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Spexxvet 06-14-2011 03:34 PM

Watched episode 9 (from Sunday 6-12) yesterday. OMFG!

DanaC 06-14-2011 03:45 PM

I'm watching it tonight!

So sad that it's nearly over. GoT and Camelot have just been joyful for me.

classicman 06-14-2011 03:54 PM

No bathroom breaks or twistin a fatty till AFTER...

Happy Monkey 06-14-2011 04:19 PM

I knew what was coming, and it still hurt a bit.

DanaC 06-14-2011 05:23 PM

Oh goodness...this sounds like it's going to be harrowing:p

DanaC 06-14-2011 07:50 PM

Oh my God. I can't believe it. I was so sure it would go a different way. I'm stunned. Really choked up.

I haven't read the books, and have been avoiding spoilery reviews {made that mistake with Camelot's finale) so this was just a complete shock.

I don't even know what to say.

How the fucking fuck am I supposed to sleep after that?

Happy Monkey 06-14-2011 08:51 PM


GRRM does not pull his punches.

kerosene 06-14-2011 09:22 PM

Dana that was exactly how I felt after I read the first book. I wanted to hate it, but I liked it so much I burned through the rest of the books.

Spexxvet 06-15-2011 09:03 AM

Was that the season finale?

wolf 06-15-2011 09:25 AM

No, it was not. One episode left. Wait until you see what's coming ...

jimhelm 06-15-2011 11:24 AM


wolf 06-15-2011 04:48 PM

This is the funniest thing I've seen in some time.

The link is to a youtube video, but I didn't use the youtube tags because the title of the video includes a wacking great spoiler for Episode 9. DO NOT WATCH THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN EPISODE 9!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and the fellow uses naughty words.

If your kids are old enough to watch the show, they will probably not be emotionally crippled by the video, but I wanted to be courteous about it.

wolf 06-15-2011 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 740149)

Amazing. It doesn't tell you a single darn thing about the episode but still makes it look really compelling.

Spexxvet 06-15-2011 05:21 PM

Is everybody done watching who is going to watch? I want to talk about it, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone.

DanaC 06-15-2011 05:53 PM

Just white out the text and place a spoiler warning, it should be fine.

classicman 06-20-2011 10:11 AM

Holy frikkin A .... Did anyone else see last nights episode?

I cannot say anything more without ruining it for those that didn't see it. I have not been this compelled to watch a series in a decade or more. It was fantastic!

classicman 06-20-2011 12:52 PM

Possible Spoiler Alert .....
[Spoiler alert: If you haven't watched the Season 1 finale of "Game of Thrones," DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK]

Bottom line: This was the best first season of a cable series, and surely the best first season finale, since "Deadwood" back in 2004. Each scene and moment seemed to have been carved out of wood, and they all tied up old business while setting the stage for new business. Season 2 is scheduled for April, 2012. Hurry up, spring.

Happy Monkey 06-20-2011 02:44 PM

Damn it... the season's over.

Spexxvet 06-20-2011 02:45 PM

Imma watch it agian

jimhelm 06-20-2011 03:00 PM

Staying up to watch it on OnDemand tonight!

wolf 06-20-2011 07:14 PM

Oh dear heavens. I have to wait until April of next year?

yeah, yeah, I read all the books. Jim made me. I know what happens.

I do have to pre-order the next book.

classicman 06-20-2011 08:07 PM

Damn Wolf ... I remained intentionally ignorant of it all and have seen nothing but the actual shows. We're watching from two totally different perspectives.

Lovin' this! I'll be able to re-watch them via On-Demand till then.

I really haven't enjoyed a tv series this much since Band of Brothers.

kerosene 06-20-2011 08:25 PM

It is really great. We have watched all the episodes twice or more. I like to see what I notice after the first time I watch. Just saw the finale. Actually, I was kind of disappointed. I Imagined it very differently when I read the book. But it was still really good. I will probably watch it again tonight.

classicman 06-20-2011 08:32 PM

I've been watching them multiple times as well. I'm still putting some things together that I probably would have if reading the book.

kerosene 06-20-2011 09:24 PM

Yeah, I really can't imagine how I could get the whole story if I hadn't read the books, but I really am not all that smart, so most people probably could do better than I do. Still, the visual images, alone are enough to make me want to watch them a few times over.

