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plthijinx 06-15-2005 12:26 AM

ok in an effort to give this cathecrap a turn, what is one's fav position? doggie here with a twist of reverse cowgirl. try changing from that position to the other without losing a thrust! :D go on,'s fun!

BigV 06-15-2005 12:32 AM


Originally Posted by plthijinx
ok in an effort to give this cathecrap a turn, --clip--


plthijinx 06-15-2005 12:33 AM

your absolutely welcome! (let's just hope it works!)

lookout123 06-15-2005 12:52 AM

depends on the partner. squishy parts line up differently with different anatomies, you know. one of my favorites though is... too damn hard to explain. but here goes. female on back. male on side to females right. basic scissors position, can get to just about anything from there.

BigV 06-15-2005 01:00 AM

Let's see... that puts my right arm free on top (I'm right handed, so this is a good thing, more, dexterous, with my right hand). With the squishy bits aligned, that should give me a commanding view of the hills and vales. Yes, nice.

plthijinx 06-15-2005 01:05 AM

squishy's good. yes, must try. too bad g/f isn't here tonight. ok. report tomorrow....(or when i'm done with the experiment. yeah, this'll be fun :D)

BrianR 06-15-2005 07:52 AM

One of my favorite tricks that the Hazleton Hotties (tm) seem to enjoy is to be on MY back and they are on top. Have them face the other way. Without getting up first. Each one has squealed (like a pig, natch) when they did this. Felt good to me too. :D


Trilby 06-15-2005 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by BrianR
One of my favorite tricks that the Hazleton Hotties (tm) seem to enjoy is to be on MY back and they are on top. Have them face the other way. Without getting up first. Each one has squealed (like a pig, natch) when they did this. Felt good to me too. :D


Is this a crude variation of the Basket Fuck?

lookout123 06-15-2005 04:21 PM

ah, sweet sweet brianna, how we've missed you.

footfootfoot 06-15-2005 10:00 PM

You left out the "rodeo" position.

That's where he enters her from behind, reaches around to fondle her breasts and whispers:

"mmm, these feel almost as good as your sister's"

Then he tries told hold on for ten seconds.

zippyt 06-15-2005 10:20 PM

You left out the "rodeo" position.

That's where he enters her from behind,

Grabes her "PONY TAIL "

and whispers:

"mmm, these feel almost as good as your little sister's"

Then he tries told hold on for ten seconds.

That SIR is the CORRECT Rodeo position !!!!!

zippyt 06-15-2005 10:22 PM

one of my favorites though is... too damn hard to explain. but here goes. female on back. male on side to females right. basic scissors position, can get to just about anything from there.

AHH ,, Sunday morning !!!!!!!

cowhead 06-16-2005 12:15 AM

amen zippyt hits all the 'right' spots.. look I've been staying out of this one.. but ya know .. a simple Kansas farmboy may or maynot have something to say.. afterall I did install eyehooks in the floor so my ex could be tied down to her liking... and I have recently shown (and no, i'm not tooting my own horn.. heh.. well maybe.. you'll never know!) a couple of women how to really get off..I don't sometimes believe that I live in such a sexual-phobic state.. then again.. it makes things interesting for me.. anyway, as we're on to positions? it's like basic missionary, but.. have her facing away, like 'doggy style' without the bent legs, actually ladies keep the legs close in trust me on this one. it hit's 2 of the 'g' spots and feels really good from the male side.

cowhead 06-16-2005 12:16 AM

oh we're not going there are we? the dirty sanches/laughing dragon etc. please don't make me do that!

Rock Steady 06-16-2005 12:18 AM

Well, I'm going to fix this cute gal's PC. The first time I met her she seemed to give me a look at the end like she was interested in more than just fixing the PC. Maybe I'm imagining this, but I've been thinking about her sweet smile ever since. I'll probably go over there and trip over my own feet and look like a real dork in front of her. If she nails me, I'll let you all know. :o

wolf 06-16-2005 12:37 AM

One of my coworkers fixes PCs and does housecalls. He is not getting any tail. Perhaps he's fixing the PCs wrong? Or rather right, so he's not doing a lot of repeat calls? I dunno.

Rock Steady 06-16-2005 12:59 AM

Joking about being Brianna's PC guy aside, I had a weird experience with a neighbor. She stops by my house all dolled up and asks me for help with something in her garden. So, I say sure. We get over there, she starts talking about how her husband is out of town for a few days and some other stuff, and I'm saying Sorry I can't help you with this, see you around.

