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Yelof 05-07-2004 05:15 PM

Perth try pinging

I get

perth 05-07-2004 05:17 PM

I get the same thing. Weird.

Yelof 05-07-2004 05:20 PM

we must live in parallel universes but somehow the internet has enabled a gateway to be opened to allow us to communicate..

or we could look for a rational explaination..

nah why bother, people are bound to prefer the exciting one ;)

DanaC 05-07-2004 05:24 PM


Very good.

beavis 05-07-2004 05:44 PM


Originally posted by Yelof

As I explained earlier and as a few of us have been at pains to point out evolutionary theory doesn't gives us much clue on how the whole thing got started, however creationists keep banging on the point claiming it a weak point to the theory it is not a part of.

well said. evolution theory makes no direct claims as to the actual creation of life on earth, simply how and why it has changed in certain ways.

Torrere 05-07-2004 05:44 PM

Newton was a fraud! The theory of gravity is just a theory and no school should teach it as fact -- or, at least, they should provide competing theories.

After all, no one really knows how or why two massive objects have a tendency to want to snuggle up with each other. Maybe it's interplanetary romance. Perhaps, when the dinosaurs were killed off, the Earth was just looking for love.

Torrere 05-07-2004 05:46 PM

Small changes accumulate over time.

Clodfobble 05-07-2004 05:53 PM

Oh my God perth, that site was freaking hysterical.

"This is also the first year that Muslim students from the Al-Jannah Islamic school have been invited to participate; two of their students presented a project on human anatomy entitled "Allah (SWT) Created Me" which, while it was found ineligible for a prize due to a number of Biblical inconsistencies, did win a special Interfaith Outreach ribbon."

I especially liked the middle school "experiments:"

"Patricia Lewis (grade 8) did an experiment to see if life can evolve from non-life. Patricia placed all the non-living ingredients of life - carbon (a charcoal briquet), purified water, and assorted minerals (a multi-vitamin) - into a sealed glass jar. The jar was left undisturbed, being exposed only to sunlight, for three weeks. (Patricia also prayed to God not to do anything miraculous during the course of the experiment, so as not to disqualify the findings.) No life evolved. This shows that life cannot come from non-life through natural processes."

"Jonathan Goode (grade 7) applied findings from many fields of science to support his conclusion that God designed women for homemaking: physics shows that women have a lower center of gravity than men, making them more suited to carrying groceries and laundry baskets... social sciences show that the wages for women workers are lower than for normal workers, meaning that they are unable to work as well and thus earn equal pay; and exegetics shows that God created Eve as a companion for Adam, not as a co-worker."

I mean come on, at least the high school kids tried... I thought the "Maximum Packing of Rodentia" project was kind of cool.

perth 05-07-2004 06:01 PM

Oh, don't miss the "4 Kidz" section, linked on the left. Out-fucking-standing stuff there. Especially Mr. Gruff.

Torrere 05-07-2004 06:17 PM

Anyone want to contribute to their collection of artwork?

DanaC 05-07-2004 06:30 PM


After all, no one really knows how or why two massive objects have a tendency to want to snuggle up with each other.
umm....I think physicists do actually...

beavis 05-07-2004 06:37 PM


Originally posted by DanaC

umm....I think physicists do actually...

the "how" part yes, but ultimately there is a dearth of answers to the "why" questions.

DanaC 05-07-2004 06:42 PM

If you mean why as in what caused it fine, but if it's why as in what ultimate reason or purpose was there in this happening....I dont really think there is a why to look at. It happened because it happened. It happened because various events caused other events to happen resulting in a chain of events....there was no purpose behind it.

elSicomoro 05-07-2004 07:02 PM


Originally posted by OnyxCougar
I firmly believe that the people who buy into Evolution as the Origin of Life are in the Evolutionary Theory religion. *shrug*
Main Entry: re·li·gion
Pronunciation: ri-'li-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English religioun, from Latin religion-, religio supernatural constraint, sanction, religious practice, perhaps from religare to restrain, tie back -- more at RELY
1 a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices
3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : CONSCIENTIOUSNESS
4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

Hey, if you wanna believe in something even though you're wrong, knock yourself out.

Torrere 05-07-2004 07:13 PM


Originally posted by DanaC

umm....I think physicists do actually...


It's important to understand that while Newton was able to formulate his law of gravity in his monumental work, he was not comfortable with it because he never, in his words, "assigned the cause of this power." In all other cases, he used the phenomenon of motion to explain the origin of various forces acting on bodies, but in the case of gravity, he was unable to experimentally identify the motion that produces the force of gravity. Moreover, he refused to even offer a hypothesis as to the cause of this force on grounds that to do so was contrary to sound science.


If science is eventually able to discover the cause of the gravitational force, Newton's wish could eventually be fullfiled as well.

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