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Flint 04-14-2020 04:50 PM

People* wanted him to use the federal government's available power to compel manufacturers to ramp up production of medical supplies. We've done this kind of thing** before and it has worked and helped society accomplish difficult goals***. It's a real power, it's not imaginary.

How is that like this new thing?

Griff 04-14-2020 04:51 PM

If I recall, Cuomo argued there is a Federal role for many aspects, equipment purchases and distribution so New York doesn't get in a bidding war with California, international travel rules, and taking on debt for business loans etc... However the lock-down and opening up is more of a State/region issue based on the reality on the ground.

Flint 04-14-2020 04:57 PM

Either Trump is
1) talking out of his @ss, or
2) he said the quiet part out loud-- they* really ARE "writing up papers"

*Kudlow, Mnuchin, Mark Meadows, Wilbur Ross, Jared, and Ivanka

Undertoad 04-14-2020 05:16 PM

People wanted him to declare a national shutdown

without the consideration that he can't actually "declare" squattah

it's always been my contention that the modern POTUS is MUCH less powerful than we make them out to be -- but we have a powerful human instinct to believe in and look to a singular leader

It is in all POTUS's interests to have people believe they actually are doing everything, it makes them seem powerful and ensures their bullshit legacy

tw 04-14-2020 05:44 PM

We now know the White House was first informed of this threat in November. All intelligence agencies put that memo on Trumps desk on 12 Jan accurately putting that threat in perspective. The scumbag denied it constantly until late-March when, by that time, it was too late. Even Dr Fauci (in Jama) was stating quite clearly how severe this pandemic would be - in January.

We know who are brainwashed by Fox and other extremist propaganda machines. Even late in March, adults who are still children were reciting those Fox News, et al lies. Claiming Covid-19 was just another flu - no more serious than a common cold. Claiming Covid-19 was a conspiracy. Some adults must be ordered what to believe - cannot think for themselves.

Fortunately America has some adults who are adults. Governors took responsibility and instituted what was necessary to protect the lives of health care workers - doctors and nurses. Otherwise nothing would have been done.

A president with a 30 second attention spam even endorsed bogus drugs to cure Coronavirus - as if that solution was also on the shelves of GNC. The scumbag said that lie too many times to count. Dr Fauci said those solutions do not exist. Probably due to his 30 second attention span (that communists love from their leader), a scumbag ignored it.

He even promoted his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as his front man to solve this problem. How many extremists conveniently forgot that.

Dr Fauci accurately confirmed that a lockdown and social distancing was strongly recommended twice - in February. As the New York Times accurately reported. (And extremists are now denying.) Many promoters of this scumbag president (worse than George Jr) were denying this threat. Because their news sources are a credible as 1960 Radio Moscow. Because the president kept lying. Because only extremists would believe those lies. And deny what Dr Fauci, Dr Kadlec and others bluntly recommended.

So Trump lies again tweeting

the Fake News Opposition Party is pushing, with all their might, the fact that President Trump ‘ignored early warnings about the threat’.
At what point does an extremist finally admit the scumbag is a relentless liar? IOW at what point do extremists finally do what 'adults who are adults' do? Grasp reality.

Meanwhile another anti-America (because he lies constantly), Hannity, said we should thank Trump for protected lives. One small problem. Trump refused to do what even his top doctors strongly recommended. Hannity's job is to lie to communists (people who love despots and kings) who wait to be told what to think.

White House spokesman Judd Deere said Trump

took bold action to protect Americans and unleash the full power of the federal government to curb the spread of the virus, expand testing capacities, and expedite vaccine development when we had no true idea the level of transmission or asymptomatic spread.
Of course, that also was a lie.

The White House Rose Garden news conference last month is when he said plenty of test kits will be available, the government will provide necessary protective materials and ventilators, and even Google will have necessary software next week. Google immediately said no such software exists or will exist for months. Only six testing sites were setup up in the entire country. Including none in Target - who did not even know that Trump said they would participate. Almost everything he said in that press conference is clearly a lie - to promote the scumbag.

