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Happy Monkey 01-16-2013 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 847410)
• If you only look at the US, in modern times, in the list of "whatever's called a massacre", the US government is the winner at 76 deaths (Waco) and killed more than Columbine (15), VA Tech (33), and Sandy Hook (25) combined. (However, it failed to commit suicide during the process.)

It also failed to be trying to kill lots of people.
Government agents didn't shoot 76 people. They attacked an armed compound, and most of the casualties in a two-way gun battle died due to a fire.

If you expand "massacre" to include situations where a bad call results in deaths, rather than just attempts to kill as many people as possible, then Firestone Tires (at least 200 deaths) killed more than Columbine, VA Tech, Sandy Hook, and Waco combined.

classicman 01-17-2013 09:24 PM

Eh hem... don't forget Philadelphia's Mayor Goode bombing his own citizens.
C'mon, thats gotta win a Political Darwin award of some sort.

tw 01-18-2013 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 848776)
Eh hem... don't forget Philadelphia's Mayor Goode bombing his own citizens.

Which proves what? Not even one conclusion posted. Why does a Philadelphia Move confrontation justify the massacre of school children?

Police raided a house full of assault weapons held by people who were intentionally threatening the citizens of Philadelphia. Who were stocking assault weapons and ammo in mass quantities. Clearly the police must have been wrong because Move was a biggest threat to the population? Clearly Move was right because they had the more and biggest guns? Did you forget reality while not even posting a conclusion?

Move confrontation proves why people do not need assault weapons. And why the most violent and anti-social types crave more guns. Move proves why assault weapons have no useful purpose. Move was mentioned without even saying why it is relevant. Because once the 'why' is posted, then a Move confrontation becomes bogus and irrelevant here.

That 'Darwin award' belongs to John Africa. Awarding evil for being evil is, well, irrelevant to this discussion. What does Move really prove? Notice a post that includes a conclusion. Move demonstrates why the most evil and criminal need everyone to have access to more assault weapons.

classicman 01-19-2013 12:04 AM

It was humor. Go away.
Conclusion - you are still an asshole.

tw 03-18-2013 11:54 PM

The NRA publicly demands government enforce existing gun laws while adding riders to bills that make enforcement difficult or impossible. For example a latest rider is defined by the Washington Post on 18 Mar 2013:

... bar the Justice Department from conducting inventories of federally licensed firearms dealers and block ATF from using data on firearms sales to draw conclusions about gun-related crime.
The NRA only represents the gun industry. Even gets consumers to sign up and pay like it was a celebrity fan club. Even passes laws to subvert research into gun violence. Then blames everyone else for the massive increase in gun violence predicted by a corresponding increase in the number of guns.

xoxoxoBruce 03-18-2013 11:59 PM

Most of the laws going unenforced is simply a lack of funding/manpower.

JBKlyde 03-19-2013 08:08 PM

well you know Gods first family killed each other so there might be some rather well lets says spiritual explanation.. perhaps the ground is cursed cause we did the same thing to the engines...

tw 03-19-2013 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by JBKlyde (Post 857559)
perhaps the ground is cursed cause we did the same thing to the engines...

Did you mean "in'juns"? Amazing how the most devote Christians massacre other 'tribes', protect pedophiles, and even advocate a massacre of children by assault weapons. God save us all? Or do most Christian secretly crave 50 virgins that await us after we massacre all them "in'guns" … for the "greater glory of god".

Secretly, we more respect Socrates than the pope. People have more respect for Michael Jackson that for Charlton Heston who delivered ten commandments, big guns, and plenty of death both in and out of the movies.

Reality: God's chosen people are atheists. They're harder to brainwash.

JBKlyde 03-19-2013 08:55 PM

I'd rather die at the hand of God than live at the hand of the devil... I secretly hope for the curse of sin to be lifted the day I die... fact: Jesus is the most powerful of all men to ever walk the earth and now we are all just tripping over our selves trying to figure out why we killed him and begging him to return soon... Christianity has it's flaws I'm just glad I'm not bound to live in utter darkness... personally I don't favor organized religion but it's better than the alternative.. that is to let the devil rule over my life....

tw 03-19-2013 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by JBKlyde (Post 857568)
I'd rather die at the hand of God than live at the hand of the devil...

It could be worse. You could live at the feet of a devil. Devil does not use soap (even though his satanic symbol is rumored to be on Procter and Gamble boxes).

BTW, French devils use perfume to mask their aversion to soap. And four inch heels so that you can die beneath their foot.

Devils don't need big guns. Only their agents do. Ie the cold dead hands of Charlton Heston.

ZenGum 03-20-2013 08:02 AM

Did The Gatekeeper just hook up with The Keymaster?

DanaC 03-20-2013 08:17 AM


Zen that is teh funneh.

ZenGum 03-20-2013 08:25 AM

You could not possibly have posted next.





There is no Dana. Only Zuul!

DanaC 04-26-2013 11:21 AM

Ha! I read that on my phone at the time and meant to post a response when I got home to a proper computer. I laughed out loud. Which was mildly embarrassing as I was on the train home at the time :P

The Daily Show has been truly magnificent over the gun control debate. In particular the ongoing series John Oliver has been doing has caught my attention.

Part 1:

Part 2:

This is my favourite part so far. The political bravery of those involved is really impressive.

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