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juju 11-26-2002 01:59 PM

You know, the sad thing is that I actually know people who think this way.

Tobiasly 11-27-2002 11:18 AM


Originally posted by Undertoad
When the ears go back like that it's usually a configuration problem, not a hardware problem or anything serious.
Hahaha.. yeah, if he'd have started licking his nads, you'd know you're up shit creek!

arz 11-27-2002 08:16 PM

Al was right; it was a firmware upgrade issue.

Good boy!

quzah 11-28-2002 06:05 AM


Originally posted by juju
I don't understand the whole pet thing. Seems like slavery to me.
As I've read in the thread, you obviously have no concept of pets at all. Around here, cats just show up. They show up, eat the food, sleep on the porch with all the other cats, come in the back door, sleep on the nice warm dryer, use the cat box, wander around the acerage, do as they please. I'd hardly call that slavery.

I've got a dog here too, actually two of them. One is an indoors dog, one is an outdoors dog. The outdoors dog sleeps in his house, eats his food, the gate's open, he can leave if he likes, and yet, oddly enough, he doesn't. He runs along side the car as its leaving until it gets to the end of the drive. He runs along the drive to follow the car when it gets back. And strangely enough, he still never leaves. He's never had lessons to "stay here". But still he doesn't go.

I wonder why that is? Must be the ball and chain and daily beatings for not hauling in the crops...

The indoors dog does the same. He bounces off the walls when I get home in happy greetings. Jumps on me and licks my face off. Gets his toy so I can throw it down the hall a few times. Then promptly curls up by the fire.

If that's slavery, sign me up. Fuck going to work. I want to run up and down the hall and sleep by the fire all day long.

I have to make this quick, *I* have to go to bed and go to work on Thanksgiving day, talk about slavery...

Furthermore, most animals around now would be rounded up and executed for being on the street. So what's better? Wind up dog food, or sleep by the fire all day? And for whoever said the initial comment about dog food quality control is absolutely kidding themselves. Dog food is honestly made from dogs. Yes, it often is, look it up. People have found pieces of flea/dog collars in cans before.


Leus 11-28-2002 07:53 AM


Originally posted by quzah

People have found pieces of flea/dog collars in cans before.


Now that's snopesque.

elSicomoro 11-28-2002 08:16 AM


Originally posted by quzah
Dog food is honestly made from dogs. Yes, it often is, look it up. People have found pieces of flea/dog collars in cans before.
I searched Urban Legends and Google...nothing.

You made the claim, quzah...back it up.

juju 11-28-2002 09:25 AM

Perhaps they know that if they run away from home, they'll be rounded up and executed!

frasier123 11-29-2002 01:26 AM

The bond between pets and humans is one of symbiosis. Both parties are gaining, and both parties are losing to some extent. I hesitate to call it slavery however, because it's missing a crucial element that I see as defining slavery. The pet lacks the emotional capacity to understand the concept of slavery. It knows only that if it is well fed, has acceptable surroundings, and sufficient mental stimulus it will remain where it is. Normally, the pet's enviroment meets all these standards and it lives out its days happily. Calling it slavery is overlooking the benefits to both parties.

quzah 11-30-2002 12:36 AM


Originally posted by sycamore

I searched Urban Legends and Google...nothing.

You made the claim, quzah...back it up.

I've been looking for the source, but I'm unable to find it. Probably usenet or a mag. I naturally found a source to the contrary, but let's face it, they feed cows to cows, and pigs to pigs, so why is it hard to believe they feed dogs to dogs? (I realize that you're just asking for a reference, but think about it. Like they really care what's in the food. It's all about the bottom line.) And really, the source to the contrary isn't really that. It's one man's speculation that it doesn't happen.

And that's what goes into food you eat, not just what a mere pet eats. What do you suppose they put in there?


wolf 11-30-2002 01:01 AM


Originally posted by quzah
I have to make this quick, *I* have to go to bed and go to work on Thanksgiving day, talk about slavery...

Me too :P

Although I must report that I had as close to perfect a Thanksgiving shift as possible.

Phone hardly rang.

Nobody came to be admitted.

No police.

Usually thanksgiving SUCKS at the hospital.

You see, I have this theory.

Thanksgiving, more than any other holiday, if the transportation stats they tell us about on the news each year are true, brings families together.

Families that don't usually come together throughout the rest of the year.

Families that often don't get along very well.

Everything goes just fine ...

Until the damn bird hits the table.

And the wine flows.

And people stop being nice to each other.

And something goes *snap*! :angry:

And there is ready access to electric carving utensils.

But for some reason, this didn't happen this year.

And I got paid time-and-a-half (plus a day off to be named later) to surf the internet and play computer games. :thumb:

Gotta love it.

Cam 12-01-2002 06:12 PM


Perhaps they know that if they run away from home, they'll be rounded up and executed!
Wouldn't that be admitting that pets have a brain juju :).

And quzah I really doubt dog food ever contains dog. Not only would the animal rights activists be up in arms, but most dogs are buried somewhere. The only reason pigs or cows are ever fed there own kind is becuase the feed lot is too lazy to get rid of the dead animals in a legal fashion.

Dagney 12-02-2002 06:00 PM


Originally posted by juju
I'm totally cool with that definition, as long as people stop telling me how smart their pets are. :)

You may not want to hear it, however a large number of domestic pets are quite intelligent. They may not be 'vocally' intelligent, but they do express their intelligence in various ways - being mischevious, stubborn, or just being themselves. Put three dogs in a room together, and it's a constant dance of pack dominance, the same with cats, who stake out territory in a specific place in a house (a good example would be Hemmingway's 6 toed cats in Key West)

I won't tell you how brilliant my Maxwell kitty is....:D (He's taking dictation now tho)


jerguar 12-03-2002 09:37 AM

No thanks...
1 Attachment(s)
He drools a lot, but I'll stick with Maximus. Now tipping the scales at 280 lbs...

Undertoad 12-03-2002 09:58 AM

Good gawd, and the last 80 lbs are jowls.

jerguar 12-03-2002 10:15 AM

yeah no kidding. he can actually store items in there like a chipmunk. occasionally a large rock or piece of bark will fall on the floor in front of the fireplace...

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