Apparently, shit happens.

LCanal 06-16-2005 01:50 AM

[quote]but.. have her facing away, like 'doggy style' without the bent legs, actually ladies keep the legs close in .....

Actually I find it better with a small hard pillow tucked under her hips. About 4inches high. But it probably all depends on geometry. The one I use comes from Isan a region of Thailand.

Gwennie! 06-16-2005 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna
Computer to be fixed thursday by very cute man who came to my house today. Very, Very cute. Are home-computer fix-it guys the new "tv repairman"? If I nail him, I'll let ya know!! ;)

The young Pool Maintenance Guy is the current stereotypical affair hottie. Comes on a schedule. :muse:

Brianna, if this guy has a wedding ring, you might want to pass on this. Now that I think of it, I'm probably writing this too late. :smack:

cowhead 06-16-2005 03:37 AM

oops.. this was meant to be deleted

cowhead 06-16-2005 03:46 AM

rock steady.. please quit posting as Gwennie..please

Trilby 06-16-2005 09:31 AM

Well--cute computer guy just left and I did NOT nail him because he indeed did have that magic band of gold 'round his left ring finger. I'm off married men right now. But, he was sooo cute...damn.

Back to the sex--the Sunday morning position/scissors position is a really good one. I call it the Relaxing Fuck. Minimal effort produces gratifying results! I highly recommend it.

Gwennie! 06-16-2005 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
Well--cute computer guy just left and I did NOT nail him because he indeed did have that magic band of gold 'round his left ring finger. I'm off married men right now. But, he was sooo cute...damn.

Very good, girlfriend. You're in a stronger place than last month. One day at a time.

Gwennie! 06-16-2005 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by cowhead
rock steady.. please quit posting as Gwennie..please

You said that nicely. I'm sure you're almost ready to flame me as if I were the President of the Roger Waters Fan Club. I don't know why you have a problem with me. It's not like I've been flirting with you or anything. I didn't post any false stories about sexual experiences in this thread. I'm just Brianna's supportive and stable cyber-sister.

Here, take a toke and relax.

perth 06-16-2005 12:25 PM

I think it's because you're posting as *both* ID's. It's kind of jarring for people who have been here for a while and may cause confusion with new people. It also seems kind of rude, but that's a personal opinion. :)

lookout123 06-16-2005 12:41 PM

i happen to agree with Perth. figure out who you are and post as that person. you can support Brianna as a male or female.

Undertoad 06-16-2005 12:52 PM

Pick one, it's the right thing to do for many reasons.

glatt 06-16-2005 01:04 PM

I'll jump on the bandwagon too. I also think you should pick one. It's been bugging me that you use both.

Rock Steady 06-16-2005 01:09 PM

Thanks for all the feedback. In another forum, they encourage both personalities. Everyone is different.

Gwennie! You are the Weakest Link! ZAP!!!

Now, y'all get back to talking about sex and I'll watch.

LabRat 06-16-2005 02:02 PM



LabRat 06-16-2005 02:22 PM

So, Bri said something awhile back about no matter what, she would never get together with another woman. Which got me thinking...

On a scale of 1-10, 1 being never ever ever attracted to someone of your own sex and 10 being never ever ever attracted to someone of the opposite sex, I am curious, where do YOU fall?

I'll start of course. I would be a 5-6. I find myself sexually attracted to both males and females, and have been intimate with both. Never in a long term relationship with a woman however. I love penii, my best orgasms have come from men. But [most] women are so smooth, gentle, soft... I might be crazy, but lately I swear the more I find myself checking out women on more then the men. Maybe this is because right now, my husband is medically obese and I just don't find him as attractive as I used to. So because my husband would rather find me in bed with another woman than man, so I feel safer mentally 'cheating' on him with a woman...Yikes, that's a whole new thread.

Bottom line, I like to get it on with either/or. Where do you fall??

cowhead 06-16-2005 02:26 PM

I didn't mean that as an attack or anything.. thanks.. and you can be the president of the roger waters fan club all you like, you are more than welcome to your opinion in any matter, I'm not here to flame anyone, just hear what you have to say and leave my little two cents worth.

lookout123 06-16-2005 02:42 PM

well, LR - i can honestly say that i have absolutely no physical attraction to other male bodies. even when it is a healthy specimen i don't know why women go for guys. the female body (nearly all female bodies) have such beauty that i can spend days, if not longer, just admiring and enjoying the various curves, slopes, scents, and textures.

