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Griff 04-14-2015 06:00 AM

hair pulled so tight you can see her skeleton


edit: The second cut was even better!

Undertoad 04-17-2015 06:39 PM

presented without comment

Gravdigr 04-18-2015 02:43 PM

I made it 29 seconds.


Let's make a salad, and cry.
Noped right the fuck on outta there, I did.

ETA: Not brought on by this particular tune, but, apparently, I no longer enjoy music.

Clodfobble 04-18-2015 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 926177)
presented without comment

This is it. This is the best thing that will ever be. Everyone go home, shut down the internet. It's over.

DanaC 04-19-2015 05:11 AM

Totally bizarre.

Doesn't he look completely different with buzzed hair?

Clodfobble 04-19-2015 08:06 AM

If you mean moderately attractive instead of repulsive, then yes.

I like how obvious it is that he thought he was prepared for how much the tattoo would hurt, but wasn't. There's a moment where he subtly glances off to the side in an "oh shit, seriously?" kind of way.

footfootfoot 04-19-2015 08:53 AM

I have a general music question that I will put here. It relates to live music.

Last night I went out to meet some friends in a local tavern, there was a band of some local musicians that my musician friends thought were good. The music was so loud it I found it painful, I couldn't even hear what they were playing even though they were familiar covers of Zeppelin, the Stones, and so on. People I was with said it was loud but not uncomfortable, there were even people sitting about ten feet away from them. I was in another room (the place had an L shaped layout, the band was in the banquet room part of the L) and it was still so loud I couldn't hear any conversation, but it wasn't painful at least.

It was staring at the sun kind of pain. Why the fuck is the music so fucking loud? Do people think if they are louder they are better? Are they deaf as posts? Have they thought of using a decibel meter to set the volume at a comfortable level, like we do with thermostats for heat?

It's not because I'm getting old. I hated too loud music even when I was young.

Clodfobble 04-19-2015 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 926259)
Are they deaf as posts?

Relatively, yes. I never go see live music without earplugs.

glatt 04-19-2015 10:49 AM

I wear earplugs to all concerts too

infinite monkey 04-19-2015 12:17 PM

I wear eyepatches when I go to the art museum.

No, seriously, I can't stand 'loud' either. Noise in general can drive me bonkers. Something as silly as the stupid little mutt next door who sounds like a dying calf in a hailstorm when she barks, which is now all the time as they hook her up outside and I can't even come home without hearing the yappity yap yap howl noise. And I generally like critters.

I've always heard that many bands play so loud because they're not very good and they imagine it masks their imperfections. That's generally been my experience too.

infinite monkey 04-19-2015 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 926227)
I made it 29 seconds.

Noped right the fuck on outta there, I did.

ETA: Not brought on by this particular tune, but, apparently, I no longer enjoy music.

Well, to be fair to you, I wouldn't exactly call whatever that was "music." I made it about five seconds then moved ahead to another scene where dude was dancing in a nude body suit...and I too noped on outta there. :rolleyes:

glatt 04-19-2015 01:16 PM

I got a kick out of it and sent the link to my wife and kids. Strange can be good as long as it's not repulsive strange.

infinite monkey 04-19-2015 01:48 PM

'Repulsive' is subjective. ;)

Gravdigr 04-19-2015 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 926259)
Have they thought of using a decibel meter to set the volume at a comfortable level...

Spoken like a true old man.


I'll get off your lawn, now.

There are different louds. Clean Loud is good. Fuzzy Loud is ok, sometimes. Just Plain Loud, not so much. A lot of, ahem, 'music' just doesn't come across well when played loudly.

DanaC 04-20-2015 04:53 AM

This kid is beyond awesome. Seven or eight years old. The prelim is all in Norwegian, so apols for that. She starts singing around 1.14.

In another round she tackled Billie Holiday

glatt 04-20-2015 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 926280)
There are different louds. Clean Loud is good...

We inherited these kick ass speakers when FIL passed. And they sound best when the music is loud. And the music they sound best playing is classical.

