycamore's sensibilities, I decline to do so at this time.
The obvious answer is...NASCAR, and in the fall PACKERS!

Undertoad 03-08-2004 09:34 AM

Stace, thank you! I'm not feeling sorry for m'self, I'm actively addressing the situation. :)

wolf 03-08-2004 10:00 AM


Originally posted by blue58

The obvious answer is...NASCAR, and in the fall PACKERS!

Da Bears. But it's a long way to August.

If they ever start broadcasting Sunday afternoon pro-rally, i'm set, but circle track bores me silly.

Pi 03-08-2004 10:02 AM

- went out on saturday so sleep till 12, cook some tasty meal, study and do some housework, drive back to Brussels, check the cellar (don't have internet at home) and mails

- didn't go out, get up at 9, go for some running (1hour), go to church, cook some tasty meal, study and do some housework, - drive back to Brussels check the cellar (don't have internet at home) and mails, go to bed.

Why don't you just stop watching TV if there's nothing on

wolf 03-08-2004 10:07 AM

Because we are Americans.

The TV has to be on when we are near one, no matter what.

Especially if there is nothing on, because we have 200 different channels to complain about.

It's what we do.

Like you guys putting mayo on fries.

It doesn't make any sense, but you do it.

Vilia Sonoben 03-08-2004 11:01 AM

Sundays aren't just lazy, they're plain ridiculous. I've come to severly dislike Sunday, and that's only because my life is revolved around television plots. Sad but true.

On a regular Mon-Fri, this is my schedule:
Wake, attend classes, race home in time for X-Files at 3:00 on Sci-Fi. At four I watch Strong Medicine, Conan O'Brian, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. 5 o'clock rolls around and I flip between Charmed and Law & Order (It depends severly on whether or not Charmed is a 1-3 season episode because I tend to tolerate Milano so I can lust over Shannen). At six I watch a second episode of Law & Order and try to catch at glimpse of Queer Eye. 7:00-9:00 is Law & Order: SVU. I'm usually able to catch a shower between 9 and 9:30. At 9:45 I go in for my shift and eat a little something and then I retire around 3 or 4 in the a.m.

I realize that my choice of television viewing is odd, but I embrace it's oddness with my fullest, and damnit, I like it.

I work all day Saturday and I get no TV time in there, but Sundays? All day with absolutely nothing. It clearly drives me insane. What other excuse do I have for this hectic schedule of absolute nothing?

Pi 03-08-2004 11:06 AM


Originally posted by wolf

Like you guys putting mayo on fries.

It doesn't make any sense, but you do it.

That's belgian and they invented the fries (so it should be belgian fries). And it tasts just great. When I first saw Pulp Fiction I didn't understand the dialogue between Jackson and Travolta. It's just so normal over here in the Old World. ;)

hot_pastrami 03-08-2004 12:46 PM

I used to hate Sundays, mostly because here in Utah, the state shuts down for the day. Nothing is open. These days it's not so bad though, the lazy day is a nice respite from the week's craziness, and a nice opportunity to spend time with my wife.

Of course yesterday was nutty. We cleaned the whole house and then made a big batch of Jambalaya since my brother and his wife were coming over for dinner. Mmmm... Jambalaya. We ate until inches from death. Then I drew a picture, and went to bed.

Pi 03-08-2004 02:06 PM

This sunday I changed a little bit because I went visiting a friend and they are having carnaval right now. It's a little village near Binche in Belgium and their carnaval is very famous (Carnaval de Binche). This one is some smaller but very traditional and folkloric. You have different groups : paysans, pierrots, ... The last ones are the gilles. So all the groups are throwing small oranges into the spectators. It's very funny. But you have to take care when the gilles come. These are the men and the young men and they throw their oranges quite strongly. And if they don't like you they really bombard you with oranges so the residents are putting some protections in front of their windows ;) So the photo shows on of my friend who is a gilles when they past me

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