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busterb 10-09-2004 07:17 PM

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How about some fried biscuits & sausage?

jane_says 10-10-2004 11:11 AM

We're starting to cook again at my house now that everyone is on a regular schedule (for a month or so, anyway). The other half made steak bombs, which the kids call "stink bombs" last night. He sliced up a pound and a half of ribeye thinly, fried it with onions, mushrooms, Worcestershire, tons of garlic and spices. He served it on big old crusty rolls with Provolone and fries. Yum. I washed it down with a few beers and burped until I felt better.

Today we're heading off to the inlaws for dinner. His family is Italian and I live for her chicken parmesan, salad made from vegetables out of their garden and topped with his dad's homemade dressing and yeasty bread. I'm hungry NOW. :D

footfootfoot 10-13-2004 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by busterb
How about some fried biscuits & sausage?

Is thems deep fried biscuits?

Ohhhhhhhh I am getting so hungry.

Tonight was simple, cliché hotdogs and sauerkraut (from our cabbages!) It was too light, but I am not going to try and improvise a biscuit fryer at midnight...

BrianR 10-13-2004 11:50 PM

I'm ashamed to admit that my dinner tonight consisted of two frozen hamburger patties (Topps) on store-brand buns. I did dress them properly with the usual condiments and bread-and-butter pickle slices but I plead only fifteen minutes to heat and eat before I had to run. More time tomorrow!

busterb 10-14-2004 02:43 PM

Think tonight will be grilled cheese, ham w/Jalapeno slices hot mustard. But watch out for wkend, I have a fish story! Yum

Trilby 10-14-2004 03:48 PM

I now can contribute to this thread as I have something slightly interesting to eat!Multi-grain and spinach cake, asparagus (steamed) and flounder with Miso and rice wine combo that carmelizes while baking (saw on oprah show with gwyneth paltrow cooking). :yum:

PS--cake is like a crabcake only no crab.

flippant 10-14-2004 04:18 PM

Oprah cooked Paltrow? Boy maybe she needs to switch diet plans again.......

ladysycamore 10-14-2004 04:24 PM

Argh this thread is making me think of Thanksgiving! Can't wait for that turkey!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: :) ;) :D

Anyone do the deep fried method of cooking a turkey? Busterb? :D

busterb 10-14-2004 05:41 PM

Yep trying to make up my small mind between fried or drunk turkey. Drunk is cheaper. No oil to buy. You really need a good size pot, a rack to make adding & removing the bird safe. also a long stemed therometer.

footfootfoot 10-14-2004 08:43 PM

I think we should organize a cellar summer cook out. Maybe like a sort of food oriented rainbow/burning man/ gathering of the clan thing.

A week of just non stop cooking, eating, drinking. We wouldn't have to actually talk to one another (Ya know, if you are shy) we could just have a big bulletin board that we could tack notes up on, and

Whoa, dinner is going to my head pretty quickly. Sam Smith's organic ale and triple chocolate cake.

Why yes, it is bachelor night.

wolf 10-14-2004 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot
I think we should organize a cellar summer cook out. Maybe like a sort of food oriented rainbow/burning man/ gathering of the clan thing.

You've just described Plastic Forks.

Be there.

(Saturday closest to the Summer Solstice and the full moon, unless the date selected by this algorithm is Father's Day weekend, in which case it's the week following.)

footfootfoot 10-15-2004 12:06 AM

Wolf, I just got back from looking at plastic forks 2003. I guess I'll have to wait till 2005.

I'll get the grill ready.

busterb 10-16-2004 09:35 AM

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For this wkend. The 2 fish yelded almost 6lbs. of meat. FFs, hushpuppys, corn fritters & of course cold beer. ;)

busterb 10-16-2004 04:24 PM

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A friend of mine, who just got back from a pipeline job in CO., brought a sack of onoins w/him. Look at size of the damn things. Can someone tell me how to make the font size smaller in this last Sig?

elSicomoro 10-16-2004 04:26 PM

Hmmm...I might actually cook something really cook, not just microwaving.

A grilled pork tenderloin sounds good...I haven't used my Foreman grill in a while...hmmm...

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