But then he is only lying to 'adults who are children'. Who will now forget that he lied then repeatedly - as a monotonous liar always does.

Even the Guardian (from London) cites the source of this and future problems.

This administration has cleared out science and scientists across all departments.
Trump is smarter than the generals, governors, diplomats, and scientists. Why? Because so many anti-Americans still refuse to mock and insult the scumbag. Because extremists, even in the Cellar, remain 'adults who are still children'. With a classic communist attitude. They worship Trump as a god. The could not see a false idol even if thousands of American lives (especially doctors and nurses) are massacred for no purpose. (Who also did that?)

We don't need them doctors and nurses. They make decisions based in science. So they must be fake news. And therefore are evil. A president with a 30 second attention span is smarter than doctors and nurses. It is only a matter of time before he also admits that.

Dr Fauci could not state honesty on Fox News. So he said it on CNN. Then a "30 second attention span" tweeted about firing Fauci. Since Fauci was disloyal; Fauci told the truth. That is fake news. A scumbag now denies he tweeted that firing threat. No problem. His extremist disciples always believe what the scumbag says - even when he is lying - like any good communist would do.

The central committee tells communist what to believe.

Never forget when extremists news sources finally admitted a truth. Obviously a president's 30 second attention spam and inflated ego makes it impossible to become a responsible leader. Fortunately the US has patriotic American governors who took over when the anti-American president refused to.

Those are not insults. Those are facts repeatedly demonstrated even by a Covid-19 crisis.

Now the scumbag is claiming he is a king - just like Nixon did when he was overtly lying about Watergate. Evil kings and presidents routinely lie. Especially one with a 30 second attention span.

Trump wants to restart the pandemic. Since he fears how this economic malaise - made worse by ignoring adults who are adults - will cause even extremists to admit he is a buffon. So he will order all Governors to throw gasoline on the fire. Governors, acting as adults, defined it that accurately. The Governors will decide when facts (not a child) says it is time to go back.

Only Governors did this shutdown - not Trump. Governors will decide (as adults) when it is safe to (and how many can) go back. The president, acting as a king in a nursery rhyme, thinks only he is smart enough to make such decisions. Since that 'adult who is still a child' uses emotions and his 30 second attention span to be the only expert.

Amazing how anti-Americans still do not disparage this scumbag. But then some adults are still children - use emotions like a lemming to run off a cliff.

As Rush Limbaugh told adult children, the news is too complicated. Rush said he will tell us what to think. Another mouse piece for our glorious leader (who also praises Kim for being his kind of extremist) - whose 30 second attention span makes him smarter than everyone else.

Flint 04-14-2020 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1050916)
People wanted him to declare a national shutdown

without the consideration that he can't actually "declare" squattah

it's always been my contention that the modern POTUS is MUCH less powerful than we make them out to be -- but we have a powerful human instinct to believe in and look to a singular leader

It is in all POTUS's interests to have people believe they actually are doing everything, it makes them seem powerful and ensures their bullshit legacy

There's a thread through all of this. People want him to do the objectively right thing.

Declare a national shutdown-- good
Produce/distribute medical supplies-- good

Force people back to work, against the warnings of scientists-- "not good"

What he can or can't actually do be damned. If he would just use whatever powers he thinks he has to do GOOD THINGS.

Happy Monkey 04-14-2020 06:31 PM

Also, while claiming he has absolute authority is inherently bad, the particular power that the claim was in context of was to order the states to stop doing what they are doing.

So there's absolutely no contradiction with anyone who said he wasn't doing enough also having a problem with his latest claim.

sexobon 04-14-2020 09:06 PM

Oh man, those of you getting your stimulus payment by direct deposit instead of a check are going to miss out!


Coming to your $1,200 relief check: Donald J. Trump’s name

… The unprecedented decision, finalized late Monday, means that when recipients open the $1,200 paper checks the IRS is scheduled to begin sending to 70 million Americans in coming days, “President Donald J. Trump” will appear on the left side of the payment. ...

