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monster 11-30-2011 10:07 PM

Don't be silly, dead fish can't taste anything.

Clodfobble 12-15-2011 10:45 AM

Minifobette woke up mean this morning, partly my fault because I forgot one of her meds last night and partly because it's overcast and raining and that fucks with her head somehow, either because there are pressure changes giving her a headache or she just doesn't like the sky being different, who the fuck knows. Couldn't get her morning routine done in the standard hour-and-fifteen-minutes, so she missed the bus, thus I got to park a block and a half away and walk her in the pouring rain, meanwhile she's still whining about the fact that she's not carrying both umbrellas, and she doesn't like me wearing my jacket, and then she got mad that I lifted her over the giant puddle so instead she went back and dropped to her knees in it, then she was pissed because she was all wet, and then the stupid crossing guard nagged me about jaywalking instead of going all the way down to use the crosswalk, and helpfully suggested that I leave younger siblings at home when taking my children to school, because apparently my other children got the invisible gene from their dad's side, and the visible one wears this giant school backpack for fun, didn't you know? Oh and also, Minifob woke up blowing green snot everywhere, so his blood test next week is probably going to show that his WBC count has not recovered into normal ranges yet. And tomorrow I have to attend a PPCD Christmas party, then a Kindergarten Christmas party, then a therapy clinic Christmas party, all of which require me to make single servings of various holiday-themed snacks so my kids will have something to consume like the other kids, and real Christmas is coming and we have to drive 7 hours to see the in-laws and pack all the necessary food for the 3-day trip and my stupid car needs $2000 in repairs and yesterday I tore a hole in the knee of my last pair of jeans.

Okay, I think I'm done now.

Lamplighter 12-15-2011 11:08 AM

Wow ! Some Moms are supreme beings.

skysidhe 12-15-2011 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 780495)
Wow ! Some Moms are supreme beings.

I agree.

zippyt 12-15-2011 06:08 PM

damn Clod !!
Ya still got any hair left ???
Stay strong

Clodfobble 12-15-2011 06:40 PM

Oh man, and today even got worse later on. Got Minifobette's allergy panel back from the lab. We had tested for every single food she eats (only about a dozen,) plus the full regional inhalant panel (basically every tree that grows in Texas,) trying to figure out what the hell is giving her the constant allergy symptoms no matter how much Zyrtec and Alavert and Singulair we give her.

Anyway, results are in, and it turns out she is indeed highly allergic to just one thing: butternut squash. Which, you know, she only eats 4 times a day. It's the main ingredient in a "juice" puree I make for her that both provides necessary nutrient content as well as delivers several medicines. So over the next few days we have to gradually switch her over to a new blend using zucchini as the main base and hope she accepts the shift in flavor. That's convenient. :rolleyes: At least we have an answer, even if it's not the answer we wanted.

monster 12-15-2011 09:22 PM

Um Fob, you made my week look not so bad and it was kind of sucking......

monster 12-15-2011 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 780495)
Wow ! Some Moms are supreme beings.

The rest of them are just useless drudges getting by on minimum effort, selling their kids' food coupons to feed their crack habit....

DucksNuts 12-15-2011 09:46 PM

My first actual "shift" at work was good, then really really crap when I picked up my phone and had a missed call from my Mum (babysitting) 3 hours earlier, the stupid voice to text gave me this message "Edita and got a cap to clean his eye. Give us a call"

wtf? call Mum and Addison had stacked off the bed and crack his head open on the bedside table. She thought it might need stitches.

Get home and there is a 2 inch split between his eyebrows, which is still bleeding and gross.

Off to ER at 10pm at nite, home again at 1am with the gaping hole glued together.

zippyt 12-15-2011 10:09 PM

sign the papers so she can take them to the hospital in an emergency ,
Boys will be Boys ,
And dont forget those feral Roos !!!

DucksNuts 12-15-2011 10:14 PM

Shes all set and could have taken him Zip, she didnt a good job of patching him up until I got home.

Poor kid! Summer holidays and he cant get his face wet for 10 days....although its raining, and he has a cold, he still wants to play in the rain or swim.

zippyt 12-15-2011 10:48 PM

i can dig it , i had a broken arm one summer , couldnt swim and play in the sprinkler

footfootfoot 12-16-2011 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 780676)
i can dig it , i had a broken arm one summer , couldnt swim and play in the sprinkler

And NOW look at you!

How's the shoulder?

Trilby 12-16-2011 10:28 AM

I am feeling calmer and I read Clodfobble's storm of shite up there so now I feel a bit better and can stitch my tale of woe (for it is an Eyore's tale) to the bottom here.

Son number 2 is going to move into his aunt's house to dog-sit for a week and then he will move into his own abode.

I have been literally homicidal and suicidal and even a tad arsonist-y.

It has been a weekus horribalis.

whew. I feel I can finally breathe after two weeks.

zippyt 12-16-2011 10:30 AM

How's the shoulder?
funny thing is ,,, its the same arm
and the shoulder is Barometric

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