Stormieweather 06-20-2011 10:23 PM

NOW I can read the book!! :D

classicman 06-21-2011 08:05 AM

HA - I'm with Stormie

wolf 06-23-2011 06:12 PM

It was inevitable.

DanaC 06-23-2011 06:48 PM

Hahahahah fucking awesome.

DanaC 06-29-2011 05:11 PM

Just watched the finale. Been putting it off. Previous one was just too fecking traumatic :p

Fuck a doodle doo. What a finish. Cannot wait for the next season.

kerosene 10-12-2011 02:50 PM

Anybody read a Dance with Dragons yet? I finished it a couple of weeks ago. More dead people that I didn't want dead yet.

Happy Monkey 10-12-2011 03:10 PM

I read it. An enjoyable read, but I really felt a lack of plot advancement. Perhaps due to its unusual history of being half a book extended.

But when I look at the synopsis on Wikipedia, quite a lot happened and quite a lot was set up to pay off in upcoming books.


Perry Winkle 10-12-2011 03:10 PM

I read all 5 in the course of a month or two. In book 3 he hit the trough that all of these long-running fantasy series run into. He sort-of started climbing out of it in book 5, but he still has a ways to go.

The deus ex machina starts to really grind. I don't know how to develop this character, I'll kill them. I don't know how to get this character out of this situation because there's no reasonable course of action that isn't waiting, so I'll have that character act completely contrary to character.

Hopefully the next one gets out of this rut.

jimhelm 10-12-2011 03:40 PM

oh, fucking NICE!

Roy Dotrice is back as the narrator! I just got the audiobook... just now!


gonna download it stat!

wolf 10-12-2011 08:16 PM

Library lending has come to Kindle. I am on the Library's waiting list for ADWD. Last time I checked I was fourth in line.

BigV 10-12-2011 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by wolf (Post 763234)
Library lending has come to Kindle. I am on the Library's waiting list for ADWD. Last time I checked I was fourth in line.


talk about culture clash.

You are waiting in line to borrow a copy of an e-book for your Kindle?

Just... kill me now.

kerosene 10-12-2011 10:24 PM

I will send you my copy, wolf, if you don't mind a regular book. And it is a huge book.

pm me if you want it, okay?

wolf 10-12-2011 11:55 PM

Generally I don't mind a regular book ... but I am quite spoiled by the Kindle, especially when it comes to budgie-killing books. I may accept your offer if I can't finish the book during the check-out period, though.

Library ebook lending is kind of freaky. Each book is limited both to the number of copies the library can have, as well as the number of times the book can be checked out, supposedly to simulate the wear and tear on a physical book, at which point it is either discarded or replaced ... replaced means that the library has to pay for another license.

This is, of course, bullshit. The electrons don't wear out, and the real physical books last longer than the specified number of loans for an ebook ... but the publishers are all kinds of cranky over the new means of content provision and are trying to suck every penny out of it that they can.

jimhelm 10-14-2011 08:45 AM

I guess Roy didn't re-listen to his own work before recording the new book. He's using the Lord Varys' accent for Illirio the fat merchant, and Dany sounds like the Wildling that Bran and Rob captured.... forget her name.... but...still... He's the fucken best.

wolf 10-14-2011 02:03 PM

I am now third in line.

wolf 10-31-2011 08:28 AM

I have it, I have it! I got my email this morning saying ADWD was available for checkout.

So much for my doing anything productive today. Or tomorrow. Or probably for at least the next week.

Spexxvet 10-31-2011 08:29 AM

My box set of the books should be here any day now.

Happy Monkey 10-31-2011 11:13 AM

I've been playing "A Game of Thrones: Genesis". It is definitely a unique take on real time strategy (RTS) gaming. It doesn't completely gel, but I give them points for trying something new.

It really plays up political intrique. The beginning of the game is all about sending out envoys, spies, and other diplomatic or underhanded units to build up as much support from the local lords as you can before war breaks out. At that point, you have to quickly raise armies, and it becomes a regular RTS.

