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classicman 12-08-2014 09:41 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here's a two-fer.

Gravdigr 12-22-2014 03:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Video screen grab:

Attachment 49887

classicman 12-26-2014 04:03 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Daniel's wrapping helper... totally asleep on the job.

BigV 12-26-2014 04:05 PM


DanaC 12-26-2014 04:22 PM

Awwww. Tha's so cute.

classicman 12-26-2014 05:30 PM

She was ass out, sound asleep the whole time. She would kick her feet a bit against the bag every know and again. lol

Sundae 07-08-2015 08:46 AM

4 Attachment(s)
My rat boys:

Duncan as a baby.
Attachment 52386

Ditto Otis, in the little cage.
Attachment 52389

Having a bit of Duncan-time.
Attachment 52387Attachment 52388

DanaC 07-08-2015 08:50 AM

I could steal Duncan off you - he's so adorable. Otis is also a cutie-pie - but Duncan looks like I imagine Carrot would look if he was a rat .... kind mind works in very strange ways sometimes.

Sundae 07-08-2015 09:00 AM

3 Attachment(s)
Otis as a baby again.
Attachment 52390

The little cage is aquarium style. Never intended to keep even one fully grown rat in, but good for tiny ones, due to the bar spacing on the big cage.

They're two grown up boys, and are only "banished" to the little cage for the weekly deep clean.

They have a little wicker house at the top of the cage (which is the size of a small wardrobe). I expected them to use it as a hideaway from eachother, but one or both use it to sleep in. That and the "tunnel" hung from the cage roof.

In the basement there is a large moving box, which they have chewed exit holes into and out of, and in there is a proper plastic rat pod, easily large enough to sleep in. I put the box in there to protect their feet - they can get a condition called bumblefoot if they spend time on wire - and to prevent escape attempts when it was touch and go whether their bodies were wider than the bars. I've kept it because they like it, and they've never soiled it, except their dry scat, which I clean up obviously. Rat urine smells horribly, but they use a litter tray for that.

Critters rarely use the things you buy as you expected to. I have to empty the pod of hidden food in my daily clean, and it's always in a different place, or turned turtle. It's the site of their nightly scuffles.

Still, as you can see they do get on peaceably.
I only intended to get Duncan, but the rat expert in my local petshop (and internet reading) made me understand that rats should not live alone. They will scuffle, squeal and try to be Top Rat, but if no blood is drawn (and it never has been) then it's just playing.

So, two rats squeezed in a little space.
Attachment 52391

And two rats woken by the sound of the camera, sleepy but expecting a mealworm each and wondering if it's time for strokes and a run around my shoulders.
Attachment 52392

DanaC 07-08-2015 09:08 AM

Love that bottom pic! They look all dozy from just waking.

xoxoxoBruce 07-08-2015 09:13 AM

Nah, dozy from the Bubonic plague.

Sundae 07-08-2015 09:28 AM

They are rarely active in the full daylight, and I won't use a flash because of their sensitive eyes. But they're better value than truly nocturnal creatures - if I happen to disturb then they'll wake up right fine for a sniff of a mealworm or a raisin!

Duncan is probably more reliant on me as I had him first and couldn't put the two together immediately as Otis was younger (smaller) and a veritable Houdini.

They have proper balanced rat food (and gnawing blocks for their teeth), but I do feed them treats of fresh fruit and veg, esp small amounts of babyfood. I love the little organic pouches which I can reseal and refrigerate. Pureed pears tonight.

The most fun is a few tinned peas in a large water dish (they always have a big dish of fresh water as well as a water bottle) which they fish out with their little ratty hands. Although Duncan will sit him-whole-self in the bowl to get the last, probably sitting on what he's trying to find!

I wish they didn't like the banana/ porridge so much. It smells of... bananas. But it was on sale and they loved it, so I still get it now and then. Trouble is, they want to pick it up, not lap at it, so the morning after I have to take the whole shelf out to spray it down. No kinder of mine, then.

limey 07-08-2015 09:37 AM

Rhatty bhoys! You could always not buy them the banana stuff. They'd not hold it against you, figuratively speaking, nor literally ever again!

Sundae 07-08-2015 09:45 AM

I know, it's not like they can go and buy their own.
But it's a small price to pay for their little noses going up in the air and the expression of "Banana?!" on their whiskery faces. Anthropomorphising of course.

Oh, the automated feeder worked perfectly btw.
Except they used one as a litter tray. Presumably after they emptied it of food...
I suppose it does look similar. Anyway, the inner trays are designed to be removed, so a good scrubbing sorted it out.

Gravdigr 07-08-2015 03:34 PM

Otis & Duncan...I would have thought something more along the lines of Ben & Willard.

Sundae 07-22-2015 06:11 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Sorry, me again.
Duncan was very busy last night. He wasn't sure at all about the newly scrubbed shelf, so decided to up-end the dried food dish all over it.
Otis joined in, pulling the (cheapo) bedding about the place.

Trashed cage. At least it didn't smell though.

And as they were especially frisky, they got my leftover soggy cornflakes. Soy milk FTR. But they don't usually get this much. I was on a family phone call and couldn't face eating them after. Waste not want not and all that.

"Sorry about the new interior design."
Attachment 52707

"Don't blame me, I've been working on my climbing skills. And redistributing bedding skills. Ahem."
Attachment 52708

BigV 07-27-2015 09:25 PM

pretty cute!

Gravdigr 10-06-2015 01:07 PM

Not my pet, not by a damn sight...but, someone's pet, apparently.

Now behave yourself, don't make me get the scary fish and put it on the shelf.

busterb 01-07-2016 10:33 AM

1 Attachment(s)
New dog house, old one fail fell apart. Also the old dog shed, which is now a camper top.

BigV 02-25-2016 12:00 AM

Andy The Wonder Dog

Gravdigr 02-25-2016 01:34 PM

Lots of really nice pics there, V.

Please relay my appreciation to the photog.:D

BigV 03-04-2016 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 954351)
Lots of really nice pics there, V.

Please relay my appreciation to the photog.:D

Thank you, I have done so, and she says "Thanks :)"

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