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Big Sarge 08-21-2014 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by busterb (Post 907662)
Watched a little of White Collar. I think the wife of fbi guy's wife looks a little like wonder woman, Linda carter. I think is the name.

I had many teenage fantasies about Linda Carter and the Wonder Woman costume.:blush:

Big Sarge 08-21-2014 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 907751)
I have high speed internet and tv service. I'm saying drop the tv service and keep the wireless interwebz. Is that even do-able?

Thanks for the helps. I'm dumb.

yes. I only have internet and roku.

Clodfobble 08-21-2014 05:16 PM

Yes, the cable company can provide just internet, or just TV, or both. Or if you completely hate your cable company you might be able to switch internet providers, depending on what's available in your area.

Pico and ME 08-21-2014 05:43 PM

Orange is the New Black was a surprise to me. I really didn't expect to like it, but it is a lot of fun.

I'm a BIG fan of The Killing and was so happy to see that Netflix took it on after AMC cancelled it. I really hope there are more seasons after this one, but so far, I think I am watching a season ender....ya never know this with this show, tho.

DanaC 02-05-2015 01:46 PM

So I got myself addicted to Elementary...

First time I tried it I wasn't mega impressed. The sober companion thing seemd a bit of a forced set up. But - I was just coming off a Sherlock jag, and it just didn't hit my buttons. Then about two and a half weeks ago I started watching the first series - picked up where I lelft off at ep3.

Across two weeks I watched series one. Then yesterday and today I've been ill (throat, chest, temperature etc) so have been wrapped in a blanket, drinking lemsip and watching Elementary - I've watched half of series two :P

loving it. Elementary that is. The throat and chest and sneezing nonsense not so much.

footfootfoot 02-06-2015 05:41 PM

I've powered through the first 4 seasons of the Dr. Who re-launch. I was sorry to see Tennant go and expected I'd hate Matt Smith, but he's not bad. Amy Pond is nice but a bit young. Not sure anyone can replace Rose Tyler.

DanaC 02-06-2015 05:45 PM

There's a real tonal shift with Smith. His first couple of series have a kind of dark fairytale feel to them. The thing about Amy is that to all intents and purposes the Doctor's always been in her life. From the little girl, to much later.

Allows room for some interesting stories and new relationships. There's something almost paternal in the Doctor's relationship with Amy.

Out of interest, how far along Smith's run are you?

footfootfoot 02-06-2015 06:33 PM

Just watched Vampires of venice, first season, sixth episode.

I also realized I missed The End of Time and so don't know how Tennant died. NO SPOILERS! I'm trying to down load it.

fargon 02-06-2015 07:25 PM

Washington week in review. We are so exciting. Sorry I did not see the whole thread title.

DanaC 02-07-2015 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 921308)
Just watched Vampires of venice, first season, sixth episode.

I also realized I missed The End of Time and so don't know how Tennant died. NO SPOILERS! I'm trying to down load it.

Ahhh - yes you need to watch that :P

What youmay or may not have picked up on isthat as well as a new Doctor, the Smith era brought in a new showrunner - Russell T Davies, who brought the showback and stayed as showrunner through Ecclestone and Tennant handed over to Stephen Moffatt (writer of some ofthe best eps ofthe Tennant era) as showrunner and head writer. That's why it has a differen feel to it and a different narrative style.

Gravdigr 02-07-2015 05:06 PM

Backstrom - It's like House, Bones, and Monk got together and made one of them three-person babies.

But it's kinda fun.

And just started "Hill Street Blues" (S1 E1) on ShoutFactoryTV. It's like Hulu's poor, clunky, country cousin. I think they just started streaming services this past Thursday.

Lamplighter 02-07-2015 05:41 PM

Geez, Hill Street Blues was the first of that genre

infinite monkey 02-07-2015 07:56 PM

Hi Grav! :)

Yeah, Lamp...Hill Street Blues was the first of that huge genre. Nice series.

I just watched Almost Famous. Always late to the party. It's a nice movie. I can finally see why it is so popular and rated highly.

Clodfobble 02-20-2015 11:23 AM

Just started going through 6+ years of Parks and Recreation. This is a funny show, I wonder if it ever caught on. ;)

The thing that makes it special though is not the humor, it's the sincerity. They could have made every character a caricature and had another perfectly respectable Office or Brooklyn 99 on their hands, but they keep drawing it back to honest reactions instead of silliness. An excellent show says I, almost a decade late.

glatt 02-20-2015 11:37 AM

Plus, what was it you said about Chris Pratt a while ago after seeing Guardians?

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