Lately, I've been digging out his Also Sprach Zarathustra CD (which you probably remember from the movie 2001) and cranking that fucker right up. The speakers are so clean. It starts off silent, and a low deep rumble rises slowly in the background. You don't really notice that rumble unless you have the volume way up there. And then the horn comes in, real clean. And then the whole orchestra. BA-DUM! And the paint starts falling off the ceiling, but it's just amazing. And then it gets quiet again and repeats.

The kids loved it the first couple times I played that. I may need to ease off on the frequency so I don't ruin it.

Gravdigr 04-20-2015 04:48 PM

ELVIS!! Where's Elvis?! I hear the music! I know he's here! Somewhere! Where's ELVIIIIIIIS!?!

I just listened to that for like the thousandth time. That first crescendo still gives me chills.

Awesome piece of music.

glatt 04-21-2015 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 926270)
I got a kick out of it and sent the link to my wife and kids. Strange can be good as long as it's not repulsive strange.

I now regret sending the link to my wife and kids. My son watched it too many times and is now singing it back to me all the time.

Whenever any of us puts something in the microwave he says "Don't use the microwave. Use the oven instead."

I've created a monster.

BigV 04-21-2015 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 926177)
presented without comment

I'll comment.

I liked it!

But I'm never going to that barbershop, that's a bread-fuking fact.

Griff 04-22-2015 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 926227)
I made it 29 seconds.

Noped right the fuck on outta there, I did.

ETA: Not brought on by this particular tune, but, apparently, I no longer enjoy music.

Grim. I made it 39 seconds.

Gravdigr 04-22-2015 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 926453)
...that's a bread-fuking fact.

A bread-fucking fact?! WTF?


Clodfobble 04-22-2015 06:02 PM

The song is called "Fuk Bread." I've been singing it around the house for days. :)

glatt 04-22-2015 08:45 PM

use the oven instead

Gravdigr 04-23-2015 03:57 PM

Won't that burn my penis?

BigV 04-23-2015 05:08 PM

Use more lube.

how do you think the little buns get in there in the first place??

DanaC 05-10-2015 04:35 AM

Ohhh - I found one of my all-time favourite albums on youtube! I used to have this on cd - and some of it was on my Yepp MP3 player (pre ipod). Underworld, Beaucoup Fish:

I think it stands up today.

One of my favourite tracks on that album was Shudder/King of Snake - but they did another version for the Everything, Everything tour - here it is live - one of the all-time club classics. When this kicks in fully it has an energy to it I've never experienced anywhere else. *

*admittedly I might be re-accessing E -based memories and sensations when I listen :P Listening to this I am seriously considering acceoting my bro's offer of a saunter into mushroom territory.

This album takes me back to '99. Hell of a year. Doors opening in all directions - the pipe company was doing well and we were getting brand recognition all over the place. My bro designed and with our help built a display stand for Glastonbury - it was awesome. Like something off a Doctor Who set. Massive, dark blue, with display cubbies inset and viewed through ship's portholes, back lit, with smoke pouring out around it.

We were flying high in every regard. Exciting times. Shot through with awesome drug and club experiences.

DanaC 05-10-2015 12:49 PM

My latest discovery. Love following random links and finding cool stuff.

xoxoxoBruce 05-10-2015 02:00 PM


Gravdigr 05-10-2015 02:08 PM

Needs more cowbell.

I noticed few of those Fendertones were playing Fenders...

DanaC 05-14-2015 05:42 AM

Love this woman's voice

Griff 05-14-2015 06:17 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 928065)
My latest discovery. Love following random links and finding cool stuff.

That put a smile on my face.

DanaC 05-14-2015 07:13 AM

Excellent performance:

Gravdigr 05-18-2015 08:54 AM

James Hetfield, front man for Metallica, and his 16 year old daughter, Cali, perform Adele's "Crazy For You". Ain't my kind of music, but, it ain't half bad. This was at the "Acoustic-4-A-Cure" benefit for the Pediatic Cancer Program at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital.

