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Shawnee123 01-26-2011 12:17 PM

My paternal grandmother would joke about being 'no spring chicken.' She was a jokester though, and told me that (after grandpa passed away after 55 years of marriage) that she was looking for 'a rich man with one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.' Of course she wasn't really looking, she was just funny.

Your friend sounds like she had a wonderful life. :)

Nirvana 02-06-2011 06:24 PM

I have not driven my car for about 2 weeks because all it does is snow here. Well I wanted to drive it today and some $%##^%^$# mouse has made a nest right on top of the engine and chewed a wire to the black box thingamabob that goes to the engine or somethin' WTF! :mad2: :mad:

Cloud 02-06-2011 06:36 PM

well, any tips for washing one's hair with half gallon of water? a sponge bath I can do, but I'd really like to wash my hair before work tomorrow. If we even are working, with no water.

monster 02-06-2011 06:48 PM

Is this all the water you have, or the imposed rules?

Tip is not to use shampoo and re-use the water several times -put it in a bowl, bend your head over and use a jug to pour it over your head. Massage your scalp between waterings.

Cloud 02-06-2011 06:50 PM

well, I have more water than half a gallon in several containers; fortunately I had about 20 minutes' notice, but no water out of the tap. We're in a city-wide "water emergency" to conserve water. Not to hard, since I don't have any!

thanks for the tip; that sounds good

Nirvana 02-06-2011 06:55 PM

Can you buy a jug somewhere close? 2 gallons would do it. 1/2 to get wet, 1/2 to rinse shampoo, and one whole jug to rinse the conditioner and get everything all out..

wolf 02-06-2011 06:57 PM

There are several brands of waterless shampoo available. If you can't find any, you can fake it with some baby powder ... comb it through your hair and it will soak up any excess oil.

Cloud 02-06-2011 06:57 PM

I have jugs of drinking water, and several buckets worth of probably non-potable unless I boil it. But water is scarce in the stores, and we have no idea how long this stupid crisis will end, so 1/2 gallon was my estimate of the least amount I could use.

oh, and I've already done the powder trick, but I'd prefer actual washed hair for work tomorrow, as it's already been several days.

monster 02-06-2011 07:12 PM

We are generally a shampoo-free household. It takes much less water. But you have to wash it more often whilst your scalp gets used to it. The afore-mentioned process is how I wash my hair when we are backwoods camping. It works just fine. It's nicer and works better with hot water. But cold works too. If you really really really need to use shampoo, I would rinse as I described a few times, and then use the minimal amount of shampoo you can get away with, concentrating on the scalp/roots, then do one final watering to rinse that out

Cloud 02-06-2011 07:15 PM

excellent; this is what I need, thanks!

I've tried the "no-poo/low-poo" thing for several months, as I do have curly hair. in the end, I didn't like the way it left my hair, so I went back to sulfate free shampoo. Like that better.

monster 02-06-2011 07:23 PM

We started the kids out shampoo-free, but when they became swimmers, we found they needed chlorine-stripping shampoo occasionally, and intensive conditioner. My (short) hair is great without shampoo, but I do use shampoo everytime I bleach to make sure the bleach is washed out. That's maybe 3 times a year. Beest never uses shampoo -stopped before i did, about 20 years ago, but his thick long hair gets lanky if he misses a day in the shower.

footfootfoot 02-06-2011 08:50 PM

Shampoo for our real friends and real poo for our sham friends!

Cloud 02-06-2011 10:40 PM

well, did it. sponge bath and "manual" hair washing. I feel refreshed! we'll see how my hair looks tomorrow, ha!

Nirvana 02-07-2011 12:20 PM

Was told by my mechanic it must have been a %$^&&^& squirrel as opposed to a regular squirrel because he ate thru an entire plug wire and part of the smaller wiring. %$^$^%$&*& They will replace all the plug wires which means removing part of the engine and all he could tell me was that he hates PT Cruisers because of this. Wonder how much that bill will be >:-/

morethanpretty 02-08-2011 08:20 PM

I have to have my whole damn thyroid removed.

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