The Cellar

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Shawnee123 08-04-2007 08:45 AM

You are SO convinced that you are the only one who has ever dealt with any sort of prejudice. Ironically, any comments you have experienced here have been a direct result of your insistence of such. You do NOT know my history, my heritage, or my experiences as you do not know that of the other Cellarites you believe are "ganging up on you."
LIghten the hell up, or your life is going to be very very miserable. You are not so downtrodden as you believe, as you want us all to believe. K?

freshnesschronic 08-04-2007 09:43 AM

Me lighten the hell up? When you Shawnee went into a rage after my opinion on Vick?

Shawnee123 08-04-2007 09:49 AM

A rage? You haven't seen rage.
Stay in your league, dude. You've become tiresome.

freshnesschronic 08-04-2007 09:52 AM

Am I not worthy of your holy time?

I can see all the cheap shot comical responses by leechers now: "Ehhhh, frankly, no, sorry! Come back tomorrow, ok? :D"

DanaC 08-04-2007 09:53 AM

Fresh, m'dear: I think you may find that your average white woman knows a thing or to about prejudice.

I don't know wha tthe pay gap is in the States, but in the UK there is a 17% differential between male and female wages. The average woman can expect to earn 17% less than her average male counterpart, across her lifetime.

You have mentioned many times that we are generally a bunch of oldies on here who don't really understand what it's like to be that case, use your own logic and consider that many of the female dwellars grew up in a world that was a great deal more sexist than it is now. There will be women on this forum (I am sure) who experienced the unfairness of having to help in the house with mum, whilst their brothers didn't have to. There may even be women in the Cellar whose educational options were vastly reduced purely because they were female, and whose brothers were expected to be the ones who would go off and get educated and be a success in life.

Being white is one of a series of advantages that you can be born with in America. Being wealthy is another, being healthy likewise. You are more likely to be born wealthy if you are white than if you are black.....but being white does not guarantee you won't be poor. Do you think poor people are not discriminated against? Looked down on? Called horrible names? (White Trash in the states , chavs in the UK) treated as if they are somehow unclean? How many well to do families would be pleased if their child came home with a boyfriend/girlfriend from a trailer park?

You make many assumptions about what people here have, or have not, experienced.

freshnesschronic 08-04-2007 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 371409)
How many well to do families would be pleased if their child came home with a boyfriend/girlfriend from a trailer park?

You make many assumptions about what people here have, or have not, experienced.

O RLY? If the trailer trash girl had a heart of gold I'd try her on for size. I'm sorry it comes off as I'm assuming but in terms of race, no white American can say they know what it's like to be a minority in America. They just don't. Have any clue. Let's end the idea there because it will just get messy and frankly I don't think I have enough minority Dwellars to help me justify against the majority white forum. I remember breakingnews being Chinese, nappyboy2007 being black, but yeah I can't name any other ethnic Dwellar. And I'm not going to ducky for backup.

DanaC 08-04-2007 10:15 AM


I'm sorry it comes off as I'm assuming but in terms of race, no white American can say they know what it's like to be a minority in America.
I disagree.


O RLY? If the trailer trash girl had a heart of gold I'd try her on for size.
Well that's swell and lovely of you, but there are things that mark someone out as being from a particular socio-economic background as surely as skin colour can indicate race. You may be perfectly accepting of that girl, but many people wouldn't. You may be perfectly happy employing someone who is from that background, but many wouldn't. Most states and cities will have areas that are so known and despised/feared that to send a resume to an employer, with that as your address is a pointless exercise.

Socio-economic background can affect your accent, your use of language, your educational opportunities and even your vocabulary. Yes, ethnic background is a factor, but it is not the only factor. Race prejudice is not the only prejudice.

Do you think someone in a wheelchair has no idea what it's like to be discriminated against? What about a gay man? A lesbian?

Shawnee123 08-04-2007 10:19 AM

Trailer trash. Nice.
I give up.

YellowBolt 08-04-2007 10:38 AM

hi freshnesschronic i am asian
you are a tool

DanaC 08-04-2007 10:45 AM

hahahahaha. Oh fuck that really made me laugh.

Uisge Beatha 08-04-2007 10:45 AM


freshnesschronic 08-04-2007 11:53 AM


xoxoxoBruce 08-04-2007 12:04 PM

1~ We talk about eating the IOtD almost without exception.
2~ This IOtD being in China, it would folow that it would be Chinese eating it.
3~ The fact some Chinese actually eat dogs is coincidental.
4~ Trying to drag the discussion into a percieved slight of all Orientals is assinine.
And guess what...

All Jews are cheap. All Jews have big noses. All Asians can't drive. All blacks steal. All Mexicans are lazy. All black men have big dicks. All white men are pedophiles. All black women have big asses. All white women secretly want to fuck black men. All white people are serial killers. All Poles are stupid. All Irish are drunks. All Puerto Ricans carry knives. All British have bad teeth. All Arabs are terrorists. All French are cowards. No seriously, all French are cowards. All Germans hate Jews. All Japanese carry cameras. All Asians are good at math. All Chinese eat dogs. All Russians drink vodka. All British women are ugly. All Israeli women are hot. No seriously, all Israeli women are hot. All Greek men are gay. All Indian people smell like curry. All South Africans are racists.
Did I miss anyone?

Oh yes, and fat people use more than their share of soap.

spudcon 08-04-2007 12:05 PM

Gee, I thought we were here to discuss the picture of the bitch at the top of the page.

Shawnee123 08-04-2007 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 371451)
And guess what... Did I miss anyone?


Yeah, you forgot about all Native Americans being alcoholics. :rolleyes:

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