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Shawnee123 04-02-2009 11:40 AM


Shawnee123 04-03-2009 07:34 AM

Please indulge me for a minute:

grumble grumble grumble. *&(*&#(*&(&#$##$ #%$%^#*&((

That is all.

Trilby 04-03-2009 07:35 AM

let no groove go scorched today.

it's already raining it down, but, HEY! April showers and all that bull!


God, my own cheerfulness is making me kinda sick.

Shawnee123 04-03-2009 07:37 AM

Job. That's the scorcher.

Trilby 04-03-2009 08:01 AM

well, then stone them!

Shawnee123 04-03-2009 08:06 AM

Heh, that's not a bad idea.

You know what's weird, the rain is the one thing I'm liking about today!

I'm just not used to being treated like a lesser. I must learn someday to stop being nice and accomodating and start showing that I can run circles around most of 'em.

Trilby 04-03-2009 08:09 AM

Give no quarter, Shawnee. Those people don't got nuttin' on ya. The more pompous the ass, the harder a window makes lemonade slam in their face!

Shawnee123 04-03-2009 08:14 AM

Thanks Bri. I'll be OK, just having a really bad moment.

Trilby 04-03-2009 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 552514)
Thanks Bri. I'll be OK, just having a really bad moment.

sorry. I don't mean to be making light of your situation. :sniff:

Shawnee123 04-03-2009 10:03 AM

NO, you're not. I appreciated your response. I meant thanks. Did it sound sarcastic? Sometimes I don't know how the things I say come off.

I'm just having a bad day, and a lot of recent hurts are surfacing and I feel angry, and sad. Just a phase.

dar512 04-03-2009 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 552510)
The more pompous the ass, the harder a window makes lemonade slam in their face!

Perfection. I should memorize that.

dar512 04-03-2009 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 552534)
I'm just having a bad day, and a lot of recent hurts are surfacing and I feel angry, and sad. Just a phase.

Be glad there's one place in the world
Where everybody knows your name,
And they're always glad you came;
You want to go where people know,
People are all the same;
You want to go where everybody knows your name. :D

Shawnee123 04-03-2009 12:07 PM

That is the truth, and that is the Cellar. Thanks. :)

Tiki 04-03-2009 12:54 PM

My sister has this thing about having to do whatever I do. Normally, it doesn't bother me, but the latest thing... well, here's the backstory:

My youngest daughter has been referred to OHSU for neurological and developmental assessment of linguistic and motor development delays. Her speech therapist suspects she may have an auditory processing disorder. My two older kids are in an academy for high-achieving students, and despite her communication issues, it looks likely that my youngest will also qualify for the academy.

My sister wants her daughter to attend the academy, and recently had her tested for TAG. She didn't get into TAG so she's having a neurological assessment done. WTF??? I asked her why, and she said it's because her scores are lower "than expected". I know she scored above average on the testing, just not high enough to be identified as having special academic needs.

The kid is bright, and does well in school as long as she applies herself. I don't think she needs to be in TAG. I'm getting the feeling that the "expected" scores are something my sister was expecting, not necessarily the teachers. TAG is an unfunded mandate in Oregon, anyway, and my experience with my kids being in it was that they get absolutely NO difference in curriculum.

I do not see the value in trying to force a perfectly normal above-average bright child into a high-achievement bracket. I am very grateful the high-achievement school exists for kids who would otherwise not have their needs met by the regular schools, but for those kids who ARE having their needs met, what, besides the parent's ego, benefits from trying to move them from where they are already? I feel like she's treating her kid like there's something "wrong" with her just because she's "average", and that's fucked-up.

morethanpretty 04-07-2009 09:19 PM

Got a 79 on the trig test I studied uber hard for. Mostly because of piddly mistakes. I'm failing English because I'm lazy. I feel sick, and drained for no reason, I meant to call the doc today but fell asleep instead.

dar512 04-08-2009 09:35 AM

I'm going through a cold and our attic has been invaded by a racoon. The combination of the two means I'm seriously short on sleep.

glatt 04-08-2009 12:03 PM

When a raccoon got into our chimney, repeated application of rags soaked liberally with ammonia got it out. The fumes drove it away.

