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fargon 04-14-2018 12:19 PM

Go Glatt Go!!!

glatt 05-04-2018 11:08 AM

Short recap: I went to HR last month to try to get moved to a different department before consultants decide that my current position should be eliminated to cut costs.

Yesterday, I finally heard back from the head of HR and the head of the department I want to join. Trademark paralegals. They wanted to meet with me this morning.

We just met, and they offered me the job! This is awesome news.

It's bittersweet because I'll miss this job. It was a rut that I enjoyed being in for a couple decades. But the rut was leading off a cliff. So now I'm going to have to learn the ropes in a new position. I'll retain my current seniority level and salary, so it's not like I'm starting off at an entry level.

I'll move to a different floor and won't be interacting with my current department any more. That's sad. I'll be on a different floor, and my current floor is the best floor. But I will be in a much quieter area where I can have the focus I will apparently need.

The new boss was happy. She's going to give me a lot of training, so that's good that she won't throw me to the wolves right away. I'll be much busier than I have been in some time, and I'll be responsible for keeping track of a lot of stuff. But the hours will be reasonable, and I can have a life outside of work.

I won't be on the Cellar as much.

Undertoad 05-04-2018 11:09 AM


Well done sir!


I won't be on the Cellar as much.
You say that now, but...!

xoxoxoBruce 05-04-2018 11:13 AM

With the kids growing up and out you'll have more time.

glatt 05-04-2018 11:17 AM

This whole move was approved at the uppermost levels of management.

I think they might be relieved that they didn't have to fire a well regarded lifer.

I'm excited and a little terrified. I need to perform. No hiding. If I do poorly, then I won't be well regarded any more, and they would have a reason to fire me. So I need to kick ass.

xoxoxoBruce 05-04-2018 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 1008044)
So I need to kiss ass.

Or something. :lol:

glatt 05-04-2018 11:40 AM

That can't hurt either.

Flint 05-04-2018 11:41 AM

Congratulations. Sounds like you are appreciated. Good for them.

Pete Zicato 05-04-2018 11:43 AM

Well done, Glatt. A lot of folks are not as good about being proactive.

limey 05-04-2018 12:18 PM

Brilliant news. I'm sure you'll kick ass ass lap up the training. It's cosy being in a rut but a little dull too, eh? And with the kids moving out its time to shake up the work a little maybe. Don't forget to kiss the wife.

Sent by magick

Griff 05-04-2018 01:15 PM

Good work man!

Clodfobble 05-05-2018 07:00 AM

So glad it worked out! You'll do great on the new job. The fact that you're worried is an indicator that you care and will try your hardest, and that's 90% of the battle right there. It's like when people worry if their house is clean enough for guests--if you're even asking the question, you're fine.

lumberjim 05-05-2018 11:29 AM

great news, glatt. congrats, and whew!

now yeah... just do your job like you do. mkay?

DanaC 05-05-2018 12:29 PM

Damn, glatt, that's brilliant news. Well done man.

Gravdigr 05-05-2018 02:54 PM

Great news, man. Sounds like you're happy, and sounds like you're gonna be happy...So...I'm happy for ya!

monster 05-07-2018 09:02 PM


Glinda 05-10-2018 12:32 PM

Great news, Glatt!

Yer gonna be just fine. :hug:

glatt 06-01-2018 12:44 PM

It's taken almost a month so far, this transition.

It was official on Tuesday. That's when my title changed. And I'm packing up my desk today to make the move to another floor.

I sent a goodbye email to my old department on Wednesday, and actually got a lump in my throat as I was finishing it up and sending it. I've been in this department for 27 years. It's a minor part of my identity. Everyone has been really supportive and encouraging.

Getting myself extricated from the department was a lot more work than I thought it would be. The person in HR who is taking over my main responsibility (hiring temps) was asking for all sorts of records and documentation that I never kept because nobody ever asked for that stuff in 23 years of holding this particular job. So I had to recreate stuff to give her. And then she would ask for something else. And something else. She is in HR, so I had to just smile and do it. She's going to add about 15 steps to the job I had streamlined. Whatever. She's welcome to do what she wants. It's her responsibility now, so she can do as she pleases. I suspect she was annoyed that she was getting more work assigned to her because of my transfer, and she was trying to make my life as miserable as she could, while she could.

