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skysidhe 03-23-2008 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 440344)
I might do raku style eggs this year. That sounds fun. I found out that if you don't water down the coloring and it has an alcohol content, and if the egg is hot enough when you dye it, it turns a metallic color as if it has been fired in a kiln. Neat-o.

Someone tell case. If you see her.

raku style eggs! egg..celent!

( my sister is a potter)

Cloud 03-23-2008 03:21 PM

the colored eggs y'all posted are terrific!

no, reusing the baskets would be cheating

I got to hang out with granddaughter cuties and teach them how to jump rope. Not that I did all that much actual jumping, you understand, but still . . . :)

Cicero 03-23-2008 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 441086)
raku style eggs! egg..celent!

( my sister is a potter)

The photos are posted right behind you. Show her those.:D I need a pro to tell me if they do in fact, look like raku but eggs.

Clodfobble 03-23-2008 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud
no, reusing the baskets would be cheating

So... to avoid both cheating and a cluttered house, you substitute non-basket containers instead? You still end up with a tidier house; sounds like cheating to me. ;) Do you get new Christmas stockings for everyone every year too?

Aliantha 03-23-2008 04:37 PM

The kids had a great time with their egg hunt yesterday. They were surprised when they realized it was out in the yard rather than in the house, but that just made it more fun in the end. A couple of the clues tricked them up a bit, but they all worked together and cracked it finally.

I think I'll do clues again next year. It was well worth the effort watching them giggling and running around having fun.

xoxoxoBruce 03-23-2008 07:43 PM

@ Cicero, those eggs are too nice to eat. I wonder if blown egg shells could be gotten hot enough to use that process?

skysidhe 03-23-2008 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 441093)
The photos are posted right behind you. Show her those.:D I need a pro to tell me if they do in fact, look like raku but eggs.

well first of all I thought you were making 'real clay eggs' :P

Without bothering her. I say YES! :thumb:

but I am no artist of any kind but I think they are beautiful. LJs childrens eggs are too btw.

Cloud 03-23-2008 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 441099)
So... to avoid both cheating and a cluttered house, you substitute non-basket containers instead? You still end up with a tidier house; sounds like cheating to me. ;) Do you get new Christmas stockings for everyone every year too?

cheat, cheat, cheat!

I mean, cheep, cheep, cheep!

Christmas stockings are easily foldable and storable, though.

Thank goodness I am no longer Santa OR the Easter Bunny!

ETA: BTW, the green eggs and ham and Bunny Juice were a HIT!

zippyt 03-23-2008 09:23 PM

Verry cool looking Cic!!!!

Cicero 03-23-2008 09:39 PM

Heh. Thanks zip. I'm just glad I haven't pissed anyone off for all the photos in this thread..but still...I didn't think anyone else out there had discovered the raku egg, adult fun so...gotta share.
I don't have kids and I'm not have to do something on Easter...

xoxoxo is right. I bet if I hollowed out some of those eggs and apllied the same process with a torch or saudering iron..the same thing would happen. I'm into it. Let's try it.

xoxoxoBruce 03-24-2008 12:27 AM


Golden Chocolate Easter Eggs
makes 1 dozen

12 large eggs
Chocolate filling (recipe follows)
1 1/2 tsp gold powder *
1 tsp tequila, plus drops as needed

Wash each egg in warm water and dry thoroughly. Insert a sterilized needle into the small end of the egg to make a small hole. Do the same with the large end using a skewer to make a 1/4-inch hole. Insert the needle into the large end and break the yolk. Remove the contents of the egg by blowing into the small hole through a straw. You can also blow air through by using a baster.

Place the shells in a large stock pot and slowly fill it with warm water until the egg shells are covered. Gently bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and allow to gently simmer for 10 minutes.

Carefully pour out the hot water and gently rinse the shells with hot water. Remove the shells from the water and place upside down on a towel. Allow to dry for 30 minutes.

Pour the melted chocolate filling into a pastry piping bag fitted with a small round tip and fill the prepared egg shell through the large hole.

Return the filled eggs to the egg carton.

Place the gold powder in a medium stainless steel bowl and add the tequila. Stir until completely blended. You can adjust the thickness of the mixture by adding tequila a drop at a time until you obtain the desired thickness - the mixture should be thin enough to easily spread. Use an artist brush to paint the egg shells gold.

If you have an extra egg carton, cut off the high edge of the cradle and place the painted eggs back in this carton.

Put the carton of painted eggs into a freezer for 7 - 10 minutes to firm the chocolate and set the paint.

Remove carton from freezer and place the golden eggs into a decorated egg carton.

Chocolate Filling
Makes enough filling for 12 large eggs

18 ounces (approximately 2 1/4 cups) semi-sweet chocolate, melted

Melt the chocolate using a double boiler over a water bath or in a microwave according to directions on the package.

Add ¼ cup of one the following to the melted chocolate:
Praline crunch**
English toffee, finely chopped
Finely chopped toasted almonds and shredded coconut
Finely chopped toasted macadamia nuts – you can also substitute white or milk chocolate for the semi-sweet above

You can choose to decorate your eggs with different colors by using food coloring or colored edible powders.

*Colored powders can be found in the cake decorating isle at craft stores nationwide.
**Praline crunch may be found in the freezer section of your grocery store by the ice cream.

Cicero 03-24-2008 12:36 AM


Cloud 03-24-2008 08:57 AM


skysidhe 03-24-2008 10:50 AM

YUM bruce!

lumberjim 03-24-2008 11:37 AM

good looking eggs, cic.

cool idea, thar, bruce.

i was trying to talk monster into putting actual peeled hard boiled eggs inside the plastic eggs for her easter egg hunt as a gag, but she woulndt do it.

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