Rock Steady 06-16-2005 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by cowhead
I didn't mean that as an attack or anything.. thanks.. and you can be the president of the roger waters fan club all you like, you are more than welcome to your opinion in any matter, I'm not here to flame anyone, just hear what you have to say and leave my little two cents worth.

I just wondered what was in that "deleted" thread. Seriously, you've been patient with me.

Rock Steady 06-16-2005 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123
well, LR - i can honestly say that i have absolutely no physical attraction to other male bodies. even when it is a healthy specimen i don't know why women go for guys. the female body (nearly all female bodies) have such beauty that i can spend days, if not longer, just admiring and enjoying the various curves, slopes, scents, and textures.

I agree. If I were a woman, I'd be a lesbian for sure.

BigV 06-16-2005 02:58 PM

Interesting question, LR. I would rate my position on your scale at about 2. I am wholly heterosexual, and I *l:love:ve* my wife. She turns me on.

From a strictly physical perpective, I find the female form attactive. Everything you (and you and you and you) know is there, all the smoothness, softness, the curves, the sweetness. Yep. All good.

There is no sexual attraction for me for men, though. However, I didn't score a 1 because I do appreciate the male form too. I don't get the same response from male shapes as I do from female shapes, but it seems...incomplete to survey, to try to grok one form without regard for the other.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but they're a matched set. They go together. It would be like loving the white on the chessboard and loathing the black. How can I adore the female form and disregard the male form? You cannot completely love one without also loving the other to some extent.

Trilby 06-16-2005 03:54 PM

I can (and do) admire pretty female forms and think kissing women is rather nice--I just can't see myself going down on one. I-just-can't!

jaguar 06-16-2005 04:14 PM

Snapple bong? That shit is fucking horrible.

cowhead - amen to that position and only a 90degree roll from an early morning spoons.

Clodfobble 06-16-2005 05:08 PM

I guess I'm about a 3. I have kissed many women (more than my husband, actually), but that's because I was in theatre and that's what we did at cast parties, not because I was ever attracted to them. I find the female form attractive, but the actual genitalia to be wholly revolting. They are gooey and smelly and gross.

Men, on the other hand, have broad shoulders, and perky non-pear-shaped asses, and biceps... :yum:

Rock Steady 06-16-2005 05:39 PM

I can tell that Dr Dreamy of Grey's Anatomy Patrick Stewart is a sexy man. But, I'd go no further than shake his hand if we met. I guess I would have to rate a 2.

Silent 06-16-2005 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble
I find the female form attractive, but the actual genitalia to be wholly revolting. They are gooey and smelly and gross.

Men, on the other hand, have broad shoulders, and perky non-pear-shaped asses, and biceps... :yum:

I'm a one as far as the whole scale thing. I've been in confined, remote and secluded areas with men for extended periods of time and the longer I was there, the more repulsive they became. Hairier, smellier and generally more repulsive.

As for the female genitalia (and all this assumes reasonably recently washed), "gooey" is a wonderful thing that makes them fun to play with and lubricates her and you very nicely. "Smelly", I guess it must be a pheromone thing. The smell from my partner's naughty bits can have going from uninterested to wild in about 30 seconds.

perth 06-16-2005 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble
...but the actual genitalia to be wholly revolting. They are gooey and smelly and gross.

That's just crazy talk.

Rock Steady 06-16-2005 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble
... because I was in theatre and that's what we did at cast parties,...

Hey, I'm a Thespian too. Haven't seen my card in years. Just did it in HS and early college, summer theatre too.

elSicomoro 06-16-2005 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Rock Steady
Hey, I'm a Thespian too. Haven't seen my card in years. Just did it in HS and early college, summer theatre too.

And you're not gay?

Rock Steady 06-16-2005 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by sycamore
And you're not gay?

My girlfriend at the time was in the orchestra for all the musicals. Plus the actresses used to think nothing of running around in their undies. Things like that kept us hetro guys interested in the theatre. :) I did stage crew, mostly stage construction and sound.

I'm not gay, but I might be a lesbian trapped in a man's body. :muse:

BigV 06-16-2005 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by sycamore
And you're not gay?

Syc, he's married.

Just give up.

lookout123 06-17-2005 12:45 AM

BWAAAAA hahahahahahaaaaahaaa*snort*hahahaa



thanks BigV - that one really struck me as funny.

wolf 06-17-2005 01:02 AM


Closer to a 1.5.