Meanwhile, I've had a training session for the new job on each of the last three days. They are investing in me! And I completed two urgent projects that only somebody with nothing on their plate like me would have time for. So I've made a difference already in the new department.

New boss is pretty cool so far.

Onward ho!

Oh, and I just found out today that somebody in another department, at about my former level was let go this week. They just eliminated his position and spread his duties around. He was well regarded, but not needed. I made my move just in time!

Gravdigr 06-01-2018 01:15 PM


Griff 06-01-2018 02:56 PM

Whew! Well played.

Flint 06-01-2018 03:38 PM

You're a smart guy.

lumberjim 06-01-2018 05:16 PM

looking back, it always seems to work out. but that's because you looked ahead.

monster 06-01-2018 06:44 PM


"She's going to add about 15 steps to the job I had streamlined" :lol: yup.

Clodfobble 06-01-2018 09:56 PM

I know very few people for whom things have turned out positively, these last couple of months.

I'm glad it was you.

xoxoxoBruce 06-01-2018 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 1009430)
She's going to add about 15 steps to the job I had streamlined. Whatever. She's welcome to do what she wants. It's her responsibility now, so she can do as she pleases.

Maybe she's working on building job security and/or prepping to ask for more money. But I'm glad it's not your problem. :thumb:

Griff 06-02-2018 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 1009486)
I know very few people for whom things have turned out positively, these last couple of months.

I'm glad it was you.


glatt 06-02-2018 01:00 PM

Thanks guys! And to get back on topic, my new office is a double with the other desk unoccupied. And my computer is situated so nobody can see it but me. And the angles are just right so I can see into the men's room when the door opens.

lumberjim 06-02-2018 01:49 PM

that's where all the dicks hang out

Gravdigr 06-04-2018 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 1009524)
And the angles are just right so I can see into the men's room when the door opens.



Griff 06-05-2018 06:57 AM

We don't have a lot of dudes in my organization but we have at least one non-flusher and a guy who never washes his hands. You don't want this information glatt.

Undertoad 03-22-2020 10:01 PM

Resurrectin' this thread because yeah

All of us office people could have come to work if we had private offices. And just not gone to the cafeteria for lunch. And hold our breath from our cars to our offices

But yeah it is finally time to maybe rethink this one for many places

DanaC 03-23-2020 06:58 AM

Yep - I have always loved the atmosphere in our open plan office - has a really good energy and general vibe, but it's always been problematic for stuff like seasonal flu and any other bug that goes around.

Relying primarily on recycled air with few windows, and company policies that penalise specifically the number of absences (3 strikes and you lose your bonus), rather than general absence levels, though they also are a concern given the points based system of absence management turns the place into a petri dish. Most people will at some point be in work with a mild to moderate dose of flu, getting through the day on Lemsip and paracetamol -

I don't see how this can be business as usual when the pandemic is over. Because the next pandemic might not be that far off. We could have vaccines in large scale use within 2 years, but that only deals with this corona virus strain.

We are too global a world now to contain something that spreads through similar mechanisms to flu

limey 03-23-2020 09:12 AM

WB Dana!

DanaC 03-23-2020 01:34 PM

Hi Limes:)

Fingers crossed my internet connection is behaving itself right now lol

glatt 04-06-2020 09:19 PM

There was a company wide town hall meeting today. Broken up into 3 separate telephone conferences to make the size of each more manageable.

Bottom line is that remote work seems to be working good enough so far that salary reductions and layoffs won’t be needed yet.

But they are reassessing every two weeks.

Big parts of our business have gotten really slow because the courts are closed. Can’t have juries.

But my side of things in trademarks is still active.

I am so glad I made the move to this new job two years ago.

A lot of firms have implemented temporary 20% salary reductions for all staff and attorneys, but we aren’t there yet. I expect we will be, but for now, the partnership is absorbing all losses.

I have a lot of faith in the people running the show here. The Dickhead who brought in the open office plans into this place is no longer running the show and the new guy is very good.

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