Queen of the Ryche 04-08-2009 12:14 PM

I bought cheese-flavored snack mix that smells like feet.

Pie 04-08-2009 12:38 PM

Limburger cheese?

Queen of the Ryche 04-08-2009 12:42 PM

"Italian Cheese Blend." I guess parmesean can be a little stinky...but now everyone probably thinks it's my feet.

jinx 04-09-2009 07:42 PM

I fee like I've been kicked, hard, in the right ovary. Fucking hurts man...

dar512 04-09-2009 09:45 PM

appendix maybe?

Shawnee123 04-10-2009 07:43 AM

Or a cyst?

Get it checked, though, jinx. I know how painful that is, and maybe they can do something for it.

sugarpop 04-10-2009 10:33 AM

I love racoons. Is it young? If you could catch it, you could keep it as a pet. :D

Shawnee123 04-10-2009 10:36 AM

Excel. Why the eff is it returning "false" for 61 entries that match and the other 9963 entries, which are formatted exactly the same, are giving me the correct return of "true?"

SteveDallas 04-10-2009 10:41 AM

An extra space or othe rnon-printing character (for text)? Rounding error (for numbers)?

Flint 04-10-2009 10:43 AM

Either they are not formatted the same or the formatting is not the relevant attribute.

Thank you for choosing Computo-Answer™
The nation's #1 automated text genrator

Shawnee123 04-10-2009 10:46 AM


Thank you for choosing Computo-Answer™
The nation's #1 automated text generator

Yeah, I've checked all the usual suspects. Formatting of SSNs, dollar amounts, etc. I just gave up and started over with my original spreadsheets. At this point I think that will be easier than to try to figure out what I did wrong.

dar512 04-10-2009 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by sugarpop (Post 554741)
I love racoons. Is it young? If you could catch it, you could keep it as a pet. :D

I think I scared it off. (or gave it a heart attack and it's dying in the attic)

footfootfoot 04-14-2009 11:43 AM

I am a fucking retard. I deleted all of my saved passwords from firefox. I wish they'd had a warning dialogue box that popped up saying something like, oh I don't know,
"What, are you fucking retarded? Why would you want to delete all your saved passwords? As if you'll remember half of them. Good luck logging into your email, douchebag. What a fucking numb nuts."

Then I could click "Cancel" or "haha just kidding, I'd never do something that frigging dumb."

Trilby 04-14-2009 11:53 AM

but we love you, foot.

Queen of the Ryche 04-14-2009 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 556224)
I am a fucking retard. I deleted all of my saved passwords from firefox. I wish they'd had a warning dialogue box that popped up saying something like, oh I don't know,
"What, are you fucking retarded? Why would you want to delete all your saved passwords? As if you'll remember half of them. Good luck logging into your email, douchebag. What a fucking numb nuts."

Then I could click "Cancel" or "haha just kidding, I'd never do something that frigging dumb."

:mecry::nuts::eek3::lol:That is soooo something I would do! Let's create the code for your suggested response - i know we'd make a million due to all of the morons like us out there.

sugarpop 04-14-2009 03:08 PM

damn foot. Sorry to hear about that little brain fart.

Trilby 04-14-2009 04:21 PM

my JR terrier is kinda scorching my groove. she wants to be with me. all the time. constantly. everywhere.