Probably actually a 1.

elSicomoro 06-17-2005 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by BigV
Syc, he's married.

Just give up.

No problem...more time to focus on you now.

cowhead 06-17-2005 05:38 AM

thanks Jag and ... yeah... *sigh* early morning spoons.. the sad thing is that this is the second longest I've gone without a relationship since I've turned 21, no. not tooting any horns, it's just odd.. although I have gotten to catch up on my reading, guitarplaying and useless internet stuff :).

...but the actual genitalia to be wholly revolting. They are gooey and smelly and gross.

what?.. oh dear.. no no no.. female genitalia is yummy! then again maybe you got a bad version (they are out there! trust me!) then again that's one of those personal things, either you like it or you don't. (more for me mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!)

Iggy 06-18-2005 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by LabRat
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being never ever ever attracted to someone of your own sex and 10 being never ever ever attracted to someone of the opposite sex, I am curious, where do YOU fall?

Bottom line, I like to get it on with either/or. Where do you fall??

I know I don't post often... but I just have to put my two cents in. :o
I would have to fall around a 4 or 5. The female body is just wonderful... not smelly or gross. But the best orgasams I have ever had have been with men. It is almost the female is foreplay and the man is the main attraction... :love: But I definitely think that the female form is the prettier one. Men usually don't have the grace and flow that the female shape has.

footfootfoot 06-18-2005 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by zippyt
You left out the "rodeo" position.

That's where he enters her from behind,

Grabes her "PONY TAIL "

and whispers:

"mmm, these feel almost as good as your little sister's"

Then he tries told hold on for ten seconds.

That SIR is the CORRECT Rodeo position !!!!!

I stand corrected, Zippyt. What do us city slickers know anyhow?

snobs 06-19-2005 01:50 PM

hello, i'm new here can someone summarize? thanks :)

jaguar 06-19-2005 02:30 PM

no, but you can read and do so yourself, for yourself. I hear it's quite a simple process.

snobs 06-19-2005 08:18 PM

simple schmimple. it's 16 pages. I'll bug off this one then.

Rock Steady 06-19-2005 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by snobs
simple schmimple. it's 16 pages. I'll bug off this one then.

If you change your profile to display 60 posts per page, then it's only 4 pages long. Much more digestable.

The Cliff Notes Version is that the men like females and the women like males. :D

Also, they like members to choose a gender and stay with it. :blush:

Dagney 06-19-2005 09:19 PM

Wait, wait, I have a summary.

You put your left hand in, you pull your left hand out, you put your left hand in, and you shake it all about....

Oh, wait. That's the hokey pokey. What do you do to summarize for one who does the "I getta no pokey"?

Dude, we're not your tutors, we're not your interpreters, and we're surely not your entertainment staff. The cruise purser is not Gopher and Doc isn't the ship physician. This cruise you gotta plan yourself. (And really, 17 pages is NOT a lot of reading....)

cowhead 06-19-2005 10:31 PM

[quote]but.. have her facing away, like 'doggy style' without the bent legs, actually ladies keep the legs close in .....

kinda like 'reverse missionary' thought of it one day while we were doing the whole doggy style thing, and I was feeling too lazy to stand up.. (yeah not too lazy to participate in recreational procreation'.. of course) legs tucked together, from behind.. yowch! talk about rodeo sex! (without the sister thing) oh crap! there's a whole 'nother thread in there.. the dirty sanchez, laughing dragon.. dolphin girl etc. bad humour.. by the by did that post go away? I was getting ready to bust out with my amputee jokes!

okay, I don't mean this to sound arrogant or anything, but have any of you had a problem with bruising someones cervix? or having been bruised there? like I said sorry, just curious... then this kinda leads on to female ejaculation... gurk too many thoughts at once.. must drink beer!

plthijinx 06-19-2005 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dagney
Wait, wait, I have a summary.

You put your left hand in, you pull your left hand out, you put your left hand in, and you shake it all about....

Dag, it sounds like your telling snobs to go jerk off!!! bwahahahaha!!!!! :biglaugha

Trilby 06-20-2005 11:30 AM


okay, I don't mean this to sound arrogant or anything, but have any of you had a problem with bruising someones cervix? or having been bruised there?
I dated one guy who totally bruised my cervix and it really did hurt. He was some kind of sex mutant--we did it SEVEN times one night! Turns out he was a complete sex addict.

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