Luce 04-14-2020 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1050929)
Oh man, those of you getting your stimulus payment by direct deposit instead of a check are going to miss out!

Oh, look. Donald Trump put his name on something.

That's new.

Luce 04-14-2020 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 1050919)
What he can or can't actually do be damned. If he would just use whatever powers he thinks he has to do GOOD THINGS.

That would be a nice change.

But I'm not exactly holding my breath.

sexobon 04-14-2020 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by Luce (Post 1050932)
Oh, look. Donald Trump put his name on something.

That's new.

But he's going to be to the left instead of to the right! :lol:

Griff 04-15-2020 06:41 AM

Meanwhile in EnZed, Jacinda Ardern and ministers take pay cut in solidarity with those hit by Covid-19

Griff 04-15-2020 06:55 AM

Meanwhile in PA, Republicans voted to end Gov Wolf's social distancing as death numbers start going down but won't have the 2/3 majority to over-ride a veto if their plan is you know, political bullshit.

This is of interest to me because naturally my rural reps are all GOP and I don't know if a rural wave is lagging the urban one.

sexobon 04-15-2020 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 1050946)
… Meanwhile in EnZed, Jacinda Ardern and ministers take pay cut in solidarity with those hit by Covid-19

They can donate their 20% to the WHO.

BigV 04-15-2020 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 1050919)
There's a thread through all of this. People want him to do the objectively right thing.

Declare a national shutdown-- good
Produce/distribute medical supplies-- good

Force people back to work, against the warnings of scientists-- "not good"

What he can or can't actually do be damned. If he would just use whatever powers he thinks he has to do GOOD THINGS.

ƒlint, that's a pretty good summation. I would add that the very senior Whitehouse official in question *DOES* do good things, at all times, but the official's definition of what's good and our definition of what's good are rarely aligned and almost always polar opposites.

This comes from the underlying affinity for authoritarianism that lies in each of us. That Force is strong in this one, but produces a certain amount of revulsion in you and me.

He is doing good, deflecting responsibility, continuously editing and rewriting the narrative, taking credit for positive events (real or imagined), valuing loyalty over competence and honesty, the beat goes on and on and on. These are definitely good things for an authoritarian. For those of us who want a more representative leader, it misses the mark; these actions seem counterproductive.

He's reliable, consistent, predictable; he'll do what's good for him. You and I are no more than props, foils, reflective surfaces for him to bask in.

tw 04-16-2020 12:41 PM

Most needed action is testing at a national level. In countries, where testing is widely available, this pandemic is subsiding. Testing is how a pandemic is identified, isolated, and other potential victims quarantined. Explains why other nations have finally got a handle on it. Thereby quashing their pandemic.

In America, where testing remains mostly unavailable due to inaction at the Federal level, only social distancing (actions at the state levels) have diminished this pandemic. Velocity is still increasing. But acceleration has slightly diminished in some venues. So the president declares it will end in a week. A 30 second attention span makes it impossible for him to understand the different between velocity and acceleration.

No problem. He is preaching to people who all but want to be brainwashed.

He refuses to admit his inactions are why we don't have necessary widespread testing that other nations have and have successfully implemented.

No problem. Just blame it all on the WHO. Who has Trump not yet blamed for anything? Well he did not yet blame 'The Who'.

I still cannot get on his enemies list. I blame him.

BigV 04-16-2020 05:39 PM

I was unable to find a single mention of hydrochloroquine in that article. Fake news?

Undertoad 04-16-2020 07:21 PM

You love it

BigV 04-16-2020 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1051031)
You love it

I kinda do.

Griff 04-16-2020 09:03 PM

Terrible source but seriously?

BigV 04-16-2020 09:19 PM

She's motivated!

monster 04-16-2020 10:00 PM

This one makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY

While everyone else cancelled their extended family get together plans and just used Zoom/whatever, Ivanka/Donaldetta travelled from DC to Virus hotspot New Jersey to celebrate with her family and the whitwhouse is defendidng it saying it's no different from travelling to work.