Fan-shot video, but, it's not bad:

Yes, that's Sammy Hagar pushing young Cali on stage, he was emcee.

DanaC 05-22-2015 06:35 PM

One of my favourite tracks from the POI soundtrack:

Gravdigr 05-23-2015 03:23 PM

I could trip to it.

DanaC 05-23-2015 04:07 PM

Hell yeah.

Most of the soundtrack is awesome.

DanaC 05-24-2015 07:53 AM

I've tried to resist - I've tried not to go POI soundtrack mad in here...but...

in my defence a lot of these are songs I already loved...

Gravdigr 06-08-2015 02:56 PM

Wal-Mart rock stars!

Playing a "Cars" Wal-Mart toy guitar...

Undertoad 06-18-2015 10:55 AM

Courtney Barnett delivers the live version of "Pedestrian" on Fallon.

Musician's note ♪ I can't get over how she is not using a pick for this song, which deserves all the attack it can get. Is she self-taught?

xoxoxoBruce 06-19-2015 09:07 PM


Bernie Taupin wrote "Daniel" while inspired by the events of the Vietnam War. The lyrics (including a verse in the original draft that was cut from the final version) describe a fictional veteran who was blinded as a result of the war ("your eyes have died"/"but you see more than I") and travels to Spain to escape those around him back home ("do you still feel the pain"/"of the scars that won't heal?"), including his brother, from whose point of view the story is told.

"'Daniel' had been the most misinterpreted song that we'd ever written," explained Taupin, in the Two Rooms tribute project. "The story was about a guy that went back to a small town in Texas, returning from the Vietnam War. They'd lauded him when he came home and treated him like a hero. But, he just wanted to go home, go back to the farm, and try to get back to the life that he'd led before. I wanted to write something that was sympathetic to the people that came home."

Gravdigr 07-01-2015 01:37 PM

xoxoxoBruce 07-01-2015 02:21 PM

Love it. :shred:

fargon 07-01-2015 05:06 PM

That reminds me that the Viroqua Wi Bluegrass and Gospel festival is next week.

DanaC 07-04-2015 04:52 AM


Gravdigr 07-04-2015 01:04 PM

I was made a little happy by that video. First off it's kids playing bluegrass, that's kinda awesome in and of itself. Then, on one side of the bed is a mounted, fanned turkey tail. At least one of these boys is a hunter, that's always good. There is a quiver-full of arrows hanging on the headboard, he's a bowhunter, that's even better! And, just for kicks, a very nice Millennium Falcon model on the bedside table, just to keep things 'normal'.

Griff 07-05-2015 10:57 AM


classicman 07-05-2015 01:31 PM

Grav ... and a half opened gun case on the floor behind the boy playing the violin? (visible at 2:15-20ish)

xoxoxoBruce 07-05-2015 03:10 PM

Well, they are from New Jersey. ;)

xoxoxoBruce 07-05-2015 05:41 PM

Ozzy does Blue Suede Shoes. :lol2:

xoxoxoBruce 07-06-2015 05:43 AM


classicman 07-06-2015 11:36 AM

That video says a lot about the music the Dead created and the impact it has had on generations of humans. Rock on!

glatt 07-06-2015 12:11 PM

That was fun

Gravdigr 07-06-2015 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 932705)
Ozzy does Blue Suede Shoes. :lol2:

Carl Perkins doesn't know whether to laugh, or, spin in his grave...

Gravdigr 07-06-2015 03:31 PM

Re: The Grateful Dead

Didn't they play their last gig last night?

glatt 07-06-2015 03:36 PM


Undertoad 07-07-2015 06:28 AM

I'm sorry that this is not good

Someone tries to explain

glatt 07-07-2015 07:31 AM

Is that the Fuk Bread guy?

Undertoad 07-07-2015 07:43 AM

Different weird guy!

Gravdigr 07-07-2015 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 932836)
...this is not good...

That, sir, is a bread-fucking fact.


BigV 07-15-2015 06:15 PM

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