Unfortunately, both phases are a bit slow, and not very polished. And the Westeros-history bookends around the missions can make it seem futile. You win a decisive victory, and then a blurb pops up saying that despite that victory your rebellion was quickly quashed.

BigV 10-31-2011 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 768410)
My box set of the books should be here any day now.


Spexxvet 10-31-2011 01:32 PM

It's here. Well, it's at home.

Clodfobble 11-01-2011 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
Unfortunately, both phases are a bit slow, and not very polished. And the Westeros-history bookends around the missions can make it seem futile. You win a decisive victory, and then a blurb pops up saying that despite that victory your rebellion was quickly quashed.

It's just the modern-day equivalent of, "I'm sorry, but the princess is in another castle!"

DanaC 11-01-2011 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 768833)
It's just the modern-day equivalent of, "I'm sorry, but the princess is in another castle!"

*chokes on coffee*

God's teeth, that takes me back.

SirFatty 11-01-2011 02:45 PM

I read up to Dances with Dragons (2-3 years ago). Got burned out with the story line, how everyone gets killed and the story just creeps forward. I've walked away and not too sure I will go back.

He'll probably pull a Robert Jordan anyway.

DanaC 11-01-2011 02:49 PM

I never made it through to the end of Jordan's stuff. I lost the will to live quite early on.

This though, I dunno. I had the audiobooks and couldn't gel with them. I think I'd probably have liked the reader more had I not seen the tv series first.

I intend to get them in paperback. The high death count doesn't really put me off. I made it through the first two chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever. I have stamina :p

SirFatty 11-01-2011 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 769140)
The high death count doesn't really put me off. I made it through the first two chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever. I have stamina :p

The death count isn't an issue other than all the main characters are being axed. Quite the opposite, the higher the better (Joe Abercrombie). I have not thought about Thomas Covenant in a very long time... I read only the first book, back in the mid 1980s.

DanaC 11-01-2011 04:33 PM

Love Abercrombie. The First Law Trilogy was one hell of a debut.

wolf 11-01-2011 05:03 PM

I have struggled my way to 39% of ADWD. It's rough going, nothing happens. I mean stuff happens, but its happened already, I'm just getting filler. I hear that at some point I'm going to exceed the timeline of the last book.

Happy Monkey 11-01-2011 05:42 PM


kerosene 11-03-2011 05:53 PM

Yeah, it was pretty slow for a while. I got bored with the Sunspear prince story line and found myself skipping a page here and there..."get on with it, already."

classicman 01-31-2012 08:42 AM

T- 2 months... I'm knee deep in rewatching season 1 reruns.

Clodfobble 01-31-2012 02:25 PM

Dammit, when will Season 1 be released on DVD and thus be available on Netflix?? I mean I've read the books, I know what happens, but I want to see it. [/whine]

classicman 01-31-2012 03:45 PM

The Game Of Thrones Begins On DVD March 6th

Finally, HBO has announced a release date and full specs for the set. Game of Thrones: The Complete First Season is set to arrive on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital download on March 6th from HBO Home Video.

As is typical with HBO releases, Game of Thrones is a bit pricey. The Blu-ray will list at $79.98, with the DVD version coming in at $59.99. On the up side, both the Blu-ray and DVD sets will be packing a nice array of bonus features. They're including features that will let fans explore not just the making of the show, but the history of the rich universe George R.R. Martin has created in his Song of Ice and Fire books. While the price point might still seem high for 13 episodes, I think the bonus content tips the scales in favor of a must-buy. And with it hitting a month before the show returns to HBO, you should have just enough time to get through the first-season set before returning to Westeros.
Here's the rundown: Link

Clodfobble 01-31-2012 04:39 PM

Thanks, classic!

wolf 01-31-2012 06:22 PM

I am going to either need to come over to someone's house every week, or, if someone with HBO is willing to trust me with their passwords to HBOgo, I'll watch online.

classicman 01-31-2012 10:49 PM

Hiya wolf - remember me? :)

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