There is nothing right about this

No Doctors or grocery store workers are doing this kind of travel for work -with their families.........

xoxoxoBruce 04-16-2020 10:27 PM

Do as we say, not as we do.

BigV 04-16-2020 10:33 PM

Right, what good is privilege if you don't use it?!?!

sexobon 04-17-2020 03:33 AM

Since when have the pretty girls ever had to follow the rules. Next thing you know, there'll be college admissions scandals.

tw 04-17-2020 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1051048)
Do as we say, not as we do.

The Don has already declared himself king. He is above the law. Like Nixon, he said so. So they are also royalty. They also can do as they please.

sexobon 04-17-2020 01:22 PM

2 Attachment(s)
There's only one King of the United States, HRH Garfield Goose:

Attachment 70330Attachment 70332

The Don is a pretender to the throne. We'll look into this matter.



The POTUS and the Goose Who Would be King

… And King Garfield had a loyal puppet sidekick—Romberg Rabbit. I guess you could say Romberg was his chief of staff. Romberg remained by King Garfield’s side for the duration of his twenty-four-year television reign (no term limits!) The squatter, on the other hand, goes through chiefs of staff like water. I’m sure the squatter fervently wishes he could have such an unwaveringly loyal puppet sidekick, besides Ben Carson. ...

Griff 04-18-2020 08:55 AM

Having triggered this himself, it seems like Trumpy would be much more comfortable agitating from outside the government than attempting to help with a smooth opening.

Undertoad 04-18-2020 09:33 AM

how do you figure he triggered it

Griff 04-18-2020 10:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Looks like my timing is off. He joined the protestors on Friday.

Undertoad 04-18-2020 11:17 AM

Why would he do that, while at the same time self-congratulating and congratulating the American people for their social distancing efforts?

because populist movement in critical battleground state

Why would the opposition EVER fight a populist movement in a critical battleground state?

because fighting dear leader is more rewarding to their dopamine levels than winning elections by pretending to be on the side of what used to be their working class voter base

and this is how he wins

Griff 04-18-2020 11:52 AM

smaat. evil but smaat.

Griff 04-19-2020 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1051114)
Why would he do that, while at the same time self-congratulating and congratulating the American people for their social distancing efforts?

because populist movement in critical battleground state

Why would the opposition EVER fight a populist movement in a critical battleground state?

because fighting dear leader is more rewarding to their dopamine levels than winning elections by pretending to be on the side of what used to be their working class voter base

and this is how he wins

Maura Liasson must read your posts.

tw 04-19-2020 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1051114)
Why would he do that, ...

As one commentator noted, he his not a dictator. He only acts like one on TV. His supporters want a fictional world where everything is only good or evil. And everything is understood in tweets.

Undertoad 04-19-2020 09:22 AM


His supporters want a fictional world where everything is only good or evil.
His opponents help frame everything that way -- by simply declaring him evil and saying the negative of him is default good

The stereotyped opponent is saying nothing but "Orange man bad" because the knee-jerk standard complaint is such an utter simplification - and so predictable

BigV 04-19-2020 11:26 AM

You can't have it both ways UT.

You can't on the one hand say that a blanket opposition to him is bad and also say on the other hand to parse his specific words and his particular actions is unfair. He's a shit magnet. He's a political and media katamari.

Undertoad 04-19-2020 01:32 PM

One is a remark on his actions and the other is an explanation of his rhetoric. I never spoke of parsing particular actions. Parsing is what you do with language

tw 04-19-2020 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1048309)
He did not address the missing 1 million test kits that are needed. Test kits that remain in short supply because he obstructed the necessary response two months ago.

That was in early March. What did countries like Germany and South Korea do? Expedited test kits. Even anti-body test kits could have been available long ago had some effort been made (at the highest levels of government) to stop obstructing their development - even last month.

As I understand it, the US is now testing 150,000 people daily. That means everyone cannot be tested until 2025. Other medical people have been routinely complaining that, at this pathetically slow rate, it could take until 2027.

