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Aliantha 02-01-2012 09:35 PM

OK, in case anyone thinks I'm against cyclists using the roads, I'm not.

I just think that for their own health and safety, and that of their fellow road users, they should be a bit more sensible in the roads they choose to ride on, just as motorists must. If the conditions aren't safe, just don't do it.

infinite monkey 02-06-2012 09:42 AM

Jebus Crepes on hot does it need to be in here? How do you die of heat stroke in the middle of winter in an office job? Sheesh. :angry:

Gravdigr 02-06-2012 05:15 PM

What's scorching my groove today?

Last night, I came home and Momdigr says "I think something bad happened." She then explains that she was online earlier (Facebook, what else?) when "a box" pops up on the screen (of course she don't know what it said, not even the gist of it), she said that about two minutes later the monitor made a sound "like an egg frying and aluminum foil being rattled around", then blink once and went black. No mention of any smell then, and it doesn't have that scorched/burned plastic smell now. So, who knows.

I'm using an HP monitor now that is just absolutely a piece of crap. Everything looks like I'm looking at it through a window screen. I can see the little dots from across the room. And I've adjusted everything I can, it's all washed out and funky, and can't be made to look like anything but shit.

ƒucking hate it.

Clodfobble 02-06-2012 05:56 PM

The little boy I babysit after therapy had diarrhea in his pants, again, and wiped it on my carpet, again. I want to fucking throttle his mother.

1.) Your child is not potty-trained. Stop insisting that he is, and stop bitching when I put him in a pullup. The 7 separate times I've had to bust out the steam cleaner say otherwise. Children who are not potty-trained go in a diaper or pullup because otherwise they shit on my carpet.

2.) Your child has chronic diarrhea. Stop insisting that he just "needs a little more fiber," or "to cut back on sugar." (And if that's really what you think, quit giving him Vitamin Water to drink!)

3.) Medicine is not bad. You give him a dozen over-the-counter supplements every night, but you won't take him to the GI doctor because you're "trying to keep him off meds." That doesn't even fucking make sense. And if you really are trying to go all holistic-mother-nature-healing, feed him real food instead of cookies and Vitamin Water.

I swear to God, her money's not worth this aggravation.

Lamplighter 02-06-2012 06:45 PM

Good post... I almost feel as though I'm there with you... glad I'm not !

My sympathies

Pete Zicato 02-06-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 793302)
The little boy I babysit after therapy had diarrhea in his pants, again, and wiped it on my carpet, again. I want to fucking throttle his mother.


I swear to God, her money's not worth this aggravation.

Proof #1517 that some people should not be parents.

monster 02-06-2012 10:45 PM

And the whole reason I don't babysit. I do laundry -it stays in one state.

plthijinx 02-06-2012 11:06 PM

clod, suggestion, tell her you'll take care of the hershey squirt if she changes out your cat's! :p

ZenGum 02-07-2012 12:44 AM

No, leave the "hershey squirt" ( :lol: ) and make HER clean it up.

Or ... point out that taxis charge a "befoulment fee". Last I heard here it was about $75. Costs a lot to chunder in a cab these days.

classicman 02-07-2012 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 793342)
charge a "befoulment fee". Last I heard here it was about $75.

That works... or at least may help her with an attitude adjustment.

BigV 02-07-2012 09:54 AM

(morbidly, scatalogically) curious Clod... How does that conversation go? I mean with the mom, I grok your conversation with us. I reckon you tell mom her little boy had an accident, including the fact that it was diarrhea... I guess. Actually. I don't know. I doubt you say nothing. I am really interested in mom's response, I know you're on the ball.

Clodfobble 02-07-2012 10:20 AM

Oh, she's an enigma, all right. He's in different clothes than what he left the house in, so she knows he had an accident.

"Uh oh... was it at [therapy,] or with you?"
"Yeah, it was here." (This isn't like some Old West face-off, we're all polite and I'm putting his shoes on while we talk.)
"Just pee, though?"
(slight apologetic grimace) "No, it was poop."
"Was it...?"
"Oh yeah, total mush, like always."
"Man, that's just so frustrating. And you know, [husband] and I just went to that big conference the other night, you heard about that? And this woman was, you know, nationally-renowned autism expert right, and I asked her, 'Why do you think all these kids seem to all have the same intestinal problems?' And she said, 'I don't know.' They don't have a clue! Who can help us, if the doctors can't help us?"
"Well, some of them get it. Dr. XXXX (our awesome GI doc, who has completely turned my kids around, and who I have recommended to her a thousand times,) he gets it. He has all the proof, the pictures of the lesions in the intestines, and he knows exactly which meds help them--"
"We don't need proof! We have all the proof right here in this room!"
"I know, and I'm telling you, Dr. XXXX treats the disease when no one else will touch it. Like I've said, Minifobette's speech just exploded after that first round of steroids, and then she was done, you know, the poop was perfect, everything's in remission--"
"Yeah, hey, see you tomorrow, okay? You guys have a great night."

That's pretty much exactly how it went.

Edit to add: Mr. Clod humorously suggested that maybe she has a problem with Dr. XXXX because he's Jewish, and she's a secret White Supremacist. Which was funny, because her husband totally looks like he could be one. And I told him that I would prefer that, because at least then her actions would be logical, if not rational. "Given A (Jews are evil,) then B (I cant take my child to this doctor.)" Right now she's just living in this limbo of, "Given A (my child has horrible GI disease,) then.... I refuse to draw any conclusions from this."

footfootfoot 02-07-2012 10:29 AM

munchausen by proxy or whatever. She's an attention lady of the night.

infinite monkey 02-07-2012 10:30 AM


Clodfobble 02-07-2012 10:36 AM

Nah, she's just terrified of meds. She's said to me before, "But what is he going to do? He does the pill cam, he sees the disease, then what does he do?"

"Well, it depends on the kid, but the protocol usually involves a tapering round of Prednisone, followed by Entocort and another type of anti-inflammatory depending on the damage, maybe Pentasa or Sulfasalazine... and these kind of overlap so you're weaning off the steroids and ramping up on the maintenance meds, and the idea is that you force it into remission and then the anti-inflammatories hold it in check, as long as you stay on the restricted diet and all that..."

And she shook her head and said, "Yeah, we just really want to keep him off meds." It's like the argument against putting kids on Ritalin or antidepressants, except these aren't psych meds, they're GI meds. I've asked her before, what if your kid were diabetic, would you want to keep him off insulin? And she insisted that was somehow different. She feels like the medical community already betrayed her, and she's terrified to go back.

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