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tw 11-19-2015 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 945776)
So you bring in refugees with nothing but the shirt on their back, may or may not speak English, then expect them to support themselves and rehab real estate? Lofty goals indeed. There has to be a plan to address those issues if you expect them to integrate and be successful. Otherwise they become destitute and desperate... prime for recruiting by terrorists.

Throughout America's history, destitude and desparate immigrants learned English, bought houses, and succeeded. In fact, 40% of the companies in this nation were started by immigrants. These tend to become the most successful Americans.

The Syrians are a particularly unique group. Whereas maybe 10% or as much as 15% of Syrians are higher educated (ie professionals), 40% of the immigrants (refugees) from Syria are these better educated people. Most waves of immigrants almost never such a high percentage of better educated people. Any nation that wants a brighter economic future (and more productive companies) would gleefully welcome Syrians.

Detroit clearly needs these people. Detroit has a job shortage because Detroit has a shortage or innovation people - the source of new jobs.

DanaC 11-19-2015 04:54 AM

Lamp's comments were overly harsh, but I see what he means about some of it. I doubt very much that bruce intended his comment to denigrate the syrian refugees - but the implied assumption that, unlike previous waves of refugees, the syrian refugees would be particularly uneducated, unskilled and unable to communicate in english definitely plays into an unpleasant and unfair stereotype.

The majority of those making such a journey are the people with the resources to do so, including access to funds and contacts. The proportion of refugees with higher education and an at one time affluent or middle-class background is much higher than in the general syrian population. Also - probably much higher than in the host communities they go to.

As an aside - we need to stop thinking about radicalism as a disease of the poor and uneducated - it's the other way around now. Look at which young men (and women) are travelling to and from syria pedalling extremism - how often do we hear that they were students?

fargon 11-19-2015 06:14 AM

In the late 80s I worked for a cab company, that was owned by Iranians. Max one of the owners , very proudly told me that he came over on a student visa and never left. They didn't pay their taxes either. I was glad to be out of there.

sexobon 11-19-2015 06:33 AM

So we first send all our refugee applicants to England for three years. If they haven't killed anyone during that time, they can come to the United States. That way TWO countries get to benefit from all of the refugees' wonderful attributes. You know the attributes I'm talking about, the ones that enabled them to manage their native countries so well. It's a win - win plan for Syrian refugees and Americans and isn't that what's really important. The others are only bit players here.

Just sayin'.

Undertoad 11-19-2015 07:40 AM

~ we actually need cheap labor in this country right now ~

tw 11-19-2015 07:57 AM

Where did so many American Noble prize winners come from? Harvard? Stamford? Yale? An example of how the emotional make conclusions. Topping that list is City College of NY. Because most productive and great Americans come here without education, often without English. They come here destitute and desperate. Immigrants historically are more patriotic American than fools who worship a flag, sing patriotic songs, and hype patriotic rhetoric.

The latter explain why we massacred 50,000 American soldiers for no useful purpose in Vietnam. And why we massacred 5000 soldiers uselessly in Iraq.

For younger ones who did not yet live through it, we now have wacko extremist rhetoric trying to get us into another pathetically useless war based in emotions. And by completely ignoring fundamental facts well understood and proven even 2000 years before Columbus was born.

Extremists want to see terrorism as a largest threat. If emotion was properly focused, then they would be attacking evil automobiles and beer. Numbers say automobiles and alcohol kill far more.

Why a sudden increase in the death rate of white, middle aged men? Something more dangerous than terrorism gets ignored when emotions replace adult thought processes.

Only the emotional blame all Syrian refugees because only one terrorist may have been from Syria. Fact that most others were local citizens somehow gets lost. Because the emotional only know from their feelings - facts and reality be damned. Watch the emotional hype fear and loathing rather than first learn facts. Facts such as how we all got here and why extremists exist.

Refugees are not are a threat. Extremists (on all sides) threaten us all. Current extremist rhetoric that wants more war is more dangerous than terrorism. Same extremists even hype immigrants as evil - rather than look in a mirror.

tw 11-19-2015 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 945875)
~ we actually need cheap labor in this country right now ~

America's unemployment rate has never been this low since George Jr began damage to the American economy. Last time unemployment was this low, George Jr had only been President for three months.

Never forget facts. The emotional fear (never learn facts) because rhetoric has told them Obama is evil. Same extremists who loved George Jr (ie President Cheney) also forget another evil created because emotion replaced adult thought. It has taken this long to undo extremists damage to the economy. We need immigrants. We have finally restored the American economy to where it was when Clinton finished. We finally have healthy employment numbers.