Worse, testing by commerical laboratories is slowing due no chemicals necessary to process those tests. All this was discussed in a Pandemic Playbook submitted to The Don in 2018. He trashed it and disbanned that entire group that would respond to a pandemic.

Even a mental midget president would not be as dumb as a scumbag one. But then that other president is not accused, by close personal aides, of having a 30 second attention span. Or that meetings are like baby sitting.

What does he undestand. "You're fired!" He only understands destructiion.

What is THE routine complaint today? Same as was posted on 9 March 2020 when almost no test kits existed. When 3500 people on the Diamond Princess needed testing and only 45 test kits could be found to helicopter out to that ship.

We know why these problems exist. Even then, The Don was calling Covid-19 a hoax invented by his enemies and the press. And Jared Kushner would head a committee that would solve it. He did not have experience. So the VP - also with no experience - was put in charge.

Testing is essential before anyone can even discuss opening the country. But that means every American moderate and even some extremists must learn who keeps obstructing solutions. And then blaming others.

85% of all problems are directly traceable to top management. So he is even blaming many past presidents. Only one person is not blamed. The 30 second attention span. Only he is solving it. Extremist believe it. So it must be true. It must be safe to eliminate social distancing and quarantines. A dictator, with a 30 second attention span, said so.

Somehow there are plenty of test kits available.

tw 04-19-2020 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1051160)
One is a remark on his actions and the other is an explanation of his rhetoric.

Only explanation of his rhetoric is what we routinely saw in local NYC news even decades ago. He lies daily.

He could murder someone on Fifth Ave and still get elected president? That was an honest man? Denial and ignorance remains that common among the many hiding under MAGA hats. Facts are glaring.

He even stated why he routinely lies. To make himself look good. And to make others think good of him. At what point is that anything but a despot? He does not fold his arms like Mussolini. Otherwise, what is different?

The explanation of his rhetoric is why he lies ... daily. And then always blames others.

Undertoad 04-19-2020 01:47 PM

Explanation was from many weeks ago, you never read it

sexobon 04-19-2020 01:54 PM

Interesting how the pandemic bowl is bringing people together, like Biden and Obama!

The ball was received by Bush-Cheney:

Bush passed it to Obama-Biden.

They fumbled it, for eight years, with insufficient forward gain in quality of support, quantity in national stockpiles, or strategically decentralized storage locations to make supplies rapidly available where they where projected to be needed most.

Trump-Pence picked up the fumble at the three year line and ran with it.

Meanwhile, Obama sulks on the sideline and reluctantly supports Biden, to protect their legacies, as Biden tries to get back into the game.


Heartbroken' Obama 'eager' to help Biden defeat Trump in election

… Obama insiders reportedly expect the former president to campaign for Biden during the remainder of 2020, though he previously did not have confidence in the former vice president's ability to win the election. …

… Biden reportedly did not inspire confidence in the former president. “You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t,” Obama told Biden prior to his campaign launch, according to the New York Times.

However, with Biden as the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Obama summoned top Biden aides to his Washington, D.C., office to develop campaign strategy. Obama instructed them that, whether the former vice president were to win or lose the presidential race, they cannot allow Biden to “embarrass himself” or “damage his legacy."
Of course... of course.

tw 04-19-2020 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1051163)
Explanation was from many weeks ago, you never read it

Explanation remains today as it did weeks ago and 30 years ago. Only thing that matters is lying to advance himself. Lying is his nature. Only his supporters ignore or forget his daily lies.

tw 04-19-2020 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1051165)
Bush passed it to Obama-Biden.

They fumbled it, for eight years, with insufficient forward gain in quality of support, quantity in national stockpiles, or strategically decentralized storage locations to make supplies rapidly available where they where projected to be needed most.

That was the Pandemic Playbook. Started in 2015 by Obama's people. Delivered to The Don in 2018. Who then disbanned the entire thing that year.