BigV 04-14-2009 04:35 PM

footfootfoot... and yet.... you're here.....


my groove scorcher:

A brand new Dell Lat E4200.. just opened the flippin box an hour ago, needs over 330 MB of updates. That's not a computer. That's a kit. :doh:

Aliantha 04-14-2009 04:35 PM

stalker dog

sugarpop 04-16-2009 12:26 AM

My ex.

classicman 04-16-2009 12:18 PM

Isn't that why he is your ... ex? He's probably some damn right wing tea partier too!:rolleyes:

sugarpop 04-16-2009 12:50 PM

Far from it. He's more radical than I am even, and you know what a leftie I am. :D

Yes, he's my ex precisely because of things like what happened yesterday.

classicman 04-16-2009 03:19 PM

sorry - not humanly possible, ya treehugger

Pico and ME 04-17-2009 11:38 AM

Comcast just raised my $28 cable rate to $58, so Icalled them up to downgrade to limited basic cable for $23. I cant find the channel line-up for it on their website so I have no idea what channels I will be losing. Hubby is going to be seriously stressed if he wont be able to watch Family Guy and that Ghost Hunters show....:worried:

sugarpop 04-18-2009 05:57 PM

Family Guy is FOX, so you should still get it. I have no idea about the other one.

You know, you can watch almost any TV show on the internet for free, and if your TV has a USB port you can connect your computer to it. has most shows. They aren't hosted on that site, but it will link you to sites where shows are hosted.

footfootfoot 04-18-2009 08:43 PM

If you paid me $50 an hour I'd watch TV, otherwise. No thanks.

monster 04-18-2009 10:59 PM

$820 for brakes

Pie 04-19-2009 12:06 AM

9.5 hour difference between EDT and India time.

BigV 04-19-2009 01:49 AM

the dog

monster 04-20-2009 09:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
well apparently, the weather here will scorch my groove on Saturday, but that's after freezing it on Weds. :rolleyes:

TheMercenary 04-20-2009 10:19 PM

Our weather is just terrible. :D

morethanpretty 04-24-2009 09:36 AM

I've been on antibiotics for a week and my sinus infection feels worse today. Coughing and throat hurts, which was not a problem before.
I'm also really tired and want coffee, but don't have any at all.

Yeah I'm cranky

monster 04-25-2009 06:57 PM

The forecast didn't mention the storms... other than that it was bang on.... actually no rain or damaging hail, but strong winds, dodgy looking sky, and the second soccer game was called about 10 minutes into the second half because of lightening/thunder.

Cloud 05-01-2009 02:44 PM

Came upon this post with instructions on how to Eat Fire:

glatt 05-01-2009 03:06 PM

Neat link, but haven't you spoken out before about the dangers of backyard fireworks? And now you are linking to instructions of how to intentionally take burning flammable liquids into your mouth? I'm not judging. Just perplexed. I actually think it's an interesting link.

Cloud 05-01-2009 03:08 PM

well, I'm not saying you should do it . . . and I would NEVER do it, but I thought it was interesting, tis all

monster 10-07-2009 07:05 AM

The Thrift store I volunteer at which earns money for the schools deperately needs volunteers They have to do an orientation session first. so I had a GREAT idea to set one up in advance just for families at my school (I'm the school rep) so they could learn with friend and know the date rather than the current system of calling the volunteer co-ordinator and waiting to be told when the next one is. Everyone agreed it was a great idea, so I set up a session for tonight (two weeks ago) and naively assumed since we had agreed the date and I hadn't heard otherwise -and had emailed the only contact address allowed several times about it, it would be fine.


yesterday i was getting a little concerned that i'd heard nothing, but had to assume my emails had been read so no news is good news....

(ME last night)

> > Hi Uselessbitch,

> >
> > I'm a little concerned that I haven't heard back from you about this -this
> > is my third email since we talked at the meeting on the 23rd and picked
> > some dates. Please let me know if there is a problem -I'd hate for my
> > volunteers to turn up tomorrow night and there be no session.
> >
> >
> >
> > here's my list for Weds 7th Oct 7-9pm

(HER this morning)

> Monster,
> We need to verify a date for orientation before sending word out for a
> session. I am NOT able to hold orientation on Wednesday Oct. 7. I can
> hold a session on Sunday Oct. 11 from 5-7. I hope you'll be able to let
> your families know that tonight's session is NOT scheduled. Perhaps they
> can attend on Sunday. Thank you.
> UselessBitch

