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Nothing But Net 09-12-2001 02:16 AM

I've been at the top of the WTC!
I could have been there when this happened.

Life is precious.. Never forget that!

Count Zero 09-12-2001 08:57 AM

Re: Count Zero!

Originally posted by Nothing But Net
If true, this has to be be the most accurate prediction Nostradamus ever made.

Well, perhaps... But its not quite accurate, its it ? I mean, it fits well but it could also fit to a completely different situation.


Do you have a cite?

If you do, THAT IS SCARY!

Please, please respond, and tell me no, it's not true... - NBN
A friend of mine sent me this through ICQ, but he got from somebody else. I don't know if its real, but I think it its. At least it *sounds* like what nostradamus used to say, but I can't comfirm it.

CharlieG 09-12-2001 09:07 AM


Originally posted by leif
[<snip>I wonder how many more thousands of innocent people will have to die before this is over.
So far, they are guessing 6000 to 10000.

The rest aren't innocent - guilty my ommission or commission

CharlieG 09-12-2001 09:13 AM

Re: Planes Crash Into World Trade Center

Originally posted by tw
<snip> How well did your news service operate. ABC News was doing a superb job compared to NBC and Fox. <snip>

I am rather pleased with ABC Network news especially Peter Jennings<snip>.

As one of the people keeping the infoo to Peter flowing (I work for ABC News in IS), that you for the nice comments

BTW CBS (Channel 2) didn't go down - they were the only station NOT to move their transmiter from the Empire State Building back in the 70s

elemental 09-12-2001 09:51 AM

The Nostradamus thing is not true, that quote was written by a high school student in a paper <i>about</i> Nostradamus.

<a href="" target="new"></a>

verbatim 09-12-2001 11:10 AM

i have heard counts of anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 people dead.

thats 25,000 parents that wont be home from work after school.

thats 25,000 parents who will never see their kids graduated, drive, or go to the prom.

thats 25,000 kids with either one parent or no parents, left to fend for themselves in new york city.

thats over a quarter of a million people who dont know if their fiancee, son, daughter, mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, cousin, best friend, or college roomate is dead.

thats 25,000 innocent lives that were taken prematurely before they were ready.

thats 25,000 dead americans sitting in 3 places in the northeast.

thats one pissed off city.

thats one pissed off country.

thats one dead motherfucker who killed them

dynamo 09-12-2001 11:14 AM

Re: Jag, I wasn't getting up your ass but I will if needed!

Originally posted by Nothing But Net
These were the quotes from 'tw' that I found offensive:

"Massive insurance payments will require extensive money withdrawn from the stock markets. Bush may just get the recession he wanted when he took office."


easy there're right in that this isn't the time to argue politics. But I think you're assuming he meant life insurance and that may not be the case, at least that's not what I assumed.

Undertoad 09-12-2001 12:14 PM

i have heard counts of anywhere from 10,000 to 50,000 people dead.

Thankfully the counts I have heard have been dwindling. The count that CharlieG gave you two messages above yours included the number 6000. Right now on ABC they are interviewing a woman from the 35th floor who said that they have now accounted for everyone in her office. Reports are coming in from people above the floors that were directly hit. And the Pentagon number has gone down from approximately 800 to approximately 200.


Obviously every single death is unacceptable but these details are very hopeful. It doesn't lower the impact of terrorism or of this event if fewer people die. It won't soften our resolve.

Chewbaccus 09-12-2001 01:09 PM

Verbatim, if it weren't for the FCC, I'm pretty sure you'd get a job as Bush's speechwriter.

Personally, the people I feel for most, away from the victims, their families, etc, is the NYFD.

Every time I saw a shot of a NY firefighter on the scene, I couldn't help but be moved by the look on his face: rage and helplessness in equal harmony. You could see that they wanted in, that they wanted to save lives and the buildings (before they collapsed), but they couldn't get anywhere. You know that that feeling is probably going to plague them for a long time after this.