Undertoad 04-19-2020 02:02 PM

tw, I moved your political post from the COVID thread into this thread.

sexobon 04-19-2020 02:45 PM

Too Little, Too Late Obama had people create a Playbook for what to do; when, he should have already done most of it! Even after being warned by Bush, he fumbled it on his watch and passed those deficiencies on. A playbook on what he should've done doesn't add supplies to the national stockpile; or, strategically place them for rapid access. If the playbook was of any significant value, Biden would be touting it every day; but, perhaps he can't do that without drawing attention to the Playbook's raison d'etre … Obama-Biden failures. That's why Obama will be keeping Biden closer.


Preparations made after previous outbreaks
Reports predicting global pandemics

In the most recent pandemic prior to COVID-19, the 2009 H1N1 swine flu took the lives of more than 12,000 Americans and hospitalized another 200,000. Because of this pandemic and the 2014 Ebola epidemic, which saw only a small number of Americans infected, the Obama Administration increased planning and analysis that focused on deficiencies in the government's response to outbreaks. In 2017, outgoing Obama administration officials briefed incoming Trump administration officials on how to respond to pandemics by using simulated scenarios, although by the time of the COVID-19 outbreak in the U.S., around two-thirds of Trump administration officials at the briefing had left the administration.

Urbane Guerrilla 04-19-2020 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 1050907)
Trump supporters don't care. he's an authoritarian dictator, but he's their authoritarian dictator.

Don't believe either one; he's neither. What's more, he doesn't belong to us. Hell, I didn't vote for him. Yet. How could I claim the guy? He's a tycoon, not a politico, and some dope is going to tell me that's a dealbreaker??? I think some dope is going to get crushingly ignored. Out of sheer personal excellence, I'll not describe his immediate ancestry, while perhaps questioning whether he's a precious child of God.

Authoritarian Dictators, even capitalised, never support gun rights -- repeat, never. Not ever. Has this *never* entered your head, DanaC? Doesn't look like it. Your education is wanting. Dictatorships can't survive armed polities -- societies so principled are pretty much the only civilized ones -- can't do that worst of barbarisms, state barbarism.

(Every not-democrat in the forum just rolled his eyes reading this.)

Begin by studying dictators, so you'll actually know one when you see one, and not get yourself fact-checked into splinters.

Urbane Guerrilla 04-19-2020 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1051142)
As one commentator noted, he his not a dictator. He only acts like one on TV. [If there -- UG] His supporters want a fictional world where everything is only good or evil. And everything is understood in tweets.

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who believe that -- and those who are au courant.

tw 04-19-2020 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1051171)
Too Little, Too Late Obama had people create a Playbook for what to do; when, he should have already done most of it!

Political spin. Reality: Sars (a coronavirus) is why the George Jr administration began addressing this problem after 2003. As that promised to be a pandemic, then suddenly (and curiously) it stopped.

Swine Flu (H2N1) in 2009 revived efforts to prepare. Even National Guard units were training for pandemic evacuations starting somewhere before or in 2009.

Mers (another coronavirus) in 2012 then resulted in another reexamination. Two years later, Ebola further enhanced preparation that resulted in creation of the Pandemic Playbook starting in 2015. All that during Obama's era.

Everything was setup and ready to go when a president, using his 30 second attention span, destroyed it all.

We know when programs, started as a result of that 2015 study, were stifled - in and after 2016. Lack of support (ie refusing to fund purchases) by the executive branch was evident. He wants more money for the military and cuts to all other programs.

Preparations and reevaluation had been constantly occurring and were upgraded with both George Jr and Obama. Even identified in 2015 was a severe shortage of masks and other protective gear that had not been identified by the George Jr administration.

But some of us so hate America as to not badmouth what is clearly a worst American president in over 100 years. A 30 second attention span exists because so many of us so hate America as to even vote for a man - who can kill someone on Fifth Ave and still be elected. He so hates the American people as to even insist in March 2020 that Covid-19 was a hoax. No way around reality and who he is.

Urbane Guerrilla 04-19-2020 07:01 PM

"destroyed it all"? Then, tw, you'd be among the umpty-hundred-thousand dead.

If you believe yourself an immortal, you're a bigger fool than you daily tell me you are.

