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HungLikeJesus 06-06-2008 12:13 PM

16 of 666

Cloud 06-07-2008 10:10 PM

my abs are a bit sore from a workout yesterday . . . I took a nap this afternoon . . . and dreamt an intruder sliced my abdomen open with a knife.

Better than the "I'm late for work" dreams, but still . . .

Kagen4o4 06-07-2008 10:55 PM

just bought a book on the Gaia theory. will read it at some point

classicman 06-10-2008 09:49 AM

ghey what, Kagen?

Kagen4o4 06-10-2008 03:57 PM

wiki it stoopid

Clodfobble 06-10-2008 04:00 PM

[edit]Wikipedia, a large and successful website containing a wide variety of general information articles which may be edited by any user, is stupid.[/edit]

Kagen4o4 06-10-2008 04:26 PM

as long as you dont take everything it says as fact then it gives you a good idea of a topic you knew nothing about in the first place

Sundae 06-10-2008 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 460445)
my abs are a bit sore from a workout yesterday . . . I took a nap this afternoon . . . and dreamt an intruder sliced my abdomen open with a knife.

I dreamed last night that I went speed dating, as did another woman I work with in the pub (fictional dream character). A colleague of mine came in while we were both working (real person, but in fact lost contact with her years ago) and kept getting calls on her mobile from men who'd been at the speed dating event with us. And then a Vivian Westwood impersonator came in and said a codeword which matched her up with a guy already in the pub and they'd both met at our speed dating.

Myself and the other barmaid were gutted that 1) neither of us had any responses and 2) the people that did were flaunting it in our faces.

At some point I remembered that the event had taken place IN THE DARK so it wasn't even that the other woman was more attractive than me. I decided then and there I'd change the whole way I interacted with people. I stood and thought for a minute on my way through the kitchen, and just as I was ready to go back behind the bar with an amazing new attitude that I realised would change my life... I woke up.

Actually it was a typical early morning dream in that I was only in the shallows of sleep and pretty much know where my mind got all the bits & pieces from.

- I went speed dating in the last few months
- The woman I met and briefly befriended didn't get any dates and neither did I
- The real person in the dream was more attractive than me and I often found when we went out that men hung on her every word and ignored me - didn't help them though - it infuriated her and she was quite rude to them
- There is a blind contestant on Big Brother and I remember thinking that at least he wouldn't be judging the female housemates at face value!
- A customer in the bar on Sunday told us about a restaurant where you dine in the dark (the waiters are blind apparently) and at the time I thought I had heard about a dating in the dark evening***

It all ties in. :3_eyes:

ETA*** It was Dans le Noir and far from being a gimmick, it has a serious point. I am very tempted!

Clodfobble 06-10-2008 07:02 PM

Thousand Island dressing makes an awesome sandwich condiment!

Sundae 06-10-2008 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 461150)
It was Dans le Noir and far from being a gimmick, it has a serious point. I am very tempted!

How very whorish - quoting myself!
I was very tempted to treat HM to dinner at Dans Le Noir for my birthday.
Yes, treat him. He doesn't do birthdays. Or eating out. Or treating himself.

But 95% of reviews, professional and public alike have brought up the same complaints about the food and experience. Sadly, I can't even assume these are jaded gourmands. The complaints include slow service, luke-warm food and a very noisy restaurant. My absolute worstest nightmare. I would be completely distraught in a dark restaurant if I was waiting 45 minutes for service - my perception of time is dreadful and 15 minutes by my watch is bad enough if I'm waiting for drinks to be served. Lukewarm food can make me retch, especially as I wouldn't know what it was. And I rely far more than other people on mouth watching and non-verbal cues as my hearing really isn't great.

Silly thing is, I think I'll suggest the all you can eat Chinese as an alternative venue. Well, stick with what you know, right?

Cloud 06-10-2008 09:04 PM

but . . . the Vivian Westwood impersonator?

Sundae 06-10-2008 09:32 PM

She was a young woman (40s - young for theperson she was supposed to impersonate), strawberry blond with a bob that had been set in 40s curls.
She looked nothing like VW, it was just a dream thang.

Funnily enough she might have represented my ideal.
I love the utilitarian look of the war years, and you have to be ration-thin to wear it well. And I've been considering taking my curlers home this weekend (I can't manage a proper "set" but they give my hair wave & body)

Oh and I think VW won an award recently, or took on a new model or something. People in the news (as in the Cellar) often guest-star. I prefer it to an ex.

Sorry, rambling now.
But in a rambling thread, hey?

classicman 06-11-2008 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Kagen4o4 (Post 460452)
just bought a book on the Gaia theory. will read it at some point


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 460969)
ghey what, Kagen?


Originally Posted by Kagen4o4 (Post 461096)
wiki it stoopid


Kagen4o4 06-11-2008 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 461306)


Cloud 06-11-2008 04:38 PM


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