I have nothing but respect for the NYFD, and firefighters anywhere. The job of a firefighter is plain and simple: saving your life. Your life and your belongings. And when I heard that at least 300 were reported missing in the wreckage...

Folks, I'm not emotional. I don't cry often, if all. But that news, and the looks on their faces brought me closer than in God only knows how long.



astearns 09-12-2001 01:13 PM

Don't sacrifice your dignity and freedom

Originally posted by Nothing But Net
If it will ensure my safety, I would undergo a strip-search, if need be.
Unfortunately, this would probably do very little to ensure your safety - and might arguably make the situation worse.

If we all choose to subject ourselves to more searches, more surveillance and more control in response to the terrors of yesterday, we'll be playing into the enemy's hands. They want us to react in fear.

If the effect of the attack is that we live more timidly, we'll invite more attacks in kind. And any amount of security measures we subject ourselves to will always have a way of being subverted.

The best response is to put up a brave front - go about your life fearlessly. And bring the enemy to swift justice. If these attacks do not cause further widespread harm, and retaliation is sure, then there should be less incentive to repeat the crime.

verbatim 09-12-2001 02:28 PM

get this. at my high school, outside of harrisburg, there were announcements for people over 17 to get out of class and go give blood at our local mall. later they announced that they wont send anybody because there is a 5 HOUR WAIT TO GIVE BLOOD. 5 hours in justa suburban little community like ours to give blood. and i heard its like this all over te country.

with that amount of blood coming in, i think we need more disasters.

its also wonderful that almost everybody is taking off work to go help in nyc and other areas. money must be pouring into the red cross and the salvation army. this is wonderful how our country comes together to help each other like this. i dont think any other country has rallied behind a city like this before. i hope it continues

Undertoad 09-12-2001 02:34 PM

Whoa, high school outside of Harrisburg? Wierd coincidence time, which one? (I went to CD East for Jr High and then moved to the west shore and went to CV.)

lisa 09-12-2001 07:25 PM


Originally posted by verbatim
get this. at my high school, outside of harrisburg, there were announcements for people over 17 to get out of class and go give blood at our local mall.
Interesting. I went over to Community General Oesteopathic Hospital (just outside Harrisburg) yesterday and donated a pint (I had been planning to donate at a local blood drive in a few weeks, but this sped up my schedule).

They had to turn people away because they were becoming too busy. They had no idea that this was going to happen and that so many people would turn out when it did.

If you DO donate, please remember to do it again -- it's needed even when there are NOT disasters.

jaguar 09-12-2001 07:32 PM

The taliban has Bin Ladne under hosue arrest and will extradite if they can prove he did it. I think they're realsied if u stand between the US and whoever did this your gonna get a lot of quarter-ton bombs shoved up your ass. I do hope they fuck him up real good for this though.

elSicomoro 09-12-2001 09:34 PM

Re: Re: Count Zero!

Originally posted by Count Zero

Well, perhaps... But its not quite accurate, its it ? I mean, it fits well but it could also fit to a completely different situation.

It could fit what happened during the Gulf War, with Jerusalem being the City of God, and Tel Aviv being the big city (when it was hit by Scuds).

*shrugs* I don't believe in the prophecies of Nostradamus as his statements or not-statements seems to be applicable in a variety of situations.

Regarding your post astearns, I don't think that extra security in airports is necessarily a bad thing. Given that we keep hearing about air traffic being at an all time high, there are a lot more people in those airports--perhaps we've gotten a bit lax. If not more security, it wouldn't hurt us to put the system under scrutiny to see its strengths and weaknesses.

By the same token, I will not fear flying on a plane, other than the jitters I get when sitting on a wing. I've always felt secure at the airports I've been at, including O'Hare...and the security as a whole has seemed to function very well in my handful of flight experiences. For every one plane that is hijacked or crashes, millions of others take off and land safely. Many people have made this point over the past 2 days, but it cannot be emphasized enough--we simply must remain strong in the face of tragedy.

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