Luce 04-19-2020 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1051171)
Too Little, Too Late Obama had people create a Playbook for what to do; when, he should have already done most of it!

Doesn't explain Trump walking backwards on it.

tw 04-19-2020 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1051171)
Too Little, Too Late Obama had people create a Playbook for what to do; when, he should have already done most of it!

Political spin. Reality: Sars (a coronavirus) is why the George Jr administration began addressing this problem after 2003. As that promised to be a pandemic, then suddenly (and curiously) it stopped.

Swine Flu (H2N1) in 2009 revived efforts to prepare. Even National Guard units were training for pandemic evacuations starting somewhere before or in 2009.

Mers (another coronavirus) in 2012 then resulting in another reexamination. Two years later, Ebola further enhanced preparation that resulted in creation of the Pandemic Playbook starting in 2015. All that during Obama's ear.

Everything was setup and ready to go when a president, using his 30 second attention span, destroyed it all.

We know when programs, started as a result of that 2015 study, were stifled - in and after 2016. Lack of support (ie refusing to fund purchases) by the executive branch was evident. He wants more money for the military and cuts to all other programs.

Preparations and reevaluation had been constantly occurring and were upgraded with both George Jr and Obama. Even identified in 2015 was a severe shortage of masks and other protective gear that had not been identified by the George Jr administration.

But some of us so hate America as to not badmouth what is clearly a worst American president in over 100 years. A 30 second attention span exists because so many of us so hate America as to even vote for a man - who can kill someone on Fifth Ave and still be elected. He so hates the American people as to even insist in March 2020 that Covid-19 was a hoax. No way around reality and who he is.

sexobon 04-19-2020 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1051184)
Political spin. Reality: Sars (a coronavirus) is why the George Jr administration began addressing this problem after 2003. As that promised to be a pandemic, then suddenly (and curiously) it stopped.

Swine Flu (H2N1) in 2009 revived efforts to prepare. Even National Guard units were training for pandemic evacuations starting somewhere before or in 2009.

Mers (another coronavirus) in 2012 then resulted in another reexamination. Two years later, Ebola further enhanced preparation that resulted in creation of the Pandemic Playbook starting in 2015. All that during Obama's era.

Everything was setup and ready to go when a president, using his 30 second attention span, destroyed it all.

We know when programs, started as a result of that 2015 study, were stifled - in and after 2016. Lack of support (ie refusing to fund purchases) by the executive branch was evident. He wants more money for the military and cuts to all other programs.

Preparations and reevaluation had been constantly occurring and were upgraded with both George Jr and Obama. Even identified in 2015 was a severe shortage of masks and other protective gear that had not been identified by the George Jr administration.

But some of us so hate America as to not badmouth what is clearly a worst American president in over 100 years. A 30 second attention span exists because so many of us so hate America as to even vote for a man - who can kill someone on Fifth Ave and still be elected. He so hates the American people as to even insist in March 2020 that Covid-19 was a hoax. No way around reality and who he is.


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1051190)
Political spin. Reality: Sars (a coronavirus) is why the George Jr administration began addressing this problem after 2003. As that promised to be a pandemic, then suddenly (and curiously) it stopped.

Swine Flu (H2N1) in 2009 revived efforts to prepare. Even National Guard units were training for pandemic evacuations starting somewhere before or in 2009.

Mers (another coronavirus) in 2012 then resulting in another reexamination. Two years later, Ebola further enhanced preparation that resulted in creation of the Pandemic Playbook starting in 2015. All that during Obama's ear.

Everything was setup and ready to go when a president, using his 30 second attention span, destroyed it all.

We know when programs, started as a result of that 2015 study, were stifled - in and after 2016. Lack of support (ie refusing to fund purchases) by the executive branch was evident. He wants more money for the military and cuts to all other programs.

Preparations and reevaluation had been constantly occurring and were upgraded with both George Jr and Obama. Even identified in 2015 was a severe shortage of masks and other protective gear that had not been identified by the George Jr administration.