Another problem is traceable to what emotional extremism did in 2003. Today's terrorism is directly traceable to actions by that President and his extremists: Mission Accomplished.

sexobon 11-19-2015 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 945876)

[Paraphrasing mine.]

Originally Posted by tw (Post 945877)

[Paraphrasing mine.]

Fact: There is no right to emigrate to the United States.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Syrian refugees.

Fact: We can get all the immigrants we need from our neighbors to the south.

Let's first be good neighbors and in doing so set the example for Syria's neighbors to own up to their responsibilities in their region.

Fact: The US immigration program was briefly halted and then overhauled after the 9/11 attacks and refugee applicants are subject to the highest level of security checks of any type of traveler to the U.S.

This didn't happen without valid reason. So many US government run or contracted programs have failed to maintain their standards that citizens asking for a pause in any of them to ensure they can meet increasing demands is entirely justified.

Just sayin'.

xoxoxoBruce 11-19-2015 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 945862)
I doubt very much that bruce intended his comment to denigrate the syrian refugees - but the implied assumption that, unlike previous waves of refugees, the syrian refugees would be particularly uneducated, unskilled and unable to communicate in english definitely plays into an unpleasant and unfair stereotype.

These are not the people you've worked with in the past. From what I’ve seen, these are not emigres, they’re refugees. They didn’t liquidate their assets and arrange passage, but grab what they could carry and run. And after walking for days dropped half what they thought they could carry, to what they could actually carry.

Normal people have their wealth tied up in real estate and personal possessions, not something easily transported or easily liquidated in a war zone. Make no mistake, Syria is a war zone and has been for some time. Even if these refugees worked in an office or have manual skills in a trade, that doesn’t automatically apply to jobs here. Why even a skilled Syrian carpenter is probably used to that archaic metric system.

Most are likely Muslims of some flavor, may or may not speak some English, and have little or no money. To plunk them in Detroit, where they don’t have the support of a community similar to themselves, expecting them to find employment paying enough for a family to live on, no less rehab an abandon (and likely gutted house), is ludicrous.
Christ, the natives, who are familiar with navigating Detroit, are struggling to keep their head above water, working multiple jobs just to feed the family.
This will tell you what's happening in Detroit.

tw 11-20-2015 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 945920)
My penis. My penis. My penis.

Extremists are empowered by what other extremists do. It justifies hate - and his cheapshots. Quoted was the source of his cheapshots, hate, and extremism.

Everyone has done best possible to filter out radical threats. The program has been successful. Filter means some will always be missed. 100% filtering is impossible. But extremists want 100% filtering to keep them all out - as much as possible. Most immigrants are moderates - therefore must be evil.

Lamplighter 11-20-2015 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 945843)
Virginia mayor cites Japanese internment camps (favorably) in making case for halting Syrian refugees.

Roanoke mayor apologizes for suggesting internment for Syrian refugees
Washington Post -Laura Vozzella - November 20,2015-


RICHMOND — ...“It’s just not in my heart to be racist or bigoted,” Roanoke Mayor David Bowers (D)
said, according to Roanoke TV station WDBJ. “I apologize to all of those offended by my remarks.
No one else is to blame, but me.”…

One comment on this apology by hill_guy

An apology is nice, but a resignation is the only acceptable option.

Once you've stated, publicly, that you endorse the idea of building internment camps
and rounding up citizens based on race,religion, national origin, or sexual orientation,
your political life is over, effective immediately. …

Yes, I know. I have cherry-picked from the these articles.


DanaC 11-20-2015 04:27 PM

I heard on the radio that Trump was advocating all US muslims being registered on a database and carrying special identification.

There's a word for that kind of shit.

sexobon 11-20-2015 04:52 PM

Tw, you seem to be obsessed with dicks, are you a latent homosexual?

Your developmental disability makes you see everyone who disagrees with you as an extremist. It's not real, it's your delusion. Many of those who have differing opinions have access to information that you do not have. You're completely dependent on open source information and are quite frankly not very good at interpreting it; because, you haven't lived're just an armchair commentator. When you talk too much about these things while not being well grounded in reality, it makes you look like a whacko moderate and reflects poorly on all moderates. We normal moderates would appreciate it if you would not identify yourself with us anymore. Thanks in advance.

sexobon 11-20-2015 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 946019)
I heard on the radio that Trump was advocating all US muslims being registered on a database and carrying special identification.

There's a word for that kind of shit.

Yeah, he talks too much: Trump is the tw of politicians.

sexobon 11-20-2015 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Lamplighter (Post 946017)
... Yes, I know. I have cherry-picked from the these articles.

At your age you can't be a cherry popper so you have to settle for cherry picker. Life is hard, then you die.

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