(Me.... just right fucking now, I'm so damn mad. I'm gonna get ger job and do it properly. And get paid. She's not even a volunteer -she gets paid to do this! How fucking unprofessional and useless can you get?):

>> Thank you for getting back to me. I am confused as to how I should have verified the date with you further than I did? You said it was good at the meeting on the 23rd and would email straight away if you found it wasn't when you got home. You didn't, so I got the word out straight away. I have emailed about it several times to make sure it was still good and heard nothing -I guess I was naive to assume no news was good news, but it would have been unprofessional of me to tell my families "well I'm not hearing anything so maybe it's not going to happen".

Is is possible for me to run the orientation -do you have notes? If not, can we reschedule for next Wednesday? These families were excited about this date because it's a weekday evening. yes, I can contact them, but I am loathe to because we so desperately need good volunteers in the shop.

Trilby 10-13-2009 08:24 AM

What is scorching my groove is that my problems are all problems of thinking and logic and NONE of mechanics.

No. I will NOT re-write!

monster 01-20-2010 09:51 PM

The background:
Our swim club runs lessons for toddlers in a theraputic (= warm, zero depth entry) pool at an elementary school. They have the pool because they have a program for kids with physical special needs, and they are required to make it available to us to offer lessons to the community. Classes are either on Mon/Weds or Tues/Thurs. They should have started last Monday, but the health dept closed the pool because the levels were bad (that's the school's responsibility). So they started Tues. On Weds, a kid at school pooped in the pool, so it had to be shocked and was unavaialble for Weds night. Thurs was fine. Friday too (we run two baby/parent classes then). Monday was MLK day -on the calendar as a no swim day. Tues was fine. Tonight (Weds) a kid in our early class barfed in the pool. so we had to cancel the late class (no-nos are poop, barf and blood). We sent an email out immediately we heard....

Pool closed for late class tonight because of throw up in pool. Sorry for inconvenience.
(I didn't write it, but I think it makes it pretty clear what happened)

and we got this from a parent


I am getting upset at these cancellation after cancellation. My kid looks forward to swimming.
This is America please work very hard to keep to the original schedule, now I have to adjust my schedule each time.
I am getting out right sick of this.

What exactly the fuck do they expect us to do? duct tape all mouths and buttholes before kids enter the pool? Including the kids in school during the day? WTF does America have to do with it? (I'm not the prez -who is American through and through- she deals with the emails. Although we share the pain.)

this was my suggested reply:



We are as upset as you are. All swimmers and coaches are excited to attend. Furthermore, it's not very pleasant for us to receive emails like this when we are unpaid volunteers doing the best we can with situations beyond our control, so please let us assure you we would avoid this if we could. All we can say to futher protest our innocence is that It was not any of the board's children who threw up in the pool tonight.

Unfortunately we cannot schedule when swimmers will have bodily function accidents in the pool, and -as this is America- American Health regulations dictate that we cannot allow swimmers in a pool containing feces, vomit or blood. Did you really want your swimmer in that pool tonight? With the vomit?

We would be interested to hear how this adversely affects your schedule so we can take that into account when we decide what to do regarding make-up classes/credits. Parents are required to stay during class, so it's hard to understand the problem. Did you need to cancel a babysitter you have hired for other children? Or are you concerned about potentially being unavailable for make-up classes?

thank you for your consideration and insight into this matter
go for it.....

lumberjim 01-20-2010 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 628644)

this was my suggested reply:

i'd add.....a quick....'you fucking immigrant' in right after 'Milon' clearly she is NOT American.

monster 01-20-2010 10:20 PM

the prez's "suggested" reply was more to that vein.... including the work "Fuck" more than once (and she is a "freak" freak :lol:)

but I'm an immigrant too.....

lumberjim 01-20-2010 10:35 PM

yeah...but you're the good kind of immigrant.

Pete Zicato 01-21-2010 10:07 AM

Love the "this is america" bit.

Probably wouldn't hurt to remind parents not to bring sick kids to swim, though.

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