But some of us so hate America as to not badmouth what is clearly a worst American president in over 100 years. A 30 second attention span exists because so many of us so hate America as to even vote for a man - who can kill someone on Fifth Ave and still be elected. He so hates the American people as to even insist in March 2020 that Covid-19 was a hoax. No way around reality and who he is.

Get a grip on yourself, tw. You posted the same thing twice. Let it go, man. There are more important things going on in the world. Look, Apollonia and Sheila E are fueding!

Apollonia Slams Sheila E.’s Prince Tribute: ‘You Are So Desperate to Be Relevant’

Tw, you are so desperate to be relevant.

sexobon 04-19-2020 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Luce (Post 1051189)
Doesn't explain Trump walking backwards on it.

Because it's there (and it was Obama's).

If people aren't OK with that, they can blame themselves for not having fielded a better Democratic candidate in '16.

Undertoad 04-20-2020 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 1051044)
This one makes me SO FUCKING ANGRY

While everyone else cancelled their extended family get together plans and just used Zoom/whatever, Ivanka/Donaldetta travelled from DC to Virus hotspot New Jersey to celebrate with her family and the whitwhouse is defendidng it saying it's no different from travelling to work.

I agree; also, NYC Gov's brother and CNN guy Chris Cuomo violated quarantine in a similar way AFTER TESTING POSITIVE ...and nobody really cares

Griff 04-20-2020 10:40 AM

This from the guy who could have exposed his own mom. What......a......Dick

xoxoxoBruce 04-20-2020 01:26 PM

You're making the assumption no one wants to kill their Mom.

Undertoad 04-20-2020 10:54 PM

George Stephanopoulos out and about in the Hamptons and picking up prescriptions at the pharmacy after testing positive

Urbane Guerrilla 04-21-2020 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1051190)
Political spin.
. . .

But some of us so hate America as to not badmouth what is clearly a worst American president in over 100 years. A 30 second attention span exists because so many of us so hate America as to even vote for a man - who can kill someone on Fifth Ave and still be elected. He so hates the American people as to even insist in March 2020 that Covid-19 was a hoax. No way around reality and who he is.

He did not insist the epidemic or the virus was any hoax, as actually reading the transcript can tell you -- but it shan't, you hater.

What is anyone doing listening to Hill Democratic spokesmen when intellectual powerhouses like Mark Levin or Dennis Prager or Sebastian Gorka are available? Really, some people are only fit to talk about the Steele dossier with the Easter Bunny. Over caramel mochas.

tw 04-21-2020 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Urbane Guerrilla (Post 1051308)
He did not insist the epidemic or the virus was any hoax,

Yes he did - in the White House press room. And repeatedly. How quickly his brainwashed supporters forget that he lies repeatedly - to wreck shit.

He cannot help himself since he has been lying all his life. He also forgets that NSC blunt warning on 12 Jan accurately describing what was coming. Maybe because that warning was more than 140 characters - a tweet. Too long for his 30 second attention span.

His mouthpiece - Fox News - also repeated that lie. Even their Dr Drew is cited here lying about what was obvious.

The Don's sidekick (VP Pence) today lied plenty of test kits are available. Numbers - what liars must always avoid. America can only test 150,000 per day. A number that is decreasing due to a severe lack of reagents (another problem created by top management).

Numbers that brainwashed Americans ignore to stay brainwashed (same reason those people wanted 5000 American soldiers massacred in Iraq for no purpose). Medical professionals say testing must be somewhere between 5,000,000 and 20,000,000 tests daily.

That is 30+ times more than are currently available. But Pence today said enough kits are available. He lied. He is an extremists. Lying is part of that life style.

The brainwashed refuse to mock their false idols. America's enemies even said they want to wreck shit. Well, these extremists have the leaders, deaths, and economic destruction they want.

Today's trophy for "lie of the day" goes to VP Pence.

How long is Pence's attention span? Apparently long enough to understand The Don's orders - to lie.

tw 04-21-2020 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1051195)
You posted the same thing twice

That is once for each eye. So that you cannot ignore it.

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