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Gravdigr 05-16-2012 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 811809)
Get over it.

I did.


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 811738)
...fuck it.

Just, fuck it...

Your turn.

DanaC 05-16-2012 11:40 AM

My turn for what?

classicman 05-16-2012 11:59 AM

I think he was makin a joke, but ya never know with that crazy Gravy.

Ibby 05-16-2012 12:08 PM

In any case, I think we have a "political pictures" thread and a separate "tasteless jokes" thread for a reason, and the tasteless and offensive sorts of jokes should stay in the tasteless thread. That's all I was saying. That's not butthurt. That's just wanting to keep the shit where the shit belongs.

classicman 05-16-2012 12:35 PM

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Moving along

classicman 05-16-2012 12:35 PM

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xoxoxoBruce 05-16-2012 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 811711)
...Calling attention to the problem is actually an important thing for us, as society, to do, even when we do it through humour.

There is NO legitimate reason to ...snip... put signs up (or laugh at other people putting signs up) saying 'LOL NO MUZLIMS IN HEER CUZ PORK GO MURKA,"...

Go back and read your first statement.


I think it contributes to the daily persecution many muslims in America face.
And your opinion affects me, how?


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 811851)
In any case, I think we have a "political pictures" thread and a separate "tasteless jokes" thread for a reason, and the tasteless and offensive sorts of jokes should stay in the tasteless thread.

But the fly in your ointment, or vice versa, is it ain't your choice.
I realize that everything you don't agree with is oppression, repression, inhumane, and beyond the bounds of human decency, but boy are you gonna shit when you get to the real world. :rolleyes:

henry quirk 05-16-2012 02:29 PM

"I, for one... REALLY don't find islamophobia funny. I find it nasty and offensive."
Well, I DO find it funny, so: bring it on folks! I'm all for bashing any and all fanaticisms.

Bash Mohammed! Bash Jesus! Bash Moses! Bash Republicans! Bash Democrats! Bash Libertarians! Bash Straights! Bash Gays! Bash Bi's! Bash Cross-dressers!
Bash the Married, the Single, the Clean, the Dirty, the Sane, the Insane, Women, Men, Children, and on and on and on...bash 'em ALL!

Humor is about taking taboo and pissing on it.

Grow up.

Spexxvet 05-16-2012 02:34 PM

An anarchist, sociopath, conservative loner walked into a bar and asked to buy a drink. The bartender told him they don't sell drinks, people pay taxes to the bar and get welfare drinks in return.

That's when he passed out.

henry quirk 05-16-2012 02:39 PM

I'm offended: I'm not a conservative... ;)

BigV 05-17-2012 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Donald Rumsfeld (Post 811736)
But sometimes it's more fun to just respond to what you wish the person had said.

Ibby 05-17-2012 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 811860)
Go back and read your first statement.

The "problem" the post in question, and its sign saying NO MUSLIMS HERE!11!1!, was "drawing attention" to, was the fact that muslims are problems. That's not okay in my book, and not a legitimate topic of humour. The sign was not ironic, was not trying to draw attention to the plight of marginalized minority groups in america - it was just islamophobic and gross. Mine, on the other hand, while possibly making light of whatever perceived hardships police face, also humorously draws attention to the very real problem of police brutality, especially with regards to minority communities.

I don't see where I contradicted myself. The place of humour to draw attention to problems with society should be, at risk of sounding self-parodying, restricted to things that -I- think are problems! Or, more accurately, they should be restricted to problems that aren't born from racism, bigotry, hatred, and intolerance. Because none of those "problems" (like the "problem" of Muslims in Amerca) are problems - they are symptoms of the underlying hate and prejudice.

Ibby 05-17-2012 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 811860)
And your opinion affects me, how?

It doesn't. Or rather, it only does if you have a problem with me making very vocal and clear what my problems with bigoted posts are. I'm not going to stop "bitching" about racism, sexism, heterosexism, cissexism, and just about every other form of prejudice, bigotry, and out-and-out filth I come across. Even if all I do is piss the offenders off, rather than making them "see the error of their ways", or changing their behavior, I think it is one of my moral responsibilities to confront that wherever I come across it. I can't make you or anyone else behave like a kind, accepting, understanding, humane, basically decent person - but I can point out when that's not how it looks to me.

TheMercenary 05-17-2012 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 810921)
... he he he ...

Dude that Rocks.....

Now if we can just get Michelle to tell us about wanting to divorce O. Hussein Obama after he lost a race in Ill. we would have something!

TheMercenary 05-17-2012 08:33 PM

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