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monster 03-17-2011 09:12 PM

This email I just sent to Hector's teachers and the school secretary about him missing school tomorrow:

Teachers, cc: School Secretay

Hector will not be in school tomorrow (Friday). He has a series of appointments with a team of petrified dihydrogen monoxide specialists, as we previously discussed.

have a great weekend.


It amuses me greatly :D And I am happy he's in a school where I can do this.

footfootfoot 03-17-2011 09:37 PM

Good lord, tell him to be careful and be sure he wears the proper protective gear!

monster 03-17-2011 10:27 PM

I believe we have the fallout potential under control. We are also prepared for major discoid impactions.

infinite monkey 03-18-2011 07:31 AM

So my mom calls me to tell me about a locks of love event, knowing I've been thinking of getting my hair cut somewhat shorter. In telling my friends, they're like "NOOOOOO you wouldn't look right with short hair because (you're too ugly)." That's not what they said, exactly, but whatever.

Seriously, when my hair is so important to so many, what can I do?

You have to have 10 inches of disposable hair. That would be a lot shorter than I wanted to go. But mom always loved me in short hair. I've not quite forgiven her for the pixie when I was about 5. In her defense, my brother had decided to cut my hair and the only way to fix it was to pixie it. Maybe she thought I was all Mia Farrow or Twiggy or someone.

My hair can start wars and induce peace. Who knew it could be so powerful? :rolleyes:

glatt 03-18-2011 07:40 AM

so post a picture already.

infinite monkey 03-18-2011 07:47 AM

Maybe, if I can take one that doesn't make me barf.

(My hair isn't that long, but it's long for me. I've been letting it grow about two years, but getting cuts and layers and stuff to keep it healthy. It is my last hurrah, at some point of age women look kind of silly with long hair, and I don't know if I'm ready to let go. But I'm sick of drying it and messing with it. I wear it in a ponytail most of the time.)

glatt 03-18-2011 07:57 AM

If it's your last hurrah, then you must document it. When you are a little old lady in a rocking chair with a blanket on your lap, you'll be able to pull out the old laptop (or access your futuristic subdural data implant) and check out the picture.

Pete Zicato 03-18-2011 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 717262)
It is my last hurrah, at some point of age women look kind of silly with long hair, and I don't know if I'm ready to let go.

Not necessarily. I think it depends on your hair. There are some women at church with grey shoulder length hair who look really sharp. Very Earth-Mother.

infinite monkey 03-18-2011 11:23 AM

I'm lucky that my gray hair (currently colored my "normal" color) is more silver: really shiny and straight. So, when I take the next step of letting it just be gray I know it'll look pretty good. I know a lady here at work who has silvery hair, and it's cut in a bob, and she looks so elegant and classy.

I guess I'm thinking of the, well, kind of hickish women who let it grow and process the crap out of it and it's all wiry and brillo-pad looking, with split ends. Yuck. That's the kind of long hair I would avoid. I can see me being earth mothery when I'm 50. Wait, that's too soon. 55. ;)

Pete Zicato 03-18-2011 12:45 PM

I'm sure you'll look lovely either way.

footfootfoot 03-18-2011 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 717258)
In telling my friends, they're like "NOOOOOO you wouldn't look right with short hair because (you're too ugly)." That's not what they said, exactly, but whatever.

were they signing this song? (NSFW words)

monster 04-01-2011 01:05 AM

I am mildy amused (and somewhat proud) I just got an email from the swim coach at the school Hebe is zoned for but not attending saying (paraphrasing) "hey, great swim, I just Remembered Hebe could enroll at our school and go to the new shiny school just for the courses we don't offer that she wants"

monster 04-12-2011 11:36 PM

morethanpretty 04-22-2011 07:55 PM

conversation with a cow orker after finding out Canadian stores are closed for Good Friday:

Him "Yeah, I guess its like how Thanksgiving is to us. You know they don't have Thanksgiving like we do."
Me "Do you see the color of my hair? Is that blonde?" (My hair is clearly brown)
Him "Yes..."
Me "So do they have a 4th of July in Britain?"
Him "No."

Best part is, multiple people heard so they all get to tease him now.

morethanpretty 04-23-2011 06:22 PM

For some reason I'm enjoying arguing with the sockpuppet. I guess I'm just out for a fight today. I must be in a really good mood, I only fight when I'm happy.

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