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DanaC 11-26-2011 06:19 AM


With you in spirit mate.

Sundae 11-26-2011 07:15 AM

Be calm, Sarge.
Tull would not want you to suffer this way.
He chose his life the same way you did.

I'm sorry you're alone, but you won't be for long.
You have wonderful children, by birth and by choice.

Cyber hugs until you are with them again.

And sorry for all the shit you have to go through with your health.
All the Cellar ladies would try to massage you better if they could.
Although there might be a longer list for some parts than others!

Griff 11-26-2011 08:00 AM

Hang in there Sarge. Remember the good things in your life. You are a good man, we can all see that.

footfootfoot 11-26-2011 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 775701)
The exchange rate is about even at the moment foot, so not as bad as all that. lol

What does the word 'ball' have to do with anything? I don't understand the term. Does it mean a jar where the lid vacuum seals with heat?

Ball and Kerr are the names of two of the most popular mason (canning) jar manufacturers in the US. They both have been bought up by a parent company.

I know what you mean about getting the jars back. Between breakage, misappropriation and non-returns, I drop about 40-50 bucks a year on jars. It hurts when you do it all at once, but you don't notice it 50 cents at a time.

"A penny for a spool of thread, a penny for the needle, that's the way the money goes, POP goes the weasel..."

footfootfoot 11-26-2011 10:57 AM

I'm sorry to hear about your pain and wish I could offer you something to lessen it or make it more bearable.

You are in my thoughts.

Big Sarge 11-26-2011 04:41 PM

Sorry for whining again. I'm making the switch from Celexa to Prozac and it is a tough transition. BTW, I do have enough sense to realize the glimpses I see of Tull are not real. I'm not that far gone yet. Anyway, here's a link to Tull's info

SamIam 11-26-2011 05:06 PM

You have my deepest sympathies, Sarge. My Dad was career Army - fought in WWII, Korea, and two tours in Vietnam. After Vietnam, he'd get the worst nightmares - wake up my Mom and me with his screams. The VA sucked back then just like it does now. This country should be ashamed at the low quality of care it bestows upon our vets. Hang in there. We're all sending you good thoughts.

plthijinx 11-26-2011 07:56 PM

Sarge, sorry bro! keep your chin up and remember the good times!

classicman 11-26-2011 09:39 PM

Thinking of you and hoping things get better. Hang in there.

Sundae 11-27-2011 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 775846)
"A penny for a spool of thread, a penny for the needle, that's the way the money goes, POP goes the weasel..."

Up and down the City Road, in and out of The Eagle, that's the way the money goes, POP goes the weasel...

SamIam 11-28-2011 11:07 AM

The news about Carmen remains bleak. It sounds as though she suffering from some form of dementia/hallucinations. Her husband called and said that she is fighting everyone, pulling out her IV, refusing to have any tests done, and asking for money (?). So nothing is being done in regard to diagnosing and treating her which I don't understand. But its hard to get good info out of hubby anyway. He seems to understand about half of what's he told in the best of times.

Meanwhile, my cow orker while expressing concern for Carmen, is at the same time in the midst of staging a coup. Cow orker claims Carmen was losing it before she got sick and yelled at cow orker alot for no reason. Frankly, I have lost my temper with cow orker more than once and if Carmen did too, she probably had good reason. Whenever I have worked with Carmen, she was always pleasant to me and if she did get irritated at something I did, it was usually because I had messed up on something.

Cow orker has moved into the motel in Carmen's absence and claims that if Carmen comes back, cow orker will lock her in the back bedroom. :eyebrow: Cow orker also talked the owner who is out of town, into giving her the lion's share of the extra hours, meaning extra pay. She informed me of this this morning, and I'm so mad I could spit.

Between having cow orker suddenly take it upon herself to become the new manager/tyrant and my concern for Carmen, I am very upset today - apparently along with several other people here. What is this? A bad conjunction of the planets or what? :(

Clodfobble 11-28-2011 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by SamIam
Cow orker also talked the owner who is out of town, into giving her the lion's share of the extra hours, meaning extra pay. She informed me of this this morning, and I'm so mad I could spit.

It's okay, you weren't so keen on having to cover all those extra shifts for Carmen anyway, right? Even if the other coworker is officially promoted to manager in her place, you've gotta figure it's not going to come with a raise. You don't want to be "moving up" the career ladder in a place like that anyway, you want to be looking for ways to get out of there as soon as you can.

SamIam 11-28-2011 11:45 AM

You're right, Clod. I guess more than anything I am upset about having cow orker as my new manager, since cow orker is far from being my "nbff". Carmen was the one bright spot on that job and if she's gone...

I came very close to quitting on the spot this morning, but I need the money. And who knows? Maybe Carmen will come back and lock cow orker in the back room!

monster 11-30-2011 09:52 PM

What kind of idiot thinks it's a good idea to use live fish in tiny vases as table decorations at a swim banquet? :(

I know, I know, they're just feeder goldfish, but we -and 45 teenage girls, sat there and watched them expire whilst celebrating swimming achievements. :(

ZenGum 11-30-2011 10:03 PM

How did they taste?

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