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footfootfoot 01-07-2013 09:08 AM

Thanks folks. It feels like I'm crapping a red hot brick.

glatt 01-07-2013 09:10 AM

That doesn't sound very good. Sorry, Man.

Undertoad 01-07-2013 09:35 AM

It's like, in order to be her partner you were required to twist yourself into different shapes, and now you get to return to your original shape.

My ex was an accountant and would detail expenses down to the penny and everything had to be split equally. She was an ultra hard-ass about it. It could never even be "hey I got it this time you get it next time" because if the next time she had to pay $2 more, she would remember that and get annoyed.

So I twisted into that shape. Then when copacetic Jackie came around, she noticed that I was uptight about splitting things, even a year after the ex was gone.

When you return to your original shape, it feels good.

footfootfoot 01-07-2013 12:45 PM


things are heating up. More tomorrow.

glatt 01-07-2013 01:21 PM

good luck

classicman 01-07-2013 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 846817)
It feels like I'm crapping a red hot brick.
things are heating up. More tomorrow.

I found these two posts together rather humorous...

What UT said! He totally nailed it.

Nirvana 01-08-2013 04:38 PM

OMG you married your mother! :eek: Now that I have that out of the way I can commiserate. Not that I have anything like your situation i just hate that you are in the one you are in. Stay smart.....

footfootfoot 01-11-2013 04:00 PM

Today the inch asked me point blank if mrs. foot and I were getting divorced. I think I did pretty well at not throwing his mom under the bus. I have to keep conscious about that.

It was kind of sad when he suggested ways to prevent his mom from getting angry all the time.

I need a lot more sleep to sort things out.

Also have been listening to "Gone Girl" on audio books. Holy crap.

Chocolatl 01-11-2013 04:12 PM

That's tough. :( How old are the inch and mm now?

footfootfoot 01-11-2013 04:22 PM

9 and 5.5

Aliantha 01-12-2013 03:43 AM

When my boys father and I split, they were only little and they didn't seem to be too bothered about us not being together so much. I think largely because it was usually only one or the other of us at home at bed time mostly so there wasn't that adjustment for starters. I think it was easier.

They still asked the same questions though. Just not for a few years, and by then they were used to us not being together anymore anyway.

Clodfobble 01-12-2013 07:14 AM

My brother and I were about those ages when our parents got divorced. He was apparently pretty affected by it, though we didn't really know how much until years later, while I genuinely couldn't have cared less one way or the other. It just depends on the kid.

orthodoc 01-12-2013 08:19 AM

That's very tough, I'm sorry. Every child reacts differently; sounds like yours are very perceptive and want honesty. Probably a good thing.

jimhelm 01-12-2013 04:53 PM

Worst thing I heard from the boy (phone call saying goodnight) about a week after we split...

'I don't get it... Don't you and mommy love each other anymore?'

I died a little.

But kids are v resilient. They will adapt to the new reality faster than either of you adults. Feel for you, bro.

Trilby 01-13-2013 10:40 AM

kids are tough and smart and usually play you like a fiddle.

All the world knows I have daddy issues; my 22 year old let me know he has mommie issues because of, yes, moi. okay. So THAT particular pos got handed down.

and the hard core narcissistic mother who let you know you existed to honor and worship her? Yeah, sorry but you married her. S'okay though. I married my dad.


Why does life have to suck so hard 90% of the time? and that shimmering 10%----unless you take pics it never happened.

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